您准备好接受一种非常特殊的肛门刺激了吗?那么 Extremeo 系列中的长型臀塞 "The Obsession "一定能满足您的愿望。它拥有令人印象深刻的设计和 3 种不同的尺寸,对于想要获得强烈的肛门拉伸和肛管深处强烈持久刺激的人来说,它是一款完美的臀塞。
这就是为什么屁眼塞 "The Obsession "是一款必备的情趣用品:
您是否在肛门性玩具中寻找强度、舒适度和风格?那么,Extremeo 系列中的 "The Obsession "屁股塞正适合您。大胆尝试,体验全新的快感!
Extremeo 屁塞的清洁和使用:
Beh, che dire, è davvero un fenomeno
SOOO Fullfilling or should I say filling
SOOO Fullfilling or should I say filling OMG this is the toy I needed for so long. My ass is extremely tight and as much as I want to use big toys, I just cant seem to be able to do them. But my hole is deep and this is THE toy for deep penetration. ALL IN on the first try and it filled me right up. What an amazing feeling.
Made him cum
This is the first toy that nearly made my partner cum purely from anal stimulation!!!!
Very nice
You have to practice a bit to fit it completely in
Größe M
Die Größe M ist für releativ Fortgeschrittene geeignet. Eine perfekte Länge die füllt mich bis zum Anschlag aus. Werde weiter trainieren und mir dann die Größe L bestellen.
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49,99 €
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32,99 €
水基润滑剂 Aquameo Premium
16,99 € 9,99 €
带重量的乳头夹 - 重型乳头夹
59,99 €
32,99 €
屁眼塞 Extremeo -...
39,99 € 35,99 €
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24,99 € 14,99 €