淫荡、超长、超薄,不费吹灰之力就能到达您的最深处。MEO® 假阳具的长度接近 50 厘米,可以满足您对最深插入的所有幻想。
这款长假阳具由柔韧而坚固的材料制成,能够完美贴合您的内环。牢固的吸盘简化了插入过程,确保您可以将 MEO® Ana(l)conda 固定在任何光滑表面上。
MEO® 的假阳具细而长,可与水基或硅基润滑剂配合使用。
Great for throat play!
Bought for throat play, the diameter measurements include the swirls so effective diameter is quite a bit smaller than stated, I might have to try next size larger. That said I really enjoyed getting this into my throat and then using the swirls to spin it in all the way to the base, it is quite a unique feeling! Sliding it straight out also provides a whole other set of unique sensations as the swirls sort of flop around in my throat on the way out. Have not tried for anal play yet but will soon.
9,99 €
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皮革束缚项圈 - 黑红
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猪头面具 - 黑色乳胶制成的 "猪头 "面具
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真皮手铐,带衬垫 - 黑色/红色
69,99 € 59,99 €
皮革 BDSM 项圈 - 黑蓝色
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超长肛门假阳具 ANALGEDDON ®
59,99 € 49,99 €