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我们的桶形乳头夹是初学者和训练有素的 "乳头专家 "的理想乳头夹。它们的 "握力 "恰到好处,可以从超软到超紧进行调节。我们为夹子配备了 O 型环,用于连接链条或砝码。
作为配件,我们推荐使用我们的砝码(货号 8893),我们提供不同重量级别的砝码。
Très bel article
Le réglage est simple pour ajuster les pinces sur les seins, mais si je descriptif était plus clair, j'en aurais juste acheté une paire, et pas 4 pinces au total. Elle sont bien livrées par deux. Erreur de débutant....
bonne prise en main
rien a redire. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tolles Gefühl auch mit extra Gewichten
Bin echt angetan - macht Spass. Bei den Gewichten steigere ich mich von Woche zu Woche.
5 stars
These are the best tit clamps I have ever used. The pain is excruciating but so very enjoyable.
These are a are nipple pigs dream.
Snap these on (don't be gentle) and become lost in the pleasure pain. These have become my favorite clamps. The pain is beautiful. And they really hold on. You can up your game with weight; I use 10 pounds on each when suspended. Add a gas mask and some brown bottle and enjoy. My only complaint is that I can sometimes cum too quickly. But leave them on, enjoy the agony and enjoy another round or two.
Ein bißchen Probieren muss man zwar, bis man den Dreh raus hat, aber dann ist es es super tolles Gefühl und man kann die Intensität einfach variieren. Leichte Handhabung.
Erfüllen ihren Zweck und sehen gut aus
Leichte Handhabung auch super für Anfänger
Eigentlich ganz okay
War das erste mal das ich Nippelklammern ausprobiert habe. War okay, aber nicht so ganz mein Ding. Mein Mann war allerdings begeistert. Also darf er sie jetzt benutzen ;-))
Gives giant hard-on to cock
Intense painful pressure to nips initially; pain gradually wears off. Gives giant hard-on to cock which can last a long time. Great for mutual clamping with fuck buddy.
5 stars
I like these but they don't have any kind of spring tension so they have to be cranked down pretty hard so they won't come off. Of course, that's the point. Crank them down and there is pain involved. Lots of pain.
Lil Pleasure Lil Pain
I was extremely happy with these. I put them on almost the highest clamping. It's nice that I still have some room on them to make them tighter if I want to.
Nice and easy to adjust. Produces right amount of pleasure-pain
you can clamp down your wired nips as hard as you can take and pull and tug and the clamps stay in place, providing pain and pleasure to your nips as long as you need.
49,99 €
防毒面具 BDSM
69,99 €
由真皮制成的 BDSM 眼罩--带尼龙搭扣
21,99 €
真皮丁字裤 - 黑色/红色真皮丁字裤
59,99 €
BUTTR - 带吸盘的战术 I 型假阳具
69,99 € 59,99 €
红色球形塞口器 - 可锁定塞口器
49,99 € 39,99 €
49,99 €
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Ball Stretcher - Iron...
129,99 €
黑色恋物面具 - 氨纶面具 -...
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49,99 €