柔韧的对接插头 Ass Anchor 可以挤压,因此可以毫不费力地插入。一旦进入肛门,它就会膨胀到 10 厘米的全宽。享受肛门拉伸、压力和反压力带来的难以置信的强烈感觉。宽大的底座让您可以安全舒适地使用它。
插入,让它张开: 被完全塞满并无情拉伸的感觉是无法形容的。定期使用我们的 Ass Anchor 肛塞可确保明显可见的效果。
使用方法非常简单:使用我们的 AnalPUSH 润滑剂方便插入。插入前,将 Ass Anchor 肛塞的两端压在一起。插入后,两侧会自行分开。热
我们使用的材料是一种热塑合成材料。这种材料足够柔软,佩戴舒适,同时又足够稳定,易于插入。这种材料不含软化剂,无异味。它能迅速吸收体温,非常有弹性和柔软。如果保养得当,肛塞会非常耐用和耐磨。您可以用清水和中性肥皂清洁,也可以使用我们的抗菌性玩具清洁剂 VERYCLEAN 进行特别彻底的清洁。
Even slept with it
After a rather brief period of working this baby into my back door..and it "blossomed" inside me..it was the most incredible experience of being "full" and also feeling it anchored in place. I used it for an extended period of time and even slept with it in place and if felt wonderful. By morning it was easy to remove. It is now one of my favorite toys and used regularly. It is well designed...firm enough to be delicious inside you yet pliable enough for easy insertion. I am now going to move up to a larger size and maybe the one with the vibrator built in !
Great price for a great toy! A must for every anal lovers out there!
plug tres bien conçu.
Il ecarte un peu le sphincter au moment de rentrer, mais, il tiens tres bien en place, on peut le porter longtemps
Incredibilmente grande e molto intenso
Incredibilmente grande e molto intenso, ma davvero fantastico se ti piace sentirti ben riempito
produit convenable
Tient bien en place, mais trop souple il ne permet pas une dilatation rectale escomptée. La diamètre de la dilatation anale est faible.
Everyone should have one of these
Ok, so for starters, it was bigger than I expected, and heavy for the material. When folded "closed" it's about the size of my fist. It wants to retain the "open" position, so it is more difficult to insert than any other toy I've tried. The stem is also thicker than expected. All of these combined makes this one brilliantly intimidating little gizmo. Once this little guy is in though, it is going nowhere. Anchor is exactly the right word, and not just in reference to the shape. Not a bad thing, though because once you have it settled in place, it feels fantastic! Big and hefty enough to not really get comfortable, flexible enough to allow freedom of movement, invisible even under skinny jeans, and zero concern about staying where you put it. Everyone should have one of these. My next buy will be the vibrating version. Can we get one with wireless remote?
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