像古希腊和古罗马人一样做爱!这款奢华的不锈钢 Cock Ring 不仅是对古希腊的怀念,也是有史以来最漂亮的 Cock Ring 之一。我们的不锈钢镶嵌阴茎环(La Greca 图案,即所谓的希腊钥匙)佩戴在阴茎和睾丸周围,可产生阴茎充血的效果。有了这款豪华 Cock Ring,阴茎勃起会更加坚硬,性欲也会增强......更不用说阴茎会看起来丰满、坚硬和硕大得令人窒息!
准备好去古希腊旅行了吗?出发吧在古希腊,性和放纵是美好生活的特征。这是一个美妙的混合体!您可以用 La Greca Cock Ring 将这一切带回家!
为了让您也能感受到希腊性爱战士的魅力,每一个 Cock Ring 都由经验丰富的珠宝设计师手工制作,绝对完美无瑕。Cock Ring 的内缘是圆润的,经过高度抛光,保证您佩戴特别舒适,勃起特别有力。特别优雅的希腊钥匙图案贯穿整个戒指,彰显您的男性魅力。
细节决定成败 - La Greca - 希腊钥匙!
这款完全无缝、易于清洁的 Cock Ring 包装在一个黑色天鹅绒袋中。为了使阴茎环佩戴合适,它应该足够宽松,便于戴上和取下,但又要足够紧,以便在阴茎勃起时限制血液流动。使用前后,应使用我们的 INSTACLEAN 喷雾剂清洁 Cock Ring。
Joli cockring
Très beau cockring, le bleu est plus clair que sur la photo
La version 50 mm pèse 97g
Dieser Cockring macht echt was her
Dieser Cockring macht echt was her. Sieht edel aus und macht beim "Anlegen" schon Spaß. Leider ein klein wenig zu eng (40mm), aber dafür wirkt mein Ding echt fett! Cooles Teil!
bel objet
les étoiles parlent,la qualité pour le prix aussi
Love the looks and the weight, gets me rock hard and so much so I'm ordering the larger size and the weight, well let's just say it gets me noticed by the boys.
Excellent 24/7 wear
Excellent product. I’ve been wearing this 24/7 since receiving it on the 10th of September 2022. It’s heavy, but it’s the perfect weight to remind you that you have a ring around your balls. It really has a nice look to it and looks even better around your ball sac. We bought the 45mm cockring and it was a perfect fit for me being on the smaller size.
davvero perfetto
adatto anche per inserire i testicoli. ho notato un reale prolungamento dell'erezione ( e non solo io XD)
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