如果您正在寻找一次特殊的情色冒险,Mystim 的 Sleak Freak 电子刺激振动器正是您所需要的!这款创新实用的电子性爱玩具集您梦寐以求的一切于一身!强劲但非常安静的马达、8 种不同的振动模式、5 种电子刺激程序和一种强化骨盆底肌肉的特殊程序。如果 Sleak Freak 需要休息一下,它可以通过附带的磁性充电线快速恢复使用。
无论是肛门刺激、前列腺按摩还是 G 点刺激 - Sleak Freak 都是全能型产品。它非常适合各种情趣游戏,无论是阴道游戏还是肛交游戏,无论是单独使用还是情侣使用。使用少量水基润滑剂后,快感再次大幅提升,同时确保振动和刺激电流的最佳传输。
Sleak Freak 的优势还体现在其简单的操作上。只需按下按钮,即可选择振动模式和电脉冲强度。两种功能可同时使用,也可分开使用,随心所欲。E-Stim 振动器始终保持怡人的静音效果,让您的私密愉悦完全不为人知。但请注意:您的欢愉叫声仍会被人听到!
即使在淋浴或浴缸中,Sleak Freak 也不会让您失望,因为它是防水的。放松身心,感受温水拂过肌肤的感觉,同时享受由轻到重的振动和电脉冲的呵护,这才是真正的快感!
即使是保养您的新宠也非常简单。Sleak Freak 很容易用清水和中性肥皂清洗,您也可以使用我们的 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂。但请注意,您只能使用水基润滑剂或电击专用润滑剂,以免损坏 Sleak Freak 的丝滑表面。
还等什么?快加入这场冒险,探索 Mystim Sleak Freak 电子刺激振动器为您带来的众多乐趣。您的多重高潮会让您感激不尽!
E-Stim 情趣玩具由医用铂金硅胶制成。这使它非常卫生,用湿布和温和的肥皂就能轻松清洁。每隔一段时间,您还应使用 VERYCLEAN 等皮肤友好型消毒剂(请遵循使用说明)。使用或充电前,请让振动器完全晾干。请确保只使用水性润滑剂,例如我们专为电击开发的 ESHOCK 凝胶。
Mir gefällt die Elektrostimulation überhaupt nicht.
Game-Changer for My BDSM Playtime
Alright, BDSM peeps and pleasure-seekers, if you haven’t tried the "Sleak Freak" E-Stim Vibrator by Mystim, you're seriously missing out. This was my first E-Stim experience, and man, what a ride it has been!
First off, this sleek little gadget is small and compact, fitting effortlessly into all kinds of play. Solo sessions, foreplay, full-on action - you name it, Sleak Freak enhances it. And don't let its size fool you. This thing is powerful!
With 8 vibration modes and 5 E-Stim settings, the possibilities are almost overwhelming. Each one provides a unique blend of pulse-pounding pleasure and delicious, tingling shock. As a newbie to E-Stim, I was amazed by how the pulsations added a new level of intensity to my playtime.
And guess what? This beast even doubles as a pelvic floor trainer! Not something I thought I’d be into, but it’s actually a great bonus. Besides, who wouldn't want a more powerful orgasm?
The silky smooth silicone is a joy to handle, making insertion a breeze. It’s also waterproof, so I finally got to enjoy E-Stim in the shower (dream come true, am I right?). And when Sleak Freak needs a recharge, the included magnetic charging cable makes it quick and easy.
Sleak Freak is not just an anal stimulator, a prostate massager, or a G-spot stimulator, it's all three rolled into one! This versatile toy has seriously upped my BDSM game. So, to all my fellow explorers out there - take it from a first-timer turned devotee: the Sleak Freak is a game-changer. Dive in and let the electrifying journey begin!
水基润滑剂 Aquameo Premium
16,99 € 9,99 €