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Crackstuffers 深度训练器 - 超长假阳具,可达到极深的插入深度

多则多矣,少则少矣!Crackstuffers Depth Trainer 是著名的 Crackstuffers 系列中的超长假阳具,可达到身体的最深处。许多臀塞和假阳具都能拉伸肛门,而这款非凡的 Crackstuffers 假阳具却能以全新的方式进行训练。


129,99 €




    多多益善:Crackstuffers 深度训练器可达到极深的穿透深度

    多就是多,少就是少!Crackstuffers Depth Trainer 是著名的 Crackstuffers 系列中的超长假阳具,可达到人体最深处。许多屁塞和假阳具都能拉伸肛门,而这款非凡的 Crackstuffers 假阳具却能以全新的方式进行训练。


    Crackstuffers 深度训练器绝对是所有肛门性玩具收藏中的必备品。由于其长度和符合人体工程学的设计,Crackstuffers 假阳具非常适合握在手中,可以完全控制插入深度。Crackstuffers 深度训练器的光滑材质使其易于插入,无论进行肛门刺激的是男性还是女性。


    这款 Crackstuffers 假阳具的另一个优点是可以选择多种润滑剂。Crackstuffers 深度训练器兼容水基和硅基润滑剂。油脂类润滑剂,如 Crisco 或其他知名润滑剂,也非常适合 Crackstuffers 的这款非凡假阳具。我们特别推荐含有泛醇和月桂醇聚醚-9 的混合润滑剂 Glory Hole,它兼具出色的润滑性和护理性。


    • Crackstuffers 深度训练器 - 超长假阳具
    • 来自 MEO™ Crackstuffers 系列的高品质产品
    • 尺寸:长度: 70 cm,有多种直径可供选择
    • 材料:乙烯基,不含邻苯二甲酸盐,易清洁,亲肤
    • Crackstuffers 假阳具由优质乙烯基制成,手感极佳,可与各种润滑剂完美配合。
    • Crackstuffers x MEO 的假阳具或屁眼塞代表着最高品质的肛门性玩具。
    • Crackstuffers 假阳具采用亲肤、易于护理的材料制成,可与水基和硅基润滑剂以及混合润滑剂(如 MEO 的 GloryHole)完美配合。
    • 清洁:建议使用温水和玩具清洁剂 VERYCLEAN。
    • Extremeo 喷雾剂让插入更加容易。与 Ass Play 软垫或 Fuck & Play Sling 结合使用时,Crackstuffers 假阳具可以插入得特别舒适、特别深。
    • Crackstuffers 是一家专门生产假阳具和其他肛门性玩具的英国品牌,尤其以生产大型、超大型和形状奇特的假阳具而闻名。这些假阳具是专门为高级用户和喜欢强烈肛门刺激的爱好者开发的。Crackstuffers 最出名的是它的大型自慰器,这些自慰器通常比市场上大多数传统自慰器都要大,可以带来极端强烈的体验。Crackstuffers 提供各种独特的设计,通常是专为肛门刺激而设计的,包括具有高度明显的头部、窄轴和宽底座的假阳具,可带来不同的感觉。Crackstuffers 使用高质量、对身体安全的材料,假阳具通常由坚韧、不含邻苯二甲酸盐的 PVC 制成,经久耐用,易于清洗。该品牌与 LGBTQ+ 社区关系密切,在同性恋群体中尤其受欢迎。Crackstuffers 的产品专为这一群体的需求量身定制,提供适合单身和情侣使用的各种假阳具。所有 Crackstuffers 产品均在英国制造,这保证了产品的高质量和生产过程的严格控制。除了经典的假阳具外,该品牌的产品系列还包括其他肛门性玩具,如肛门塞、前列腺刺激器和针对 fisting 群体的特殊产品。Crackstuffers以其特殊的、往往是极端的产品而声名鹊起,是追求非凡和强烈肛交体验者的首选品牌。
    • MEO 很荣幸能提供 Crackstuffers 的全系列产品。凭借我们多年的经验、一流的客户服务和快速、谨慎的运输,我们保证您能快速、可靠地收到Crackstuffers的大型假阳具。在 MEO,您可以找到最好的产品,获得非凡而强烈的体验--始终保证您应得的安全和质量。


    Crackstuffers Dildos





    Depth Trainer

    Depth Trainer è un esploratore intestinale curvo, perfetto per andare in profondità nel vostro colon e curva dopo curva proverete sensazioni di intensa e profonda penetrazione.

