想象一下,您可以体验到最强烈、最深刻的性满足,让您飘飘欲仙,同时增强骨盆底肌肉的力量。有了 Mystim 推出的带电子刺激功能的可充电 Rabbit 振动器 "Hop Hop Bob",这种体验将成为现实!
这款别致的黑色情趣用品具有完美的弧度,可同时刺激 G 点和阴蒂。其灵活的特性可确保它准确无误地刺激您的性感热点。Hop Hop Bob "具有 8 种振动模式和 5 种电子刺激模式,可提供多种感官体验。无论您是喜欢深入体内的愉悦脉动,还是喜欢多样化的刺激,Mystim 的这款情趣用品都能满足您的所有愿望!
但这还不是全部:"Hop Hop Bob "还能提供有效的盆底训练!在您追逐感官刺激的同时,"Hop Hop Bob "还能强化和锻炼您的骨盆底肌肉。这不仅能增强你的控制力,还能提高你的性高潮强度!
它非常易于使用,只需直接触摸 E-Stim 振动器上的一个按钮,就能方便地控制所有功能。"Hop Hop Bob "由丝绸般柔软的硅胶制成,可确保轻松插入和最大程度的呵护舒适感。最棒的是什么?它是防水的!因此,它可以直接插入淋浴间或浴缸,享受刺激的快感。
清洗 "Hop Hop Bob "易如反掌。我们的 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂可确保彻底清洁和护理。只需确保只使用水性润滑剂,以免损坏丝滑表面。
想象一下16 厘米长的技术奇迹,随时准备带您进入最激动人心的快感深渊。您的 Hop Bob 正等着您!准备好体验您从未想过的快感吧
E-Stim 情趣玩具由医用级铂金硅胶制成。因此非常卫生,只需用湿布和温和的肥皂即可轻松清洁。每隔一段时间,还应使用 VERYCLEAN 等皮肤友好型消毒剂(请遵循使用说明)。使用或充电前,请让振动器完全晾干。请确保只使用水性润滑剂,例如我们专为电击开发的 ESHOCK 凝胶。
近年来,E-stim(电刺激)越来越受欢迎。这也难怪:生殖器部位有很多神经,比其他部位多得多。使用经过适当调整的刺激电流装置和合适的配件,您可以刺激其中的每一根神经,让它们达到令人陶醉的程度。如果使用 MEO 的优质产品,这种刺激是无害的,而且不会让您失去理智。
程序Mystim E-Stim 振动器有 8 个振动程序、5 个电刺激程序和一个用于骨盆底肌训练的特殊程序。您可以自行决定是连续振动还是间歇性的剧烈振动。下面是这些程序的简要介绍。但正如生活中经常发生的情况一样,这里也有同样的道理:吃才是最好的证明!骨盆底肌肉承担着许多重要任务:它们使器官各归其位,稳定腹部和背部,防止膀胱无力或子宫脱垂等不适,并有助于改善姿势。此外,训练有素的骨盆底肌还能带来其他好处:改善组织的血液循环,当然还能通过绷紧骨盆底肌 "收缩 "肛门或阴道!
A Journey of Sensual Rediscovery
I must confess, "Hop Hop Bob" Rabbit Vibrator with E-Stim by Mystim has been a transformative experience. As a mature woman, I thought I knew every nuance of my body. Yet, this marvelously designed black toy, with its promise of deep and intense sexual gratification, has awakened sensations I never thought possible.
Bob's genius lies in its dual stimulation: the perfect curve for reaching my G-spot and the flexible, oh-so-responsive clitoral stimulator. It's an expert at hitting those sweet spots in ways that send me soaring into a realm of pleasure I had yet to explore.
Then there's the E-Stim, a delightful surprise that adds a depth of sensation I'd been missing. The pulsating tingles are simply divine, and with 8 vibration modes and 5 E-Stim modes, there is always a new sensual journey to embark on. And to top it off, "Hop Hop Bob" has been a wonderful asset in strengthening my pelvic floor muscles.
Controlling Bob is a breeze, thanks to the simple buttons. The silky-smooth silicone feels like a luxurious treat every time, and it's waterproof - so no location is off-limits!
In a word, "Hop Hop Bob" has redefined what pleasure means to me. To any woman of a certain age out there, I'd say this: let "Hop Hop Bob" guide you on a journey of sensual rediscovery. It's never too late to experience new heights of pleasure!
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