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AnalTotal - 用于舔阴和口交的润滑剂

这款个人润滑剂让 Rimming 成为一种绝对的享受。探索这款特殊的个人润滑剂,让任何人都能成为完美的 rimming 专家!最棒的是:AnalTotal™ 是第一款味道鲜美的个人润滑剂(即使是肛交),同时还具有壮阳效果。



19,99 €

-3,00 €

16,99 €




    这款个人润滑剂让 Rimming 成为一种绝对的享受。探索这款特殊的个人润滑剂,让任何人都能成为完美的 rimming 专家!最棒的一点是:AnalTotal™ 是第一款口感极佳的个人润滑剂(即使是肛交),同时还具有催情作用。

    忘掉您对口交的任何成见吧--AnalTotal™ 将改变一切!

    使用 AnalTotal™ 体验难忘的 rimming 快感!这款特殊的肛门润滑剂将把您变成一个完美、热情的情人,让您迫不及待地用嘴和舌头呵护您的肛门。它的味道经过精心调制,浓稠的质地可确保持久润滑,让你们从头到尾都能享受到肛交的乐趣。

    但到底什么是 rimming?

    Rimming 又称肛交,是一种用舌头和嘴刺激肛门的性行为。它是一种前戏,能给男女双方带来强烈的感觉,因为肛门上有许多神经末梢,如果刺激得当,会产生强烈的快感。这时候,"AnalTotal™"就能发挥作用了!这种润滑剂不仅具有水溶性和极高的粘度,还具有持久润滑的特性。如果这还不够的话,它还是一种美味无比的润滑剂,能大大增加 Rimming 的快感。


    主动的伴侣在舔阴时会被润滑液诱人的香草味道所刺激--与通常的味道不同,这是一种令人愉悦的变化--他们会比以前更想用力舔,舌头也会伸得更深。而被动的伴侣则可以放松和释放,这要归功于芳香可口的润滑剂,它给人一种安全感,并增强了舔阴的快感,尤其是主动伴侣的舔舐力度要比以前大得多。如果知道使用的是味道鲜美的润滑剂,会让被动伴侣感到更加放松和自信。这可以增强整个体验,因为放松和自信是愉快的 rimming 体验的关键因素。

    AnalTotal™ 的亮点

    • 深受欢迎,因为它能增强口交体验。
    • AnalTotal™ 是一种水基润滑剂。
    • 适用于乳胶安全套。
    • 提高亲密性交时的润滑效果。
    • 非常经济、滋润。
    • 皮肤和粘膜兼容性经皮肤科证实。水溶性、无油脂、无色无味的肛门润滑剂。
    • 带有微妙的香草味道。
    • 也适用于肛交和阴道性交。
    • 德国制造。

    AnalTotal™ 已通过皮肤和粘膜兼容性测试,因此是敏感部位的理想选择。


    • 肛门润滑剂
    • 用于肛交和口交的润滑剂
    • 香草味肛门润滑剂。
    • AnalTotal™肛门润滑剂不含油和油脂,无色无味。
    • 这款润滑剂适用于各种情趣用品、阴道性交、肛交,也是口交和舔阴的理想选择。
    • 由于其特殊性能,AnalTotal™ 是最受欢迎的肛门润滑剂之一。
    • 成分(INCI):水、甘油、羟丙基、瓜尔胶、羟丙基三甲基氯化铵、羟乙基纤维素、柠檬酸、苯氧乙醇、乙基己基甘油、香精。
    • 含量:100 毫升(3.38 盎司)
    • 成分和用法:根据需要将润滑剂涂抹在肛门、阴茎、阴道或性玩具上。AnalTotal™ 采用精选的优质成分配制而成,可确保您获得安全、愉悦的体验。您可以在包装和产品说明中找到有关成分的详细信息。我们建议皮肤敏感或已知过敏的用户在首次使用产品前,先在小面积皮肤上进行测试,以排除可能的不耐受情况。如果您对产品成分或其功效不确定,请咨询医生或药剂师。AnalTotal™ 可以用肥皂和水轻松洗掉,应存放在阴凉处,避免儿童接触。避免阳光直射,用后盖紧。
    • 本润滑剂适用于硅胶、ABS 塑料或玻璃等材质的性玩具。由于它是水性的,不会影响硅胶,因此是所有硅胶肛塞和自慰器的最佳选择。它还可以安全地与乳胶安全套一起使用,并提供温和持久的润滑,在使用性玩具和安全套时最大限度地提高快感。对于使用后的清洁,建议用温水和专用喷雾(如 MEO 的 VERYCLEAN)或中性肥皂进行清洗,以确保性玩具的卫生和使用寿命。





