您的下身会真的把它们吞下去!MEO ®奢华、高度抛光的肛门球由坚固的不锈钢制成,因此重量很重,非常适合特别激烈的肛交。
肛门球一个接一个地插入肛门,并在性高潮来临前拔出--这样,性高潮的感觉会强烈 10 倍!
由于肛门球表面无缝、光滑,只需使用少量 MANCUNT 润滑剂,就能舒适地插入。您会立即感觉到肌肉紧紧包裹着睾丸,给您强烈的刺激;感觉就像您的肛门正在吞下一个又一个睾丸。黑色皮质绑带可确保安全,并方便取出别致的睾丸。
使用后,可以用温水和我们的 VERYCLEAN 玩具清洁剂轻松清洗球球。想要额外的刺激?只需将不锈钢肛门球放入冰箱冷藏片刻,即可体验独一无二的冰爽快感。
Si estás iniciandote en el tema anal, estás bolas son perfectas. Poco a poco puedes ir introduciendo más hasta usar todas. 100% recomendado.
Materiale e impugnatura Ottima. Ho preso la taglia 45mm. Mi sono trovata benissimo e si ci entrano tutte! Credo sia il mio toy preferito
Un prodotto così straordinario!
Un prodotto così straordinario! Santo moli. Avrei dovuto comprarlo prima. Lo consiglio vivamente!!
Trop fort !
Pas déçu par ces trois grosses boules, au point que la troisième est difficilement rentrée !! Sentir ces 3 boules dans mon anus me procure un sensation d'être bien rempli comme j'aime. MEO est vraiment expert en jouets anaux, je vais continuer à me faire plaisir en achetant mes sextoys chez MEO.
Juguete divertido y que da buenos momentos
Es como se ve en la foto, un juguete divertido y para pasar buenos ratos, a disfrutarlo que para eso está diseñado.
Hat mal wieder alles problemlos geklappt bei MEO. Preis und Service immer wieder vom Feinsten.
Die Analkugeln haben die perfekte Größe. Ist schön flexibel, edles Material mit perfekter, flutschiger Oberfläche.
Kurz bevor ich "komme", ziehe ich sie entweder ganz langsam und dann ruckartig raus. Mein Orgasmus ist dann 100 mal so stark.
article conforme
article conforme et livraison dans le délai prévu , bon vendeur il est possible que je recommande chez MEO si j'ai besoin d'autres articles
Beim Auspacken merkt man erst, wie schwer das Teil ist.
Aber sehr gute Qualität und flexibel beim Einführen.
Ein Genuss für Kenner und Liebhaber des Aussergewöhnlichen
Die Analkugeln bahnen sich ihren Weg zu erotischen Hochgenüssen von ganz alleine.
Loved them my wife use them on me and they feel great. I've even slept with them inn.
I found this great fun and it pleasured me for 5 whole hours!! Great product and i have had a lot if uses from this one!!!
They're good!
Bought these and they came yesterday. Warmed up a bit with my jelly dildo and lubed these up. The first ball slipped in easily. Got the second in. Then the third. Most amazing toy I have ever bought. Is a must have.
Shock and Awe!
They are definitely bigger in real life - in between a tennis ball and a golf ball...
As the first went in.... it was like... OH MY GOD!... then the 2nd.... OH YESS!....The 3rd... OK... thats IT! and....they are heavy too! Just make sure you are well lubed up... lay back and enjoy! Great buy!
Awesome toy
These anal balls are ia must have for intermediate to advanced anal player.
Each ball going in and out of your bum is going to give you mind melting pleasure. I am so very satisfied with this product that i have to go back and give it a 5 star review which i don't usually do by the way.
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