龙爪是一款卑鄙的 S&M 玩具,就像书中写的那样。
通过快感疼痛来感受纯粹的兴奋!有些人一开始可能会觉得这种想法很奇怪。但我们的 SM 玩具产生刺激效果的原因显而易见--或者说在大脑中:在这里,疼痛中心和快感中心彼此靠近,这意味着外部刺激有时会同时被大脑的两个区域所处理。这意味着,我们都有通过疼痛来感受快感的倾向。
有了龙爪,您可以尽情发挥您的 S&M 幻想!
我们的夹钳可用于身体的许多敏感部位。它的亮点在于 4 个非常尖的脚,在夹子拉扯皮肤或通过弹簧轴向上拉扯乳头时,可提供额外的强烈刺激。
坚固的金属结构。可刺激乳头、阴囊或阴唇。通过螺纹杆、弹簧和翼形螺母产生张力,同时在 4 个尖脚上产生压力。交货包括:1 件
Dr. Sado’s Dragon Claw
There are many items you can use when it comes to torturing a submissive, and one of the most common household item’s are pegs and clips. Let me stress that these simple little devices are an excellent way to cause localised pain. They’re brilliant for being used in creative ways. I think pegs are one of the devices easy to hand I most enjoy, and many of my subs quake at the idea of them pinching their flesh. There are many adult sites selling these simple and easy to find items for extortionate prices, however, when I received the Dragon’s Claw, I was thrilled that there was a device out there using pegs which actually was worth spending money one. You see, the Dragon Claw is no ordinary peg, it is a clip device with sharp pointed prongs around it that inflict more pain to the submissive as you twist the nut down its spring loaded shaft.
The Dragon’s Claw is a metal BDSM item which has four sharp claws and a binder fold-back clip in the centre. The binder clip opens to just under a 1cm wide, meaning it is ideal for parts of the body that can be pinched taught (nipples, scrotum, and anywhere else you can basically find on your submissive’s body).The binder clip is fixed to a metal pole with a spring over it and a nut to tighten the device, making the clip pull upwards as the claws press into your subs flesh.
This item is best used with a ball gag to muffle your submissives screams (unless you have sound proofing).
When using the device I recommend you get your submissive to lie on a bed or massage bench. Now, when first using the Dragon Claw I decided to test it on just fleshy parts of my submissives body. Depending on the area choose the clip was more successful on some areas than others. I found my subs stomach was too firm to clip onto properly meaning that the clip pinged offer rather than stayed on. Uneven areas of flesh also sometimes meant that the clip twisted as I tightened up the device more and not all of the claws would rest against the skin. Very uneven areas of flesh made the claws a little pointless.
Now the main area this device works best is clipped onto the nipples. The dome of my submissives pecks was perfect for the claws to dig into. I loved how the clip would draw up the areola as I tightened the nut down the sprung shaft. Every time my submissive became accustom to the pain, I would slowly tighten it more and more, making them squirm and their flesh became redder and redder around the claws as they dug deeper. His erect nipple was becoming swollen and stretched and as he took more he started to grit his teeth. Eventually, the claw couldn’t be tightened anymore and my sub started to control his pain levels by digging his nails into his skin, leaving marks in his flesh which matched the ones the device had inflicted. After the claw was removed the peck had deliciously beautiful red marks where the claws had dug into.
Other areas I have enjoyed using this device on are the penis shaft and the ball sack. I love how the device causes intense pain in these areas, and how they move as you tighten the device up more and more. When using on the penis the claws surrounded the shaft as the clip pinned it down. The claw works almost as some form of extreme chastity, immobilising the penises movements – there is no easy escape from this torture device once it is set in position.
I rather like this device, it’s highly sadistic, and causes intense sensations. However, if I was going to suggest an improvement to this device, I would like an O-ring fitted to the top of the sprung shaft. This is because my playful and sadistic-side would gain great pleasure gently pulling the device up and down. Sure I can do this without such modifications; however, the ring would just make it easier to perform such a torturous act.
To clean the device you will need to pay attention to the clip. The easiest way to clean the clip is to use a damp cloth with antibacterial soap on it and simply pinch it onto the cloth a few times. The claws are very easy to clean as they are chrome plated. The device can make a submissive bleed depending on how thick the skin, so you may wish to sterilise the item after use too.
Overall, I really like the Dragon Claw. It is pretty simple to use and always makes me wickedly smile when I use it on a sub. It brings a new level to peg and clip play, which many of my masochist subs enjoy even if it does make them squirm more than usual.
Die Dragon Claw ist was für Hartgesottene. Da ich es hart mag ist selbst für mich das Teil hart an der Grenze. Bin aber zufrieden damit.
Richtig heftig
Richtig heftiges SM-Spielzeug! Die Verarbeitung ist gut und die Klemmen wirken sehr stabil. Die Klemme an sich packt stark zu, ein tolles Gefühl und sehr zu empfehlen!
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