    Versprochen gehalten

    Ich rimme leidenschaftlich gerne und AnalTotal hat meine Erwartungen voll erfüllt. Es hat einen fruchtigen Geschmack und die Gleitfähigkeit beim Analverkehr überzeugt.

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Sono rimasto estrefatto

    Avevo forti dubbi su questo gel ma una volta provato devo dire che è un qualcosa di eccezionale. Un profumo gradevole, non lascia unto, non essendo un olio, e un sapore che si lascia gustare. Consigliato

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


    Ottimo lubrificante. Dopo l'applicazione rimane abbastanza a lungo sul prodotto. Soddisfatto.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


    L'ho acquistato non per la pratica sessuale per cui è stato studiato ma solo per curiosità e utilizzato normalmente per rapporti vaginali e anali e devo dire che è davvero un buon prodotto...mia moglie se ne addirittura accorta che avevo cambiato lubrificante

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Your arse will thank you for it.

    Anyone who regularly indulges in anal sex will tell you the key to enjoying it for both parties is great lube. The anal passage, unlike the vagina, isn’t self-lubricating and so without additional lubrication the friction created during anal sex can be potentially damaging and painful. German sex specialists MEO offer an enormous range of targeted anal lubes which are aimed at improving the experience. When MEO offered me the chance to review one of these lubes I opted for AnalTotal which is a lube aimed at both anal and rimming. As always MEO were super quick and discrete with despatch and delivery, their customer service is really excellent.

    First Appearances

    I really like MEO’s bottle design for their lubes. The bottles are shiny and black with a flip top. The product title is written down the front of the bottle in pale blue and white writing. You couldn’t really disguise this product in your bedroom as it has MEO AnalTotal emblazoned on the front but that’s to be expected given that it is the product name. Opening the bottle, I sniffed the contents, I couldn’t detect any real scent to AnalTotal which was a good start. Nothing is as off putting as the strong chemical scent that accompanies some lube. I squeezed a small amount of MEO AnalTotal into my hand and was pleased to see how thick the clear liquid was. It spread nicely and didn’t run down my skin, making it perfect for self-application.

    Using MEO AnalTotal

    It is without doubt that I say MEO AnalTotal is one of the best anal specific lubes I’ve ever used. It’s thick formula lasts ages and provides almost a cushion of moisture preventing friction issues and allowing toys, plugs and cock to slide effortlessly inside me. Even using my most grabby toys AnalTotal made penetration a joy. There was no need to reapply as AnalTotal stays put through even my roughest play and didn’t evaporate or absorb into my skin. There was no sticky after feeling either, which is most unusual with a lube this thick. It’s very stimulating to stroke the cool thick AnalTotal gel over his cock before use and I really don’t need to use much as the spread is amazing. When applying it to myself it stayed put and was brilliant for vaginal play as well as anal, in fact it’s a great all-rounder.

    MEO state that AnalTotal is also aimed at rimming, making the experience more pleasant for the person doing the rimming. I was slightly confused by the website claim that MEO AnalTotal is vanilla flavoured as I could discern no taste at all, whilst in use or even directly from the bottle, to me AnalTotal is tasteless. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, there is a very slight tang to the tongue when licking AnalTotal but it isn’t unpleasant and doesn’t leave your mouth feeling peculiar unlike some lubes I’ve tried. I’m not sure I’d specifically apply AnalTotal for rimming but if I was already using it, it certainly wouldn’t stop me from oral play. I experienced no staining issues with AnalTotal on clothing or sheets, which is another plus point.

