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BDSM 拔罐器套装

我们的 BDSM 杯具套装是快乐与痛苦游戏的完美选择!将吸盘放在乳头上时,手泵会产生真空,从而增加血液流动,使您的性感带更容易接受刺激和抚摸。



39,99 €




    我们的 BDSM 杯具套装是快乐与痛苦游戏的完美选择!将吸盘放在乳头上时,手泵会产生真空,从而增加血液流动,使您的性感带更容易接受刺激和抚摸。取下手泵后,吸盘仍会因真空而留在皮肤上。以防万一,您可以通过每个拔罐头上的安全阀立即释放压力。


    6 个拔罐头有 3 种不同的尺寸,可以给你的伴侣带来难以置信的强烈感觉。您可以将气缸放置在身体的任何部位--当然,尤其是乳头、阴茎或肛门等性感部位--然后轻松连接泵。一旦抽气,就会产生真空,血液流动受到极大刺激。这将提高神经末梢的敏感度。我们的眼罩可以为您带来更强烈的乐趣!




    • 拔罐筒直径:3 - 7 厘米
    • 6 个气瓶和 1 个手动泵
    • 材料:ABS
    • 拔罐是拔火罐的英文单词,指的是一种起源于传统中医的做法。它试图借助负压来治疗各种疼痛。然而,即使经过了这么多年的实践,它是否真的有可以证明的实际效果,仍然没有科学依据。不过,有一点是肯定的,它也将这种传统做法带入了 BDSM 领域--皮肤会因为吸吮而变得异常敏感(这要归功于血液流量的增加)!这为 BDSM 快乐-痛苦游戏奠定了完美的基础。因此,除了背部,身体的其他部位也经常被使用。最好是私密部位,如整个乳房或乳头,以及其他有趣的部位。
    • MEO ® 让 BDSM 梦想成真。在这个高品质的德国品牌下,所有恋物癖爱好者都能找到大量的捆绑用具和电交设备。无论是捆绑用具、口塞、束缚用品、爱的秋千、皮制马具、皮制面具、阴茎笼、贞操带、SM 鞭、BDSM 套装还是 SM 玩具 - 琳琅满目的产品会让每个恋物癖者心跳加速,每个人都能找到自己想要的东西。作为捆绑艺术领域的佼佼者,作为情色SM游戏的装备提供商,MEO可以回顾众多BDSM产品、经验和成功--当然,我们仍在展望未来。
    • 点击此处阅读详细测试报告!




    Ottimo toy, lo consiglio.

    Ottimo toy, lo consiglio. Aggiunge un tocco in più alla masturbazione

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Nipple Enlargement

    Got this to enlarge my nipples and it works great at making them larger and perkier. Only thing is you can only do one at a time since the small narrow cup only comes one per set. The hand pump is very strong. Much better and more effective than other methods or "tools" out there. Well worth the price.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    My Master loves it too

    I just got your cupping set and not only do i LOVE IT but my MASTER REALY LOVES IT TOO. I wish that it had two smaller cups that would just cup the nipples but i have had a lot of fun with it and so has my Master. Thank you MEO.

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Perfekt für BDSM

    Super einfache Anwendung, ob allein oder durch einen Partner.

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Works great. Rated....Best buy toy

    This set is great fun, we took one of the large cylinders and heated it up over the propane burner so that it could be molded more oval shaped and now we have one for the wife's pussy!!! Works great. Rated....Best buy toy

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Best nipple toy ever

    I have to say this is the best nipple toy ever. My lover/boyfriend and I have have a great time experimenting with this. It made my nipples so hard and big. I have always seen this on your site and wondered what is would be like, but now I have the chance to play with this with him. It really turns me on so much and I would recommend this to anyone. Great toy.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


    BDSM 拔罐器套装

    BDSM 拔罐器套装

    我们的 BDSM 杯具套装是快乐与痛苦游戏的完美选择!将吸盘放在乳头上时,手泵会产生真空,从而增加血液流动,使您的性感带更容易接受刺激和抚摸。



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