Crackstuffers Mushroom Head - 龟头隆起的对接插头 - Crackstuffers Mushroom Head
谁不喜欢粗大、坚挺、形状完美的阴茎?每个人都喜欢!Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 配备了如此厚实的龟头,这款屁塞一定会很快成为您最喜欢的性玩具。Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 的独特设计让人联想到粗大的阴茎,它能带来强烈的刺激和愉悦的拉伸感,将肛门推向极限。
Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 的设计能在插入时最大限度地拉伸肛门,带来强烈的充实感。一旦克服了最初的拉伸疼痛,Crackstuffers butt plug 就能牢牢固定,不再滑出。它非常适合玩 "推出去再放进来 "的游戏,将 Crackstuffers Mushroom 头推入肛门,然后再推出来,这种体验一定会让你爱不释手!
Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 有三种不同尺寸,每个人都能找到最适合自己的尺寸:
这些尺寸使 Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 成为一个多功能的屁眼塞,可以完美地适应不同的需求,在任何尺寸下都能提供强烈的刺激。
为什么我们的客户喜欢 Crackstuffers Mushroom Head?
Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 是最受欢迎的特殊蘑菇头形状的屁眼塞,这是有原因的。这种形状的特点是宽而圆的龟头,让人联想到阴茎的自然解剖结构。在插入过程中,Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 能提供强烈的刺激,因为宽大的蘑菇头比狭窄的屁眼塞更能拉伸肛门,产生极其刺激的充实感。插入后,Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 的锥形设计能让它牢牢地固定在肛门内,即使在激烈运动时,也能最大限度地降低臀塞意外滑出的风险。拔出时,宽大的蘑菇头可对肛门壁和括约肌进行有针对性的刺激,从而大大增强高潮的感觉。这款屁眼塞的用途也非常广泛,既适用于拉伸,也适用于定向刺激,是激烈肛交爱好者不可或缺的情趣用品。
与 MEO 的所有常用润滑剂兼容:
Crackstuffers Mushroom Head 是 Crackstuffers x MEO™ 系列中的高品质产品,采用耐磨、亲肤的材料制成。它与所有类型的润滑剂兼容,包括水基、硅基和混合润滑剂,如 MEO 的 GloryHole。建议使用温水和玩具清洁剂 VERYCLEAN 进行清洁。Extremeo 喷雾剂使插入更加容易,并确保更强烈的体验。
Un ottimo prodotto
Un ottimo prodotto, la taglia S è perfetta anche per chi ha esperienze con il sesso anale. Il materiale in cui è realizzato è molto piacevole al tatto
Wegbereiter für große Dinge
Wegen der relativ harmlosen Spitze und des flachen Anstiegs zur dicken Kugel, geht dieser Plug in der Erstanwendung einer Dehnungs-Session gut als Vordehner für größere Ereignisse.
you'll love the way this toy works your hole
This Mushroom Head Plug starts off with a gentle tease with it's flaired head, and then gently expands out to a larger bulb. Wear it like a plug, or use it like a dildo - either way, you'll love the way this toy works your hole.
Fantastic medium
The top sections shape and ridge warmed and loosened me up then sliding down to the main part was exactly what I was looking for. Firstly the medium provides a great, firm-but-soft stretch and its shaping meant there was never any doubt that I'd work it all in. Once past the widest part the rush as it slid home was great, and all the time that mushroom head found its way in deep. Hopefully I'll move up to the large after some more sessions!
You will love it!
The Mushroom Head will tease your hole just like the real thing. But not only does it tease, but it then expands to a gentle bulb, so you can wear it as a plug, gentle pushing it out and in.
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