    About AnalTotal

    MEO’s website says the vanilla flavour that I fail to detect mirrors pheromones, perhaps this is why it is so subtle. MEO AnalTotal is safe for vaginal and oral sex as well as anal. MEO say AnalTotal is suited to certain sex toys but don’t state which toys it isn’t suitable for use with, which is a bit strange. AnalTotal is a water based lube, it’s fat free and is dermatologically tested. Neither of us suffered any irritation or discomfort during use or after and I definitely noticed an increase in comfort during penetration, he was able to fuck my arse with as much ease as he would usually fuck me during PIV sex.

    AnalTotal comes in 100ml bottles which will last a long time as it really does spread and due to the thick consistency you shouldn’t ever spill or waste any. 100ml will set you back £17.08 but I think this is great value for money as I would happily use this lube for all types of sex, not just anal.

    I really love MEO AnalTotal it will be my go to lube for sex now, particularly anal as it just makes such a difference in the level of pleasure. If you are an experienced anal player this is a lube you need in your collection and if you are new to anal or considering anal for the first time I strongly recommend this lube as a great addition to play. Your arse will thank you for it.

    • 8 of 8 customers found this review helpful.


    For those seeking a thick anal-specific lube for their play, MEO.de now offers the ANALTOTAL water-based lubricant. A 100ml bottle packaged in plastic with a pop-top bottle design, this lubricant was designed for anal penetration and anal rimming. It’s a particularly thick lubricant that’s designed to be long-lasting. It’s odorless and entirely clear. This is one of the many lubricants that MEO.de offers for specialized lubrication.

    The Anal Total lubricant comes in a untextured plastic bottle that includes a pop-top cap. There’s a small indent near one of the edges of the cap to make it easy to remove the lid. Once the lid is off, just tipping the bottle upside down and applying a bit of pressure will give you some lubricant. The bottle can become slightly annoying to handle with lubricated hands, but since the squeezing doesn’t take much force, it’s still functional with a lubed surface.

    Once you get the lubricant out, one of the first things you’ll notice is how nice and thick it is. It’s thick. Once you squirt it onto an area, it stays exactly where it was squirted until you smooth it around. There’s no running or dribbling like some thinner lubes might do. As such, a little bit of the lubricant goes a long way. You may not need a ton of it.

    Like the name implies, Anal Total is a particularly great lubricant for anal use. It’s thick, and it has a nice, squishy layer of protection after application. It helps keep all of the parts sliding against each other particularly nicely until you’re ready to be done. It doesn’t reduce sensation at all, but everything glides so nicely after use. It’s definitely thick enough to even accommodate some of the more gigantic toys. With its thickness and long-lasting, I’d argue this is a fantastic lube for fisting as well.

    Speaking of longevity, it’s particularly impressive. A single small squirt of the lubricant, multiple times, has lasted an entire anal session or masturbation session without reapplication. I thought it was a fluke the first time, but nope – even twenty minutes later on multiple trials, the lubricant still hadn’t needed to be reapplied. As such, you can expect the bottle to easily last as long as you don’t go nuts with the initial application.

    AnalTotal lubricant was also designed for oral purposes. Unlike most lubricants made for oral use, AnalTotal doesn’t claim any flavorings. It’s designed to be as neutral as possible. Realistically, it’s not bad. It still tastes a bit like chemicals, but it’s nothing that extremely unpalatable or undoable. It doesn’t taste *great*, but it doesn’t taste *bad*. If your mouth is currently focused on doing something else, you’ll quickly forget about the taste at all.

    The ingredients of AnalTotal lube are pretty simple. Anal Total lubricant ingredients: Glycerin, Aqua (Water), Hydroxypropyl Guar, Propylene Glycol, Panthenol, Sodium Saccharin, Citric Acid, Aroma (Flavor).

    Like most water-based lubricants, ANALTOTAL is pretty easy to clean up. It doesn’t seem to quite “absorb” into the skin quite as nicely as other lighter water-based lubricants, but it cleans up really easily with warm water and anti-bacterial soap. If used for anal use, using a thorough amount of toilet paper or a towel will pretty easily wipe it all up as well. This water-based lubricant is compatible with all types of sex toys, for all sexual activities, and can be safely used with safer sex barriers such as condoms.

