边缘 - BDSM - 手淫 - 强迫阉割:CUMULATOR ™ 是全世界都在谈论的工具,也是迄今为止男人们梦寐以求的工具。这项轰动一时的发明正是 BDSM 界翘首以盼的。利用 A.I.(人工智能)为您提供的可能性,获得无与伦比的 Edging 体验。
使用简便,效果惊人!CUMULATOR 配备振荡技术,由 MEO® 提供两个版本。CUMULATOR Plus带有一个角度可调的伸缩支架,还配备了一个强力吸盘(可吸附在所有光滑表面上),或者是一个带手柄的基本型号。这两种型号都非常适合修边--无论是否有伴侣!
边缘--到底是什么?Edging 是一种控制高潮的方式,在这种方式中,顺从的男性会被反复推到兴奋的极限,但不会获得释放性高潮。带有贞操或性高潮控制的边缘性行为尤其流行。但它到底有什么魅力呢?很少有其他做法能像边缘性行为一样需要如此多的关注,而这正是 CUMULATOR 可以帮助您的地方。延迟性高潮意味着在高潮来临前,刺激会一次又一次地停止。在 BDSM 社区中,使用 CUMULATOR 的边缘刺激通常用于控制 Sub 的快感、高潮和性兴奋。因此,使用 CUMULATOR 控制性高潮对于支配者来说是一种非常强大的权力工具,支配者还可以挑战顺从者的极限。CUMULATOR 是一款适用于男性的自慰器,既可用于自慰(单独使用或与伴侣一起使用),也可用于传统的自慰。由于采用了创新设计,您可以随意按摩阴茎的不同部位,尤其是通过振荡这种独特的深层振动刺激进行强化按摩。通过上下运动,阴茎从顶端到根部都会受到这些独特刺激的治疗--保证让您获得难忘的情趣体验和令人惊叹的性高潮。
如何使用 CUM如何使用?
CUMULATOR 由科学家研发,通过薄膜紧紧包裹阴茎,并根据您(或您的 Top)选择的节奏上下移动,创造出独特的情趣刺激。只需将阴茎插入 TPR 膜,就可以开始了。正如您从我们的动画中看到的,这层薄膜真的很特别!CUMULATOR 内置高科技振荡器,可根据需要开启或关闭,并将振荡波传送到柔性薄膜中。持续时间和强度由您或您的 Top 决定!使用 MEO® 的 STROKE 乳霜,可增强爱抚体验。您可以选择不同的振荡模式,创造属于您自己的 Edging 体验,或者让您的伴侣为您创造这种体验。
使用 CUMULATOR 的次数越多,支配者就越能学会找到兴奋的边缘、边缘时间,并进一步延迟 Sub 的高潮。这使得 CUMULATOR 适合特别长时间的性爱,因为性高潮可以延迟数小时、数天甚至数周。经过这么长的时间后,就会达到极致高潮。这一点足以弥补之前的快感痛苦。使用 CUMULATOR 的边缘刺激通常是为了获得被破坏的性高潮。在这种情况下,刺激会持续到所谓的 "不归点",然后中断。这样,Sub 虽然达到了性高潮,但通常伴随性高潮而来的满足感却不会出现,兴奋感依然存在。
使用 CUM边缘使用 CUM ULATOR 时应注意什么?
使用 CUMULATOR 时的心理因素不容轻视。快感是如此强烈,以至于理性思维都可以暂时中止。Sub 愿意超越极限,只为最终达到高潮。在这里,支配者应该非常注意......因为当 Bottom 最终获得救赎性高潮时,他或她往往会对支配伴侣产生深深的感激和依恋。
如何清理 阴道ULATOR?
使用 CUMULATOR 后,您可以轻松取下薄膜,用清水和中性肥皂彻底冲洗,再用 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂清洗,然后晾干。
Ero un po' scettico quando mi è arrivato ma che dire… uno dei miei migliori acquisti. La vibrazione assieme allo sfregamento (utilizzando del lubrificante) produce una sensazione da brividi. Lo adoro e lo consiglio a tutti perché è qualcosa da provare
Drive Him F**king Crazy!
Ladies, get ready to take control and blow his mind with the CUMULATOR! This badass device will have him begging for release like never before. Edging has never been so damn intense. With the CUMULATOR, you'll take him to the edge of pleasure and leave him hanging for that sweet release. The mind-blowing oscillations will make him throb with desire and keep him on the edge of insanity. Just slide his throbbing c**k into the CUMULATOR and take control. You control the speed, the intensity and his ultimate satisfaction. It's like having a supernatural power to keep him in a constant state of arousal. But here's the kicker: the more you use the CUMULATOR, the better you get at driving him wild. You'll push his limits and make his orgasms explode like never before. And if you're feeling extra naughty, give him a ruined orgasm and watch him squirm in frustration. Ready to rule the bedroom like the boss? The CUMULATOR is your secret weapon. Get ready to blow his mind, push him to the edge, and leave him begging for more. Don't wait, grab the CUMULATOR and be the queen of pleasure and power tonight!
