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肛门放松润滑剂 Alphamale Aqua - 带来惊艳效果的绝佳肛交体验!

体验绝对无忧无虑的肛交,即使是第一次也不会感到不适。完全放松,尽情享受激情--水基肛门放松润滑剂 Alphamale 是一种神奇的武器,能让您在完全放松的肛交中获得所需的宁静。最重要的是:这款润滑剂甚至适用于硅胶情趣用品!



19,99 €

-3,00 €

16,99 €

169,90 €/L




    肛门放松润滑液 Alphamale Aqua - 让肛交变得轻松,非常适合大阳具!

    体验绝对无忧无虑的肛交,即使是第一次,也不会感到不适。完全放松,尽情享受激情--水基肛门放松润滑液 Alphamale 是一种神奇的武器,能让您在完全放松的肛交中获得所需的宁静。最重要的是,这款润滑液甚至适用于硅胶情趣用品!

    我们的肛门放松润滑液结合了我们成功的水基润滑液 Aquameo 的特性和众所周知的肛门放松喷雾 Extremeo 的优点,让您的肛交无忧无虑。肛交有时会很痛苦,但我们的肛门放松润滑剂可以降低敏感度,让您安全放松地插入肛门,并提供持久润滑。

    Alphamale Aqua 适合好奇的初学者和经验丰富的肛交爱好者,因为这款丝滑、略带光泽的润滑凝胶是专门为各种类型的肛交而开发的。

    AlphaMale 肛门舒爽润滑剂符合水基润滑剂的所有要求,是寻找符合肛交特殊要求的润滑剂的任何人的理想选择。此外,这款润滑剂还可以毫无问题地与大多数情趣用品一起使用,包括硅胶制成的情趣用品。

    Alphamale 水性肛门放松润滑剂含有多种成分,这些成分结合在一起可以确保愉悦无忧的肛门快感。其中一种成分是月桂醇聚醚-9,这是一种高效成分。它直接作用于括约肌,有助于放松肛门。这种放松效果有利于阴茎或假阳具插入肛门,并减少可能出现的疼痛。


    • 肛门放松润滑剂
    • 保证肛交轻松自如。
    • 肛交初学者的理想选择。
    • 具有放松效果的水基润滑剂。
    • 感觉舒适逼真。
    • 高效经济。
    • 是假阳具和屁眼塞的理想润滑剂。
    • 适用于安全套。
    • 持久润滑。
    • 水溶性、不油腻的润滑剂。
    • 不含人工香料和色素。
    • 皮肤和粘膜兼容性经皮肤科证实。
    • 德国制造。
    • 带有 CE 标志。

    Alphamale Aqua 具有放松效果,可轻松进入肛门。


    • 肛门放松润滑剂 Alphamale Aqua
    • AlphaMamale Aqua 对安全套无害,可提高肛交时的润滑效果。
    • 这款润滑剂适用于各种情趣用品、阴道性交、肛交,当然也适用于自慰。
    • 我们的润滑剂经过皮肤测试,与皮肤和粘膜兼容。
    • 润滑剂为水溶性,不含脂肪,无色、无味、无臭。
    • 100 ml = 3.38 fl.oz.实用分配瓶装润滑剂
    • 使用方法:用手指沾取少量润滑剂,按摩肛门。在阴茎或假阳具上涂抹相同分量的润滑剂。
    • Alphamale 肛交润滑剂成分:水、甘油、丙二醇、月桂醇聚醚-9、生育酚乙酸酯、丙烯酸钠/丙烯酰二甲基牛磺酸钠共聚物、异十六烷、羟乙基纤维素、聚山梨醇酯 80、苯氧乙醇、乙基己基甘油。
    • 建议先用少量润滑剂进行测试,以确保不会出现不良反应或过敏现象。
    • 我们对润滑剂的质量和安全性绝不妥协。在MEO,我们每天都在不断提高产品质量,并将您的满意度放在首位。我们在德国独家生产,采用经过认证的优质成分,对您的性生活绝对安全。




    geiles zeug

    dias gal ist richtig gut aber ich wünschte es währe dick flüssiger und in größeren flaschen


      Keine Schmerzen - auch als Anfänger

      Ich habe immer gezögert und mich verkrampft und hatte immer Schmerzen wenn es um Analverkehr ging, aber dieses Produkt hilft mir wirklich sehr. Es fühlt sich sogar ziemlich geil an und seitdem ich das Alphamale nehme habe ich "Appetit" auf mehr, auf VIEL MEHR bekommen. Ich habe mich jetzt an die ersten Dildos rangetraut und auch damit funktioniert es auch SEHR GUT. Der Begriff "Wunderwaffe" passt echt ziemlich gut. Das geile daran ist tatsächlich, dass es sich auch trotz der leichten Betäubung ziemlich gut anfühlt. Es nimmt halt den ersten Schmerz und danach kann es richtig zur Sache gehn. Bin ziemlich dankbar!!!