    Overall, ANALTOTAL is a fantastic anal lubricant that works for all anal activities. While it behaves similarly to a lot of other thicker, anal-designed lubricants for anal sex, it has the benefit of being nearly-tasteless for rimming and oral purposes to make it a double-purpose lubricant for those who enjoy a plethora of anal activities. The bottle works well, this lubricant lasts an extremely long time, and it’s simple and safe to clean-up. Win-win all around! Thanks to MEO.de for providing this thick anal lubricant for my ANALTOTAL Rimming and Fucking Lube review.

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    10 out 10 for the sensations and ease

    The tube of MEO Anal Total Water Based Anal Lube arrived well sealed to make sure it had not been tampered with in any way. Once I opened the tube, I put some on my fingers to start with and noticed a big difference to the lube I have previously used; this was a lot less thick and more pliable.

    I had decided to use the MEO Anal Total Water Based Anal Lube for lone play to start with – of course I had to see what it was like before the OH! I used a glass butt plug as the toy of choice. The first mistake I made was using the same amount of lube I would have used previously – this is not needed, a much smaller amount would have been perfect. The problem I faced was the butt plug kept slipping out of my grasp and took some inserting J I thought that once I had got it in, then there would be no issues…. Er no, it kept slipping out. Overall the feeling of the MEO Anal Total Water Based Anal Lube while playing was perfect (even if a bit messy due to overuse!) it made sure the butt plug glided in and out without the usual dragging sensation. Now this had the got the thumbs up from me, I had to try it with the OH.

    We always use condoms when having anal sex; again we previously used ordinary lube. I explained that we did not need as much of this lube. WOW! I have to say the MEO Anal Total Water Based Anal Lube made anal sex even more pleasurable, again no dragging sensation, so his cock glided in and out a lot easier. Overall I would score this lube 10 out 10 for the sensations and ease, the only downside was the sticky feeling afterwards. I assume this is due to the flavouring as it does say on the tube it can be used for sucking. Personally, I had to go wash the MEO Anal Total Water Based Anal Lube off me afterwards to get rid of that feeling; this has reduced the score to 9 out of 10. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to have some anal fun; just remember the sticky feeling after. :)

    • 5 of 5 customers found this review helpful.

    Oral UND anal

    Genauso habe ich es mir vorgestellt. Es schmeckt und macht geil. Es ist super für Leute geeignet die ihren Partner anal / oral verwöhnen wollen.

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Eine klare und eindeutige Empfehlung!

    Schmeckt und riecht nach unserem Geschmack wunderbar, macht Spaß, hat sehr gute Gleitfähigkeit. Also von unsere Seite her eine klare und eindeutige Empfehlung!

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Total lecker

    Also ich muss sagen, ich habe ANAL TOTAL das erste mal gekauft und finde es super, auch gut für den Oralverkehr. Klebt nicht und schmeckt richtig gut.



      Profumato, sensuale e altamente lubrificante. Forse troppo profumato perché l'aroma rimane addosso per ore... ;-))

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


      It has a subtle flavor that is not sickeningly sweet. MEO helps bring fun back into your bedroom !!!!

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


      Yummy and functional!

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      Perfect product

      Loved the product and fast shipping!! Great service and product and definitely will be purchasing again!!

      • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

      Bon produit

      Bon produit, l'odeur est forte et sympa.

      • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

      super produit

      depuis que j'ai gouté à ce produit,je ne peux plus m'en passer pour faire des fellations à mon homme,ça a un très bon gout.

      • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.


      AnalTotal - 用于舔阴和口交的润滑剂

      AnalTotal - 用于舔阴和口交的润滑剂

      这款个人润滑剂让 Rimming 成为一种绝对的享受。探索这款特殊的个人润滑剂,让任何人都能成为完美的 rimming 专家!最棒的是:AnalTotal™ 是第一款味道鲜美的个人润滑剂(即使是肛交),同时还具有壮阳效果。



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