这款高品质的紫色捆绑带卷装是初学者或专业人士不可或缺的 BDSM 配件。MEO ® 的捆绑胶带可以快速取用,并在 BDSM 过程中提供可靠的固定。
使用 MEO ® 的紫色捆绑胶带,您不仅可以捆绑伴侣的手臂和双脚,限制他们的行动自由,还可以用来蒙住伴侣的眼睛,因为它只粘在自己身上,而不会粘在皮肤或头发上。特别是在户外或旅途中,紫色捆绑带是完美的 BDSM 配件,因为它易于储存和运输。例如,您可以将伴侣绑在森林中的树上,而不必担心绳索、扣环或钩子。捆绑胶带为捆绑伴侣提供了无数创造性的可能性。尽情发挥你的想象力吧!
Intensives Lila
Das Tape kommt in einem intensiven lila und ist perfekt, um ungehorsame Subs zu bendigen und zu fixieren. Ich liebe Bondage Tape einfach, da damit schnelle und flexible Fixierungen möglich sind, oder einfach den Mund oder Augen zu kleben
Bondage Tape
This tape can be used in any number of creative ways to make bondage easy and beautiful. You can bind, gag, blindfold, mummify, or anything else you dream up. Since it adheres to itself, it doesn't get tighter once it's on. It's functional, fun, and slick. If you're into that shiny-fetish-bondage look, this tape's for you.
Fantastic stuff
Our order arrived nice and fast in some super discrete packaging.
Nastro Adesivo per Bondage
Facile da strappare, ma aderisce ancora bene quando sei incollato. Il nastro in sé aderisce bene, quindi legarlo è facile e veloce.
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