来自 Sinnovator 的这款华丽的马用假阳具正等着让您成为一匹种马?你准备好做一匹心甘情愿的母马了吗?但请注意,生活不是小马农场,因为这个大马阳具只适合训练有素的母马。
Sinnovator 马用假阳具将带你体验疯狂的变态之旅!骑这匹马的阴茎可能不像其他马术项目那样英勇,但这需要高超的技巧和马术天赋。这款动物假阳具细节丰富,尺寸可观,非常吸引眼球。我们提供三种尺寸的 Sinnovator Steed Horse Dildo,尺寸从 18.5 厘米到 27 厘米不等,杆身直径从 4.5 厘米到 7 厘米不等。因此,只有经验丰富的骑手或肛门拉伸爱好者才建议使用较大尺寸的假阳具。手工制造的 Sinnovator Steed 马用假阳具注重细节,其令人惊叹的设计特点只有在真正的马身上才能找到。它们不仅具有难以置信的逼真感,还能在您骑马达到高潮时提供无与伦比的强烈刺激。
Sinnovator 马用假阳具易于驾驭,底座宽大坚固,确保骑乘时的安全性。它由最优质的铂金硅胶手工制作而成,具有完美的弹性,能紧贴您身体的内部轮廓,带来最佳的满足感。硅胶动物假阳具不仅手感极佳,而且对身体安全、无毒、不含邻苯二甲酸盐,与水基润滑剂兼容,保证让您随时随地在各种情趣项目中获得完美表现。
对于这款 SINNOVATOR 情趣玩具,我们推荐使用 MANCUNT 润滑油。这款润滑剂结合了两个世界的优点:它像硅胶一样滑爽,又像水一样容易冲洗。MANCUNT 让使用 SINNOVATOR 性玩具成为一种令人窒息的享受。将足够的润滑剂涂抹在性玩具上,然后用我们的 "Lube Shooter "将一些润滑剂插入肛门。我们还建议使用我们的 EXTREMEO 喷雾剂。这款喷雾是肛交初学者和经验丰富的INNOVATOR 性玩具爱好者的最佳选择。在使用INNOVATOR 情趣用品之前,请使用我们的 VeryClean 清洗喷雾彻底清洗。
Get it if you want ...
Super quality silicone, perfect firmness, not too floppy, not too firm, the perfect size. The 10 inch one isn't too large that it can't support itself, and it great all around.
This is a great, fun ...
Nice soft materiel with good attention to detail, the taboo nature of this product really got my wife going and she orgasmed within seconds, hope to go larger in the future ! This was great fun to use as a couple and we both got plenty of pleasure from it.
Tried this lovely cock last night for the first time.
Tried this lovely cock last night for the first time. It's fantastic and will be a favourite in my collection. It's flexible yet firm and very comfortable to use. The flared head and textured shaft feel incredible and very lifelike. I rode him to full orgasm and if I didn't have to go to work I'd do it again this morning!!! :-) can't wait to try this out on my partner's harness.
49,99 €
Caterpillar 肛门塞
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男士挤奶机--The Milker Pro 版
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大直径 XL 假阳具 - THINK BIG
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狼假阳具 Sinnovator 动物嚎叫假阳具
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Ass Holster - 肛门塞保护套
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对接插头 Challenger
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Sinnovator 椭圆形对接插头
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