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电刺激 - 阴茎和睾丸


用于电刺激的 "降落伞 "球形担架

MEO® 的Ball Stretcher非常适合对睾丸进行电刺激,它就像紧身护套一样包裹着睾丸。



39,99 €




    MEO® 的 Ball Stretcher 非常适合对睾丸进行电刺激,它就像紧身斗篷一样包裹着睾丸。只需一个简单的步骤,就能将降落伞与电刺激设备连接起来。


    由导电硅胶制成的双极球 Stretcher 用于对睾丸进行电刺激,尤其适用于 "CBT "或 BDSM 会话。


    安装非常简单。打开按扣,直接套在阴囊周围的睾丸上,然后再合上。Ball Stretcher 内部的导电表面有两个接口。连接电缆可插入其中,由 MEO® 的 "SexBox "刺激电流装置供电。


    从软到硬根据所选频率和强度的不同,Ball Stretcher 可以产生不同类型的刺激:刺痛、揉捏、轻拍,甚至类似于皮鞭抽打!


    根据您使用 ESHOCK 电极凝胶的剂量,可以产生更柔和或更强烈的感觉。但请注意,您的阴囊应 "自由 "悬挂,Ball Stretcher 的两个电极应均匀地对准您的睾丸。




    • 用于 CBT 电刺激的 "降落伞 "球形担架
    • 双极,硅胶制成。
    • 可连接 MEO® 刺激电流设备或许多 TENS 和 EMS 设备。为此,我们推荐使用 MEO® SexBox!
    • 令人兴奋的额外功能:根据不同的设置,也适用于 CBT 课程。
    • 由导电硅胶制成。
    • 特别易于清洁,材质柔韧
    • ESHOCK 等导电润滑剂可确保更好的皮肤接触和更强烈的感觉
    • 使用后用温水、中性肥皂和 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂清洁
    • 情趣电刺激器不适合体内或身上装有心脏起搏器或其他电子设备的人使用!




    Leider nichts für grosse Hodensäcke, Haut und Eier

    Lässt sich nur mit Mühe schliessen und springt dann gleich wieder auf. Die kleinen Noppen halten den "Schirm" nicht geschlossen. Leider für mich so nicht nutzbar. Ansonsten eine gute Idee, Verarbeitung etc.

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Sorry but waste of money

    I am afraid that the method of joining the 2 ends together leaves a lot to be desired. 2 plastic pins locate into a series of holes as the ends wrap around the balls. The item that I had looked fine but would not hold together if any pressure at all was applied. Applying voltage made the guys jump and move so contact was lost. Mine went into the drawer and has remained there

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Per un elettro shock mai provato!

    Basta con i soliti giochi...dai una scossa al tuo piacere con questo prodotto, per un elettro shock mai provato! Perfetto, anche per i neofiti del sesso "elettrizzante". Gli elettrodi rilasciano delle scariche elettriche che Ti faranno impazzire di piacere prolungando il piacere e ritardando l'eiaculazione!


      Elektrisierender Sex

      Genug mit den üblichen Spielen....gib einen Schock zu deinem Vergnügen mit diesem Produkt, für einen Elektroschock, der nie ausprobiert wurde! Perfekt, auch für Anfänger von "elektrisierendem" Sex. Die Elektroden lösen elektrische Entladungen aus, die Sie vor Freude verrückt machen, das Vergnügen verlängern und die Ejakulation verzögern!

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.


      I am afraid this equipment is sadly badly thought out. There are 2 pins on the surface of one end and a series of holes at the other.The problem is that when in use and with the conductive gel, it needs to be fairly tight to get the contact and the pins are just not able to hold the unit together. I have tried using small clamps to hold the ends together with the pins through the appropriate holes but it ended as being too hit and miss so the whole effect was ruined. This was certainly the worst item I have bought recently.

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.


      用于电刺激的 "降落伞 "球形担架

      用于电刺激的 "降落伞 "球形担架

      MEO® 的Ball Stretcher非常适合对睾丸进行电刺激,它就像紧身护套一样包裹着睾丸。



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