不属于这个世界我们的 Cyborg 假阳具是肛交玩具中的外星人。凹槽、刺激性极强的褶皱和凸起为 "黑洞 "深处提供了超乎寻常的刺激。
普通的还不够?Cyborg Exploration Dildo 专为肛管中的超新星而设计,一定能满足你对外星鸡巴的渴望,让你真正享受到它的魅力!赛博格探索假阳具以其光滑柔软的表面插入您的肛门。然后,它又以其超凡脱俗的结构宠幸你。
在这个变得越来越无足轻重的世界里,Cyborg Exploration Dildo 脱颖而出,为您带来令人惊叹的快感。柔韧的硅胶让插入变得容易,并提供精准的刺激。明显的凹槽、褶皱和凸起确保您在让 Cyborg Exploration Dildo 深入黑洞之前,会爱上每一寸肌肤。
在通往肛门超新星的淫荡旅程中,不要忘记燃料,即水基润滑剂。在 Cyborg Exploration Dildo 上涂抹大量的 FORMULA X HYBRID 润滑剂,将为您带来难忘的体验。
Er hält super im Strap-on und hat eine gute dicke ist dabei aber eher kurz, wodurch er perfekt für harte Penetration geeignet ist
Ein sehr guter Dildo
Der Cyborg Exploration Dildo ist total geil gemacht. Er besitzt die nötige Festigkeit, is aber nicht zu fest. Also er ist angenehm weich. Meiner Meinung nach ist er für Anfänger gut geeignet. Auch der Saugnapf hält an allen glatten Oberflächen. Zusammengefasst ist er ein sehr guter Dildo.
Très bon achat !
Il est de bonne taille et assez épais, ni trop dure ni trop souple. La ventouse est très forte. Très bon achat !
Soddisfatta in ogni senso
Perfetto sia per la penetrazione analisi che vaginale. Momenti di godimento puro sia in coppia sia sola. Soddisfatta in ogni senso
Schöner Praller und Standfester Schwanz
Auf der Suche nach einem Dildo für meinen Strap-on habe ich mit diesem Modell die perfekte Wahl getroffen. Ich kann ihn ohne Schwierigkeiten in voller Länge in den Anus penetrieren, ohne erstmal wegen der Länge aufpassen zu müssen und ohne an Reiz zu verlieren, da sich die Rillen, Noppen und Biegung geil anfühlen. Die Biegung nach oben war auch super, weil dadurch der Schwanz schön gerade im Strap-on Stand. Viele andere Modelle biegen sich aufgrund ihrer Größe und Gewichts nach unten, was einfach kein schönes Bild ergibt. Auch das Silikon sieht und fühlt sich toll an. Ich bin froh über meinen neuen Schwanz der Wahl.
Très satisfait. Il est vraiment agréable et jouissif par sa texture, sa forme et ses petits reliefs.
Existe-t-il dans une taille plus grande ?
En 5.5 cm de diamètre pour moi il serait parfait.
Je le prendrais de suite
Cyborg Exploration Dildo – 18 cm – 7“
Wow, dieser Dildo ist wirklich ein richtiges Kunstwerk! Fast zu schade für die Spielekiste, eigentlich sollte man ihn als Dekogegenstand aufstellen..:D Neben der Optik fühlt er sich auch saugeil an und stopft wirklich jedes nasse Loch, das gestopft werden will. Die Oberflächen fühlen sich sehr angenehm an und auch das reinigen funktioniert einwandfrei. Ich mag diesen "kleinen" Alien!
Just received and tested
When I just received it,
first impression was ; it is tiny.... after all verifications, no lies, size was just as told... Maybe I (and only I) was oversizing it in my mind...
After testing : the texture of this toy was incredible. Again, it is NOT oversized as a Bad Dragon toy would be, but texture is here, and it's incredible. The toy itself is squishy, and it's just what is needed for this kind of toy.
As a conclusion : you can buy it blindfolded, you will NOT be disappointed : this toy is just perfect for someone who is searching a good toy (hitting right spot) with his toy being 'different', without being an 'over-ass-destroyer' ...
