您想体验新的自慰快感吗?那您一定要试试Tenga Spinner Hexa 自慰器。
Tenga Spinner Hexa 自慰器外形美观,手感极佳,但其真正的价值在于内部:一方面,逼真的紧致通道给人栩栩如生的感觉;另一方面,由于其内部特殊的六角形凸点结构,它超越了自然,当然,当您将阴茎插入并上下移动 Tenga 自慰器时,它还会产生扭转的 "特殊效果"。享受每一次插入都带来的极度快感!
Tenga Spinner Hexa 由人体友好的弹性材料制成,自带润滑剂。它长约 13 厘米,非常有弹性,可以很好地牢牢握在手中,而且使用 MEO® 的 VERYCLEAN 卫生喷雾很容易清洗。
Awesome product
Very good product and shipped pretty fast
Di certo non è come usare semplicemente la mano che dire SPINNER fa il suo dovere dando molto piacere
Très bien
Très bien, c'est exactement ce que je m'attendais.
Tenga Spinner Hexa
Feed it your load again and again. Tenga Spinner is reusable. Simply pull it inside-out, rinse it out, air dry, and go again. Feel free to play rough. Tenga’s award-winning mega-slick material maintains shape and slickness after repeated use.
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