Unleash your ultimate edging experience with the CUMULATOR!
I have to say that the Cumulator has taken my edging sessions to a whole new level of pleasure and control. This amazing masturbator is designed specifically for edging, and let me tell you, it delivers mind-blowing sensations like nothing else.
What's so captivating about edging is the intense build-up of pleasure right up to the edge of orgasm, but without the release. It's a tantalizing practice that requires focus and discipline, and the Cumulator is the perfect companion for the journey. With its innovative design and oscillating waves, it provides the most intense stimulation from tip to base, bringing me to the brink of ecstasy again and again.
Using the Cumulator is a breeze. Simply insert your dick into the TPR membrane and let the high-tech oscillator work its magic. You can choose from several oscillation modes or let your dominant partner take control. The experience is completely customizable to your desires and boundaries.
What sets the Cumulator apart is its ability to help the dominant partner master the art of edging. The more you use it, the more you learn to take you to the edge and prolong your pleasure, making each orgasm more intense and satisfying. I've had mind-blowing extended edging sessions that lasted for hours, even days, and the release was out of this world.
And let's not forget the ruined orgasms. The Cumulator is perfect for that too. Just when you think you're about to climax, the stimulation is interrupted, leaving you on the verge of satisfaction and wanting more. It's a delicious form of torture that keeps you in a heightened state of arousal.
If you're into edging or want to explore this exciting practice, the Cumulator is an absolute must. It's the ultimate tool for controlling your orgasms, pushing your limits, and experiencing mind-blowing pleasure. Trust me, once you try it, you'll never want to go back. Get ready for the most intense, unforgettable edging experiences of your life!
Molto particolare, sensazioni molto intense e lavaggio super comodo. Consigliato
Der Cumulator Edging erfüllt absolut seinen Zweck. Es ist ein absoluter Genuss und sehr gut verarbeitet. Innen ist es sehr hochwertig, schlottzig und weich. Außerdem sieht der Cumelator sehr diskret aus und wird auch in einer diskreten Verpackung geliefert. Es gibt mehrere verschiedene Modi und die Bedienung ist sehr einfach. Es kommt außerdem schon aufgeladen, sodass man direkt loslegen kann. Die Saugnapf Halterung ist sehr stabil und fest. Ich kann den Cumulator definitiv weiterempfehlen!
Es fühlt sich einfach nur super an
Aus der Anleitung geht hervor und mein eigener Rat, unbedingt vor Benutzung den Penis und die Membran mit Gleitgel gut einreiben. Ganz wichtig wie bei fast allen Sextoys, ein wasserbasierendes Gleitgel verwenden.
Wenn Du bereit bist , einfach den Cumulator einschalten. Vorsicht, denn die gierige Membran schnappt sich Deinen Penis, denn sie will ihre Arbeit verrichten. Der erste Moment und das erste Mal war ungewohnt, aber es hat mich total angemacht. Der Penis wird durch die Pulsation schön leicht und angenehm aber intensiv massiert.
Troppo veloce
Per i miei gusti decisamente troppo veloce. Per me edging é lento per arrivare lentamente e "soffrendo" all'apice. Il meccanismo di questo gioco è impostato su una velocità decisamente elevata (già nella più bassa).
Senza contare che il meccanismo della ventosa nel modello "pro" è leggero e totalmente insufficiente per sostenere il gioco in movimento. Peccato. Mi aspettavo grandi cose ed invece è stata una gran delusione...
Leistungsstark und geil gleichzeitig!
Ein geiles Toy für Männer mit vielen Modi und gleichzeitig ein angenehmes und geiles Erlebnis. Was kann ein Mann mehr wollen. Hinzu kommt die gute Verarbeitungsqualität und das leicht zu reinigende Silikon machen dieses Teil zu einem Muss für alle Männer.
Top qualité
Top niveau qualité !
Fait vraiment le travail pour lequel il est conçu !
Funktioniert besser als erwartet. Einen Punkt Abzug für die Lieferzeit von 3 Tagen.
Molto soddisfatto
La migliore invenzione per gli uomini
Unglaublich gut, unglaublich befriedigend.
Ich fühle mich nach der Anwendung wie ausgepumpt. Der Cumulator ist der hammer!
Très recommandé
Je n'avais jamais rien vu de tel auparavant. Sans blague, je ne peux plus vivre sans cet appareil.
This thing is so good
This thing is so good, I would even pay 500 bucks or more for it. Too bad I didn't buy it sooner.
Super geil
Super geil
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