Thanks a lot MEO
je voudrais etre prevenue quand ce gode seras de nouveaux disponible svp je le veux vraiment ej vous remerci d'avance
Stili waiting for availability
I can't Walt! :))
Cyborg Exploration Cock
Exactly when will the above item be in stock ?
Larry Williams
Well, in a word, AMAZING.
Well, in a word, AMAZING. I’m sorry, but knock-off or not, this dildo felt GOOD. The first time I took it out for a test drive, I was in the middle of reviewing some other toys, and when they were getting me nowhere, I decided to take a break. As I was on my way to the bathroom, the Cyborg Cock caught my eye. I was almost certain it possibly even shouted my name. I’ve been doing this too long… Still, I couldn’t ignore it; so I picked it up and took it into the bathroom.
I slapped the Cyborg to the tiled wall and got into position. I pressed myself against it, and as I was a little warmed up from earlier, it slipped in surprisingly easy. As I lowered myself further onto it, I could feel my knees tremble as I felt each plate slip past my sphincter. The texture was VERY obvious and it felt WONDERFUL. Before I knew it, I was pressing up right against the wall. I took a few moments to relax and enjoy the mild feeling of fullness before I began to ride it.
The texture was intense, so I had to take it slow, but it was worth it. I had half expected it to feel really rough (I still have the memory of the Icicles Tentacle in my head) so I was pleasantly surprised. As I began to really enjoy the ride, a wicked thought entered my head. I’ve never done it before… and it’s only for me (maybe the Mr if he’s lucky *winky face*). I went back into the bedroom and grabbed my phone. I opened up the video camera, placed the phone on the floor in the optimal position and slipped back onto the Cyborg. I was watching myself fuck myself. It’s narcissistic, I know. But I had never been so aroused and I couldn’t hold in an orgasm any more.
Read full review: https://thebiggayreview.com/meo-cyborg-exploration-cock/
For fans of uncircumcised cocks.
Fun fact: A cyborg is defined as a person whose physical capabilities are extended beyond typical human limits via mechanical elements that have been augmented into the body.
Another fun fact: Meo doesn’t just market its Cyborg Exploration Cock as a cyborg cock, but as an alien cyborg cock.
The Meo Cyborg Exploration Cock is a semi-realistic dildo that plays heavily with fictional elements to achieve its aesthetics. ‘Semi-realistic’ here is a bit of a stretch – this is clearly a dick, balls and all, but, much like a cyborg the Meo Cyborg Exploration Cock has been augmented with additional elements that you won’t naturally find on a human partner.
This dildo is out of this world!
Prominent, ridged plates run up the entirety of the Meo Cyborg Exploration Cock’s shaft, ending only at its uncircumcised pinnacle, which is smoother and rounded for that initial touch of tenderness. The sides of this toy’s shaft are also dotted with raised nubs which act to provide additional texture.
This variety of sensation is exactly what you’d want from a textured toy, and the plated section, in particular, has been firmly designed to stand out.
In terms of pure aesthetic appeal I can easily say that this toy grabs the eye near-immediately. It stood out to me, when browsing Meo’s massive selection of dildos (or varying material safety), and I can only imagine that it will stand out to others too, regardless of whether or not alien cybersex is you thing.
That’s the great thing about creating dildos with a fictional element: Yes, if you want it to be then this is the cock of a cyborg, an alien, or an alien cyborg. The premise laid out by Meo acts as a nice little erotic tidbit and it will be a thought that lingers in some user’s minds when riding this bad boy. But, for those who dislike the idea of a fantasy (sci-fi) phallus, this dildo doesn’t have to be anything, outside of an interestingly textured hunk of silicone that you enjoy for its surface qualities. It’s a win-win.
Read full review: http://emmelinepeachesreviews.com/2017/11/08/toy-review-the-meo-cyborg-exploration-cock/
Ein Dildo der es richtig bringt
Endlich mal was anderes ! Die Strukturen sind super und das Material ist wahnsinnig geil. Schön flexibel lässt er manche Spielerein zu.
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