    Crackstuffers è un dildo morbido e flessibile ma allo stesso tempo forte e resistente in modo che non si rompa

    Quando non si è molto esperti per iniziare a praticare questo tipo di penetrazione profonda è necessario andare con molta calma, ascoltare il proprio corpo, usare molto lubrificante e lasciare che il dildo si adatti al calore del vostro corpo.Non raggiungerete l'obiettivo finale al primo tentativo, nè al secondo,non abbiate gìfretta,si tratta di una pratica che richiede molto tempo, a volte mesi, e un costante allenamento per non creare danni e provare solo l'intenso piacere. Iniziare con un esploratore sottile, e quando avrete più esperienza potrete passare a diametri superiori.



      this is the only toy I’ve been able to get super deep with thanks to its tapered head and cross sectional shape (more like an oval than a circle). I’ve been enjoying putting things up my ass since I was 11 or 12. I got pretty serious with the hobby at 20 and I am 39 now. I was a stretch queen before I landed my first 18” dildo and sank it in all the way the first time it went in - needless to say my depths had been waiting for this for a long time. really fucking horny! this product was ultimately found by my parents and sister while I was admitted to the mental health facility in late 2016 (along with my huge kink collection including every known ‘big boy’ product available at the time). Have dreamed of getting this again now that I am back on my own.

      the sensation it gives you that far up can only be associated with when you take ecstasy. I would not be able to talk it is so overwhelming of the sense of complete relaxation and joy. it feels so great having an erection and orgasm was not even necessary. I naturally slowed and increased the depth my breathing which only made it easier to go further. I got it about 5” short of the full length before I assgasmed so much I became exhausted and relaxed that I fell asleep. only got to use it about 4x before I ended up in the hospital but something I have to look forward to in the future.

      MUST BUY!

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      Depth Trainer

      These toys were designed to help you train your hole to take bigger and longer toys. The sizes graduate at even intervals, so training is just a matter of practicing often. Use plenty of lube, and these toys will glide right in. Each toy is equipped with a handle on one end for more control, even if you've got lubey fingers.

      • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

      3/4 of the way there

      I can get most of it in, but I seem to hit a bit of a wall. It's a bit difficult to use on your own unless extremely flexible. Overall it is a great product, I'm just slightly impatient to get it all the way. We shall see how far I can go.

      • 4 of 4 customers found this review helpful.

      More of a question

      I'm wondering if you plan on adding a 2" thick one. I feel like 1.5" might be too small, but 2.5" would be too big, not to mention that step between seems harrowing. I know that meow makes everything in amazing quality so that's not a question here.

      • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.


      einfach genial dieses Teil kannst du schön einführen und mit etwas druck entgegen pressen wie mein Vorgänger es schon sagte flutscht das Gerät richtig tief in dein inneren man(n) kann auch schön sehen wie sich deine Bauch-Decke hebt wenn er ganz drin ist!!!
      Für ein Anal Fetischist ein muss emfehlenswert

      • 7 of 7 customers found this review helpful.

      es geht tiefer

      es geht tiefer und das ist wieder ein geiles gefühl,du muß bloß den punkt überwinden,der einen kleinen wiederstand dir setzt,dann geht es tiefer,mit etwas übung,geht es später dann leichter.
      setze den punkt etwas unter druck und er flutscht rein.
      geht später auch mit 5 cm stärke und locker 60cm länge.

      • 11 of 12 customers found this review helpful.

      The feeling of each inch is great

      Remember take it slow. The feeling of each inch is great. Don't rush anything. After 4 or 5 tries, it would go deeper, and the craving to have it all was indescribable. One day I told myself "this it is"...and before I knew it, I had the the thing disappear in my ass. I would fish it out. and slowly retrieve the entire length. I did this several times afterward. Great. Just remember little at a time and slowly. Always rotate it as you progress to allow it to follow the curves.

      • 8 of 9 customers found this review helpful.

      This is a great product.

      This is a great product. I grease it up and insert. Little by little at first try. It feels great. Often I pull it out and grease it up again and insert. Feels great and provides great stimulation.

      • 6 of 7 customers found this review helpful.

      Use lube and go slow

      I just got my depth trainer in the mail. It is a great item
      I was able on the first try to get the whole length of
      35 cm in on the first try. Use lube and go slow, using the twisting method

      • 5 of 6 customers found this review helpful.

      Das Teil ist nichts für Anfänger...

      Wirklich eine imponierende Größe und ein beeindruckendes Ergebnis, wenn er da angekommen ist, wo er herein sollte. Man(n) sollte wirklich Zeit und Lust investieren.

      • 6 of 6 customers found this review helpful.


      Omfg this toy is amazing...it is worth the money and good for a good pussy or ass ...pls buy

      • 2 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

      Für extreme Spiele sehr gut

      Lieferung war sehr schnell und diskret. Ein schönes Teil, schon beim auspacken war man gespannt wie er sich anfühlen wird wen er drin ist. Man kann ihn nur weiter Empfehlen.

      • 4 of 4 customers found this review helpful.


      Crackstuffers 深度训练器 - 超长假阳具,可达到极深的插入深度

      Crackstuffers 深度训练器 - 超长假阳具,可达到极深的插入深度

      多则多矣,少则少矣!Crackstuffers Depth Trainer 是著名的 Crackstuffers 系列中的超长假阳具,可达到身体的最深处。许多臀塞和假阳具都能拉伸肛门,而这款非凡的 Crackstuffers 假阳具却能以全新的方式进行训练。



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