Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer - 用于深度肛门刺激的超长肛门塞
Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 绝对是肛门训练的革命性产品!与传统的 Crackstuffers Depth Trainer 相比,该版本的特点是在肛门拉伸过程中提供额外的温柔刺激。Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 可以对肛门进行缓慢、特别深的拉伸,甚至可以容纳极长的假阳具或整个手臂!
Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 非常适合想要将肛门刺激提升到更高水平的人士。使用 Crackstuffers 的这款产品,您可以按照自己的节奏拉伸肛门,而不必一次性插入整根假阳具(最理想的方法是通过几个月的训练来积累经验)。当您准备好并想要更多的时候,只需换用下一个尺寸的 Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer,Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 光滑柔软的材质确保它能轻松滑入肛门,尤其是在使用大量 Glory Hole 润滑油的情况下。
由专家开发 - 最适合深度探索:
Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 由专家设计,是肛门深度探索的终极性玩具。许多肛门塞和自慰器都能帮助拉伸肛门,而 Crackstuffers 的这款奇妙产品却能训练身体的深度。波浪形设计可提供绝对强烈的刺激,而假阳具的握柄形末端可确保安全操作。Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 与您的手掌完美贴合,您可以完全控制 Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 插入您体内的深度。
Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 的尺寸:
Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 长度约 55 厘米,有五种不同的直径可供选择,以满足个人喜好和训练水平:
无论您选择哪种尺寸,Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 都能根据您的需要,为您提供深层、强烈的肛门刺激。
Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 的另一个优点是可以选择多种润滑剂。Crackstuffers Curved Depth Trainer 可与水基和硅基润滑剂兼容。油脂类润滑剂,如 Crisco 或其他知名润滑剂,也非常适合 Crackstuffers 生产的这些非凡的 butt plug 和假阳具。我们特别推荐含有泛醇和月桂醇聚醚-9 的混合润滑剂 Glory Hole,它兼具出色的润滑性和护理性。
7cm is already pretty stiff
While the shape feels incredible at the entry, 7cm diameter results in quite a stiff toy. While this does help with insertion, it unfortunately cannot bend sufficiently to really enter deep. Also, there were some surface defects on mine. Great idea slightly disappointing
Mon assortiment de jouets favori. Ils valent leur prix.
Designed to slowly stretch you deeper over time
Designed to slowly stretch you deeper over time, eventually being able to take larger toys or a whole arm. Stretch at your own pace, you don’t need to insert all of it at one, best to play over a few months. When you’re ready and wanting more, get the next size up. Use plenty of lube; they are smooth so that they slide in easily.
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