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      Alphamale is a total game changer!

      Wow, where do I even start? Alphamale is a total game changer! I've tried many lubes, but none have impressed me as much as this one. It's a water-based lube, making it super versatile. It feels incredibly natural and is highly effective and economical. A few drops are enough to keep the fun going for hours.

      What I love the most is that it's perfect for both condoms and all kinds of sex toys. Some lubes can damage certain materials, but with Alphamale, I don't have to worry about any of that. And the best part: its long-lasting lubrication properties are simply unbeatable. No more constant reapplication; this lube just keeps on going!

      And as if all of that wasn't enough, Alphamale is also made in Germany - quality you can trust. All in all: I'm absolutely thrilled and will definitely stick with it. Give it a try, guys, you won't regret it!

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      The perfect companion

      This is simply the best lube I have ever tried. It has a lovely silky smooth consistency to it. It is very easy to apply, causes no irritation and is perfect for those with sensitive skin. I could not have been happier with this purchase. Definitely 5 stars from me :-)

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      Lo ricomprerò di continuo!

      Il miglior lube in assoluto che abbia mai provato (e ne ho provati davvero tanti). Questo è quello che meno abbia lasciato quella sensazione fastidiosissima di secchezza, tipica di quando si asciugano sulla pelle molti lub a base d'acqua. Invece questo, anche quando si asciuga dopo un po', lascia le parti morbide ed idratate, al contrario di molti altri lub ad acqua che costringono al riutilizzo continuo dopo la prima applicazione per via della secchezza che lasciano poi.
      Lo ricomprerò di continuo!

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      Lubrificante anale

      Il lubrificante anale ALPHAMALE e' adatto agli uomini e alle loro trasgressioni anali. Grazie alla sua particolare formula particolarente viscosa e che non si asciuga facilmente e' ottimo per il sesso anale, anche prolungato nel tempo.

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      Perfektes Gleitgel für anale Freunden.

      Perfektes Gleitgel für anale Freunden. Flutscht gut, bröselt nicht und lässt alles nochmal geiler genießen. P/L passt hir auch absolut.

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.


      New to using toys. This allows me to get quite large toys into my anus and use them quite enthusiastically. A little discomfort but all pleasurable. Do wash your penis very well if you penetrate someone who has this lube in them otherwise you will have a bit of a red sore one for a few hours.

      • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

      Trés bon produit

      Trés bon produit, je le conseil aux adeptes de la sodomie

      • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

      Great !!!

      At first I didn't think it worked well enough, but actually it numbs just enough, not too much.

      • 2 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

      lubrifiant tres bien pour une penetration anal agreable pas irri

      lubrifiant tres bien pour une penetration anal agreable pas irritant

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      Richtig geil

      Also das Gleitgel hat dich mal richtig gelohnt... der anfängliche Schmerz beim analen Eindringen ist weg und kann man gleich zum geilen Analsex kommen. Hart und Tief so wie ich es mag... vorher tat das am Anfang etwas weh! Da musste ich die Zähne zusammenbeissen weil ich wusste was mich danach erwartet - aber jetzt ist der sex einfach nur extrem geil.

      • 1 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      Muss mann probieren

      Perfekt ! Würde es immer wieder bestellen. Prompte Lieferung; ich und mein Partner sind begeistert. Haben schon viele Anal-Gele getestet aber das Alphamale ist perfekt für den Analsex.

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.


      肛门放松润滑剂 Alphamale Aqua - 带来惊艳效果的绝佳肛交体验!

      肛门放松润滑剂 Alphamale Aqua - 带来惊艳效果的绝佳肛交体验!

      体验绝对无忧无虑的肛交,即使是第一次也不会感到不适。完全放松,尽情享受激情--水基肛门放松润滑剂 Alphamale 是一种神奇的武器,能让您在完全放松的肛交中获得所需的宁静。最重要的是:这款润滑剂甚至适用于硅胶情趣用品!



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