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恋物癖面具 - Incognito - Ultimate




29,99 €




    恋物癖面具 - 高级黑色氨纶面具 - 由优质氨纶制成的恋物癖面具 - 双层,可张开眼睛和嘴巴






    这款恋物面具的特别之处在于它能确保在 BDSM 游戏或性爱过程中绝对匿名。双层紧身的优质氨纶材料可以完全遮住你的面部特征,让你扮演一个神秘的角色。眼睛和嘴部的开口设计让你在不暴露身份的情况下进行互动和呼吸,非常适合激烈的角色扮演和情色 BDSM 冒险。有了这款恋物面具,您可以毫无顾忌、全神贯注地沉浸在体验中。






    透气又安全:强烈 BDSM 体验的完美恋物面具:


    我们的手工氨纶恋物面具具有极高的舒适度和出色的做工。弹性和透气性材料对皮肤的触感轻柔舒适,因此恋物面具可以长时间舒适地佩戴。由于采用了透气纤维,因此绝不会有呼吸急促或心慌的危险,这也是 BDSM 初学者尤其会喜欢的一大优势。


    来自 MEO 的恋物癖面具--尺寸稳定,易于护理:




    来自 MEO 的多样性和高品质:


    MEO 的产品以高品质著称。我们的氨纶恋物面具也是如此。我们生产的恋物面具有多种不同的设计和颜色,您可以根据自己的喜好选择适合自己的恋物面具。无论您是在寻找经典的黑色氨纶恋物面具,还是喜欢与众不同的款式--在 MEO,您都能找到最适合您的恋物面具。







    Works well

    Comfortable while still tight. Made her heart race in 2 ways...me role playing as intruder and the other way is easier for her to fantasize about someone else

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Great Value on Hood

    I am very pleased with the spandex hood from MEO. It is light-weight and should not be too warm to comfortably wear, even for extended play. It easily stretches to slip over the head. I like that the openings for the eyes and especially the mouth are fairly large. So it should allow for the mouth to be open wide to receive whatever. And the price was very good!


      Spandex Hood

      My Slave loves to wear it of course with clover clamps on her nipples. These alone get her very wet and then well, you know what happens next!

      • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

      The fit was good with this hood

      The fit was good with this hood. Not too tight, but snug. Material is soft and comfortable to wear even tho it’s a snug fit. Wasn’t hot to wear either. Material breathes nicely. Mouth and eye openings were good size, so not constricting to wear


        way too small

        Holes are too small, for eyes and mouth. Disappointing

        • 0 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

        Excellent fit and good quality

        The fit was good with this hood. Not too tight, but snug. Material is soft and comfortable to wear even tho it’s a snug fit. Wasn’t hot to wear either. Material breathes nicely. Mouth and eye openings were good size, so not constricting to wear

        • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.


        the mask is too tight. breathing is difficult.

        • 1 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

        Tolle Maske

        Was soll man sagen? Angsteinflößend und für versaute Spiele gerade richtig.Liegt schön eng am Kopf an. Einfach zu waschen. Passt also.
        Danke MEO !!!!

        • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

        Solide et serré

        Très bonne cagoule, bien serré sur sa tête de batard, elle en reste très agréable à porter. Seul bémol c'est lors de la prise de pop' pas d'ouverture au nez...

        • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

        Spandex Hood

        It is exactly what it represents itself to be. Fun toy to change up the mood and add a bit of mystery.


          The simplest tools are often the best

          For the wearer, the sensual feel and snug fit are cosy enough to bring a sense of tranquillity without being claustrophobic, and identity is masked well, inviting them out of their shell.

          For the observer, features are obscured sufficiently to ease thinking of the wearer as submissive more than partner, without interfering with communication when you want to see them enjoying it... or not!

          Pair with blindfolds, gags, masks etc. as you see fit for a full range of sensory deprivation or objectification experiences. High quality product comfortable for long wear.

          • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

          Fun product

          I didn't realise this product would be so hot to wear and see my partner in!

          It gives a feeling a becoming submissive when the partner has this on, and feels dominant for the wearer!

          It's great to match with extra items such as blindfolds, gags, masks, etc.

          It feels nice and comfortable, and isn't too tight.

          • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

          Comfy and keeps you anonymous

          Great product, I used to use a leather hood but got too sweaty, this one is not so warm and lets you see better too. 5 stars.

          • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.


          恋物癖面具 - Incognito - Ultimate

          恋物癖面具 - Incognito - Ultimate




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