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探索黑曼巴的秘密!黑曼巴阴茎套 "保证您和您的伴侣获得永生难忘的性爱体验。有了这款创新的阴茎套,您不仅可以确保阴茎勃起更坚硬、更持久,还能极大地增加伴侣双方的快感。



49,99 €




    发现黑曼巴的秘密!黑曼巴阴茎套 "保证让您和您的伴侣获得永生难忘的性爱体验。有了这款创新的阴茎套,您不仅可以获得令人印象深刻、更坚硬、更持久的勃起,还能将伴侣双方的快感提升到一个巨大的水平。


    厌倦了乏味的性爱,想在卧室里尝试一些新的东西?那么 "黑曼巴阴茎套 "就是您的最佳选择。有了这款阴茎套,您不仅可以增大阴茎,还能确保您和伴侣获得更强烈、更深层次的快感。

    更多容量,更多性爱快感:现在就试试"黑曼巴 "吧!

    使用非常简单:只需将 "黑曼巴阴茎套 "套在阴茎上,就能立即享受额外的容量和令人印象深刻的长度。


    像 "黑曼巴阴茎套 "这样的阴茎套的真正优势是什么?阴茎套不仅能让你在性爱中更加自信,还能将普通的性爱变成令人陶醉的强烈体验。被插入得更深、更硬、更久的感觉将彻底改变你的性生活。

    想象一下:有了 "黑曼巴阴茎套",伴侣的每一次抚摸和插入都将成为一次全新的、更强烈的体验。长度约 16.5 厘米,最宽处周长约 14.6 厘米,一定会给您留下难忘的印象。


    • 黑曼巴阴茎套
    • 秉承 "越大越好 "的座右铭,我们开发了这款黑色阴茎套,您只需将其套在阴茎和睾丸上即可。
    • 有了 "Black Mamba 阴茎套",您就可以用真正极致的阴茎尺寸来宠爱您的伴侣。您的伴侣会陶醉地呻吟和尖叫......
    • 材料:亲肤 TPE
    • 轻松增加阴茎的长度和粗度。
    • 黑曼巴阴茎套 "的长度约为 16.5 厘米,最宽处的周长约为 14.6 厘米,内径约为 38 毫米。
    • 那么,为什么要使用阴茎套呢?它不仅能让你在床上更有自信,还能将最平凡的性爱变成一次令人陶醉的冒险。有了 "黑曼巴阴茎套",性爱中的每一次插入和抽插都会变得更加激烈和深入。
    • 与 MEO 一起探索快乐和激情的世界吧!作为阴茎套、阴茎护套和阴茎鞘的领先商店,我们提供各种产品,将您的性快感提升到一个新的水平。我们的产品种类繁多,包括不同类型的阴茎套,可满足各种口味和需求。从逼真的设计到花哨的纹理,您一定能找到适合自己需求和喜好的完美阴茎套。无论您是想从视觉上改变阴茎的大小和粗细,还是想为自己和伴侣寻求额外的刺激,或者只是想为卧室增添一些令人兴奋的变化,我们的阴茎套都能为您提供无限可能。我们的高品质阴茎套采用硅胶或 TPE 等亲肤材料制成,可以丰富您的性爱体验。每个阴茎套都经过精心设计,为您提供最舒适、最逼真的体验。您可以在我们的网上商店舒适地订购,并享受我们谨慎、快速的送货服务。我们的客户服务人员将很乐意回答您的任何问题,并为您提供称职的建议。现在就体验MEO阴茎套带来的无限可能,发现性爱狂喜的新境界。浏览我们丰富的产品系列,找到完美的阴茎套,让您最私密的幻想成真。MEO--您的阴茎套、阴茎护套和阴茎环网上商店,让您体验纯粹的快感和激情!
    • MEO 商店提供以下语言版本:保加利亚语中文捷克语丹麦语荷兰语英语爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语法语德语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语日语拉脱维亚语立陶宛语挪威语波兰语葡萄牙语罗马尼亚语俄语斯洛伐克语斯洛文尼亚语西班牙语瑞典语土耳其语。要访问相应语言的商店,请单击语言。





    Aiutatemi a dire fantastico. Dopo un paio di minuti di difficoltà nel sistemarlo la prima volta e nel capire come far entrare entrambi i membri contemporaneamente, ce ne siamo innamorati: io sensazioni super amplificate e senso di pienezza incredibile, lui erezione mantenuta più a lungo e maggiore stimolazione.
    Non riusciamo a trovargli un difetto

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Con Black Cock potrete migliora le vostre prestazioni grazie ad

    Questo estensore del pene realistico è sicuro di soddisfare sia voi che il vostro partner, fornendo un aumento delle dimensioni nonchè riuscire a prolungare l'erezione! Indossarlo è semplicissimo, basta inserire il vostro pene nel confortevole albero cavo e far scivolare i testicoli attraverso l'anello elastico. Le sue misure XL aumentano il piacere all'esterno, assieme alle protuberanze che si riflettono anche all'interno della guaina per fornire un piacere ulteriore a chi la indossa.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Perfect size

    My wife needs to be abused once and a while. Warm her up with the magic wand and watch her squirt with this extension. Feels great for me too, never have any trouble getting off.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Love my new fat black cock

    I just wish it was real sometimes... Lol. My friend puts this on whenever we want to get freak on. It fits perfectly w/just enough room in girth & length. It helps him to on holding onto his orgasim....so he'll last longer. Then the build up is intense for him...its like 3 orgasims in one. Great addition to our collection!

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    excellent fit for him and lots of enjoyment for me

    O M G ........... yes .........excellent fit for him and lots of enjoyment for me !

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Almost perfect

    Almost perfect fit easy to use and plenty of girth.

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Sehr schönes Teil

    Sehr schönes Teil. Das gute Stück ist schön geformt und hat eine schöne Größe.

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Der Black Cock ist super

    Habe ihn vorgestern bekommen und gleich ausprobiert. Es hat super in meinen Po gepaßt und meinem Mann hat es Spaß gemacht es mir zu besorgen.
    Ich kann nur sagen: Der Black Cock ist super

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Ein echt geiles Teil

    Der Black Cock hat eine optimale Größe, sollte aber von Anfängern etwas vorsichtiger verwendet werden. Jedenfalls sollte man das Gleitgel bei der Bestellung nicht vergessen. Die Form ist super und gibt ein richtig gutes Gefühl. Wünsche jedem so viel Spaß wie uns mit ihm.

    • 4 of 4 customers found this review helpful.

    We really enjoy playing with this toy.

    We (m/f couple) love this toy when I can get it on. I never considered my ball that large, but the ring that goes around them is so small for me that it is really tight for me to even get one of them in the hole. I wish this had an adjustable strap or something like that. Otherwise, we really enjoy playing with this toy.

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    I love using it on him

    We love our black mamba sleeve. He loves the extra length and girth and I love using it on him, stretching him open and hitting deeper. It has become a consistent part of our use and enjoyment during sex.

    • 6 of 6 customers found this review helpful.




    探索黑曼巴的秘密!黑曼巴阴茎套 "保证您和您的伴侣获得永生难忘的性爱体验。有了这款创新的阴茎套,您不仅可以确保阴茎勃起更坚硬、更持久,还能极大地增加伴侣双方的快感。



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