我们销售两种型号的性爱机器:Motorbunny Original(=标准)和 Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson Vac-U-Lock。
Doc Johnson 与 Motorbunny 合作,进一步开发了世界上第一台也是最好的混合型性爱机器 "Motorbunny Buck",使其与 Doc Johnson 的专利 Vac-U-Lock 技术特别兼容。您可以使用数百种来自 MEO ® 的 Vac-U-Lock 假阳具或 Hunglock 假阳具,每次都能体验到全新的、高度个性化的性爱!马鞍形状的性爱机器不仅能以各种方式大力插入,还能产生强烈振动。操作非常简单,既可通过应用程序(也可远程)操作,也可使用遥控器操作。
Doc Johnson x Motorbunny Buck 操蛋机拥有 Motorbunny 标志性的振动和操蛋能力,并具有两个独立的进料动作。得益于全新的 Vac-U-Lock 兼容性,这款性爱机器为有针对性的定制刺激和深度、多方面的高潮体验提供了无限可能。
如果您已经厌倦了房事活动,渴望来一次冒险,也许是时候为您的日常工作增添一些新的内容了。尝试不同的体位、不同的伴侣或新的场所固然有趣,但您还应该尝试其他很棒的选择。我们的 Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊医生性爱机器是改善您的性生活和增加情趣的好方法。
使用 Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson 性爱机器,将您的自慰体验或与伴侣的性爱提升到一个全新的水平!有这么多不同尺寸、设计和功能的假阳具,您一定能找到一个令人兴奋的选择,让您达到一个又一个高潮。
内置 LINK 技术
借助 Motorbunny 的 LINK 技术,您可以尝试多种预设的插入动作和振动,并在家中或通过全球各地的应用程序无线共享对 Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊医生性爱机器的控制。只需点击两下,您就可以通过短信与性伴侣分享一个安全、私密的链接!
因为每个人的身体都不一样,所以需要一台真正精密的性爱机器!Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊医生性爱机器的专利设计让您可以按照自己的喜好,将不同的假阳具与不同的插入动作相结合。插入按钮决定了插入动作的类型。"Thrust "可以直上直下地抽插。"G-Thrust "向上和向前运动。Thumper "附件是笔直的,略带棱纹,而 "Sweet Spot "附件则是向前倾斜且平滑的。此外,这款性爱机器还配备了独创的 "Vac-U-Lock "附件,可让您使用 MEO ® 的所有 Vac-U-Lock 假阳具或 Hunglock 假阳具!无论您选择哪种类型的刺激和哪种附件,您都将体验到生命中最美妙的性爱!
Vac-U-Lock 和 Motorbunny
Vac-U-Lock 适配器与 Motorbunny BUCK 相得益彰,在性爱中提供更多可能。适配器安装在 Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊博士性爱机器的座椅上,可作为各种假阳具的底座。因此,您可以选择不同长度、质地、颜色和材料的逼真假阳具、阴茎和阴道。对于那些已经是 MEO Hunglock 假阳具或强生医生情趣用品的粉丝,并梦想将这些玩具变为现实的人来说,Vac-U-Lock 是一个完美的选择。Motorbunny Buck x 多克-约翰逊性爱机器振动强烈,插入力度或轻或重,永不疲倦,而多克-约翰逊假阳具则增添了某种逼真的触感。
享受在不同阴茎尺寸和假阳具形状之间切换的感觉,而无需立即更换伴侣。Doc Johnson 假阳具采用 FIRMSKIN 材料、静脉、龟头和睾丸,可模拟真实的阴茎;而 MEO ® 的 Hunglock 假阳具则又大又黑,充满性欲!假阳具的长度通常在 15 厘米到 30 厘米之间,周长可达 25 厘米。对于希望得到彻底满足的 "激情骑手 "来说,甚至可以选择双头插入器。当您将 Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊医生性爱机器与 Vac-U-Lock 适配器安装在一起时,您可以每晚问自己:我今天应该骑哪个男人?事实上,将 Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊博士性爱机器与 MEO ® 或约翰逊博士的假阳具搭配使用的最大好处就是,您永远不必担心它们会疲惫或瘫软。
Motorbunny BUCK 和 Vac-U-Lock 适配器有哪些优势?
无论您是单独使用 Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊博士性爱机器,还是与伴侣一起使用,它都是一款让您欲罢不能的多功能性爱机器。Motorbunny Buck x 多克-约翰逊性爱机器是一款特别坚固耐用的性爱机器,您可以在未来的许多年里享受它,而且它还配备了一整套附件。多克-约翰逊配件和 MEO ® Hunglock 假阳具为 Motorbunny Buck x 多克-约翰逊性爱机器提供了更多可能性,让您可以选择各种假阳具。无论是作为情侣还是与伴侣一起使用,Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson 性爱机器对男性和女性都非常迷人,每个人都能找到适合自己的设置和令自己兴奋的假阳具。在异地恋中,Motorbunny Buck x 多克-强生性爱机器可以创造一种特别亲密的体验,让身处异地的情侣也能享受其中。对于单身人士,Motorbunny Buck x 约翰逊博士性爱机器提供了一种完全安全的方式来探索性的欲望,而不会让自己面临任何风险。
关于 Motorbunny Original 性爱机器(= 标准版)+ LINK 蓝牙套装的信息
Motorbunny Original 是一款豪华、完整的性爱机器,配有许多额外功能!所有选项均可通过附带的遥控器轻松选择。您还可以通过免费下载的 Motorbunny App 控制 Motorbunny Original。因此,当您的伴侣在远处控制时,会特别令人兴奋。您也可以挑战自我,以特别的方式享受乐趣!Motorbunny Original 配有不同的附件。通过控制面板上的 "嗡嗡 "和 "旋转 "功能,您将体验到穿透式和振动式刺激。这款机器适用于阴道、肛门、G 点或 P 点刺激,为每个人带来优质体验!所有活动部件都可以用温水和玩具清洁剂轻松清洗。切勿将机器浸入水中!内容和尺寸:低、小和中型附件(低型附件单独使用,用于刺激阴蒂,小和中型附件与假阳具套结合使用)、低和高立柱(用于触及阴蒂的理想选择)、逼真的假阳具套、带电缆的遥控器(电缆长 124.5 厘米)。 -用于电源连接的通用适配器(电缆长度 221 厘米)。详细的英文说明书 最大承重 181 公斤。
Impressed with the detail to construction of the machine. Thanks for keeping safety first!
