佐渡博士的 IntraAir™ - 尿道刺激器,提供终极控制和令人惊叹的感觉
佐渡博士的 IntraAir™ 是尿道刺激领域独一无二的创新产品。这款非凡的性玩具不仅能刺激尿道中的敏感神经,其定向供气功能还将刺激提升到了一个全新的高度。这是一款专为男性设计的绝佳产品,集绝对投入和性控制于一身。
这款尿道刺激器具有一个独特的功能:当 IntraAir™ 轻轻滑入阴茎时,方便的泵球可将空气泵入阴茎。有针对性的空气供应会产生令人愉悦的压力,从而促进性高潮并刺激膀胱排尿。这种组合带来强烈的失控感,为尿道刺激开辟了全新的可能性。
尺寸:总长 42 厘米(16.54 英寸),可插入长度 33 厘米(12.99 英寸),直径 8 毫米(0.31 英寸),IntraAir™ 是深层精确刺激的完美选择。
佐渡博士 IntraAir™ 是一款开创性的情趣用品,适合任何希望增强尿道体验的人。这款尿道刺激器采用独特的供气方式、滑溜的材料、纤细的直径和精密的工艺,为您带来全新的刺激体验。IntraAir™ 是一款适合经验丰富的用户使用的终极性玩具。
Penis fart
I was dubious about this at first. I thought is was a 100% no-no to pump air into the bladder. Sterile saline or water is fine, but you still have to be very hygienic. But having read all about it and knowing the limitations I have used this three times since last week. You don't actually have to push this in very far. It is just the air pressure from squeezing the bulb that moves air when it has nowhere else to go. When filling the bladder, it is kind of tickling deep inside - really good. But the best is when you late the air go - it kind of rattles the inside of your urethra and makes the most amazing fart noises!! After an evening session I do find a little residual air in the bladder, which either comes out a little later or first thing in the a.m. The farts produce lots of frothy bubbles.
Pump up
Reinstecken bis zum Maximum aufpumpen, rausziehen und es anal treiben.
Nachdem du gekommen bist, pumpst du deinen Partner mit deiner Blasenluft in den A.
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