Ein Traum wurde wahr
Nie im Leben hätte ich gedacht, dass ich so oft und so hart auf einem Fake-Schwanz kommen würde. Das Sextoy meiner Träume
Buck and Buzz a Hole Right Through the Fabric of Reality
Look... if you're here after hearing all of the tales about the Motorbunny Buck,... yes, they're all true. If you have the $$$ and you're somehow still on a fence,... the reviews might help sway you a bit but, really, just buy it. Y'all know what this thing does and if you need a little bit of that in your life. But be warned! There is nothing discreet about the Motorbunny Buck!
Live in a tiny apartment with paper thin walls? Rev this thing up and the neighbors are gonna think you're about to launch something into space. And maybe you will! Got hardwood floors (like I do)? They won't impede the Buck's functionality at all but get ready to hear 'em resonate in ways you never thought possible (and way before you get the chance to max out the dials). Thinking about keeping this stowed away for moments when your significant other isn't around? Think again! They can be halfway across the globe and the Buck's Earth-rattling power is gonna tip them off to what you're up to. If it doesn't, your silly, primal moaning will find a way to cut through dimensions and reach them. Or maybe they'll remain oblivious until the next time they see you and your legs are bowed all funny and quivering, hardly able to keep you upright. Your S.O. will say something like, "Unless you suddenly became a cowboy, [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE], and been riding the range all day, you've been up to some tomfoolery and shenanigans." and you'll cave and spill the beans. Which is fine because the Motorbunny Buck really is meant to be shared, and sharing is caring.
Those of you with interests in the occult: I'm not saying that the Buck is your solution to calling forth an elder thing with the haunting song of its people... but it's loud enough that such beings should be able to hear it. Whether they choose to awake and respond to you is their prerogative. Just... know what you're calling forth first, okay?
The Buck doesn't discriminate! As long as you/yours have/has labies or a starfish (or both, but at least one) then there's something here for you. Motorbunny has sold you (or hopefully will be selling to you soon!) the keys that unlock doors to realms you never imagined. Twist the dials toward eleven or use the BlueTooth functionality for remote control and witness the singularity. Experience the sensation of the ego being shredded apart. Along with spacetime. My goD, it's full of stars... and the incessant droning of a riding sex toy.
Has anyone mentioned how loud this device gets? Sure, your brain will melt as new forms of pleasure work their way in to every nook and cranny. But everyone's gonna know.
Hands down the best machine on the market! The Buck came in a neat package, instructions were easy to read and it was very easy to put together. The experience was absolutely amazing as the Buck feature is wonderful and the vibration is amazing but can be intense initially, so build it up slowly. The only constructive feedback I could provide is that the unit can get pretty loud but it's understandable given how strong the vibration is. I've used other machines in the past and they can't hold up to this one, it's by far the best machine on the market!
So thrusty and rumbly! Think I'm a happy bunny
Had to give this 5 stars because it's pretty special and I'm not aware of another toy like it that's so well made. I wish it had more attachments--both are just a little too firm for my taste. Would love to see a fancy triple density realistic option. The vac-u-lock attachment isn't quite the answer either as it causes toys to stick out too far (may try covering the seat with additional padding to try to fix this). Which might also help the noise! Echoing other reviewers, this thing is loud on higher vibration settings. Like loud enough to hear distinctly outside my house. And the last thing I would love to see is an option for longer thrust. Its roughly 2 inches is more than adequate but I would love to try 3. This thing is overall amazing though and I'm now a very happy (and satisfied) bunny!
Holy cow
Holy cow worth every penny! She literally melted off of it when she was done! Can’t wait to let her friends try! : )
Where do I even start! We received the Motorbunny Buck in the mail the other day and it was delivered discreetly…thank God(we were gone on vacation!) So excited to test it out it was the first thing we opened when we got back. The device and all attachments came neatly packaged and secure. Very easy to assemble with pictured instructions. I have yet to try all the different attachments but the first attachment with the black thrusting dildo was enough to give me an eye rolling orgasm. We will be writing a more detailed review once we get through all settings and options. But had to let everyone know how freaking great this was!
Die geilste Ficmaschine ever
Die geilste Fickmaschine die ich jemals probiert habe. Bin beim Orgasmus fast ohnmächtig vor Geilheit geworden. Absolutes TOP Produkt
From a male perspective I don't care for the back and forth but the up and down with the vibration gave me the hardest orgasm I've ever had. My girl loves it just as much. I 100% recommend this, I am so happy I got this compared to any other toy
The Wife Loves It!!!!!!
The wife love her motorbunny. The moment she unpackaged it, she wanted to get right on it. She has loved every minute of it.
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