为您的 Doc Johnson、Hung、Fucktools 或 Hunglock 假阳具锦上添花!这是一个带 Vac-U-Lock™ 适配器的黄铜指节形手柄,可将您最喜欢的假阳具或肛门插头变成一个淫荡的撞锤。它的巨大优势在于:您可以比以往更好、更集中地使用您的玩具!
如何使用带 Vac-U-Lock™ 转接头的假阳具手柄?
带适配器的实用手柄会给您带来灵感和惊喜,因为在我们看来,它创新、实用而且很酷。该手柄可与所有 Vac-U-Lock™ 产品兼容。您一定不会相信这个独具匠心的配件会有如此多的用途!它不仅适用于与伴侣做爱和自慰,甚至还可以用来自卫(开玩笑的,手柄的形状就像铜指节)!将 MEO® 的 Fuck & Play 系列中的特殊手柄与兼容的 Vac-U-Lock™ 假阳具或肛塞结合使用,让您的下一次假阳具体验更具冲击力!您和您的伴侣都会兴奋不已!手柄看似普通,但其设计却能承受最严苛的使用环境。将您的快感提升到一个全新的水平,将任何兼容的 Vac-U-Lock™ 配件变成一个方便的快感工具。您还在等什么?使用世界上最方便用户使用的情趣用品系统,体验无限的性感可能。
Vac U Lock™ 是什么意思?
这很容易解释,因为这就像在家里一样--将插头插入插座!其中,"插头 "是配件的适配器插头,"插座 "是假阳具底部的异形开口。Vac-U-Lock™ 系统是一种可互换系统,不同的假阳具可以方便快捷地与 Vac-U-Lock™ 配件相结合。该系统适用于许多假阳具、性玩具和配件,例如,也适用于操逼器和其他实用配件(背带、束带、假阳具手柄、连接插头、吸盘、振动马达等)。为什么呢?因为将不同的玩具和配件组合在一起,既实用又便宜,还能为您省下一大笔钱。
Absolut praktisch
Der Dildogriff ist praktisch und gibt dir die absolute Kontrolle. Ich habe eine halbe Stunde lang hart und schnell in jemanden hineingestoßen, bevor mein Arm zu müde wurde (ich hätte wahrscheinlich noch etwas länger durchhalten können, vor allem mit einer kurzen Pause, aber die Person, bei der ich den Dildo benutzte, war zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon fast fertig).
Ergonomic and useful
This is an excellent way to use a dildo on someone - the knuckle grip is comfortable and gives so much control over the angle, and won't get lube all over it like an attached grip would. I've pumped into someone hard and fast for 15-20 minutes straight before my arm started to get too tired (I could probably have gone a bit longer, especially with a short break, but the person I was using it on was about done by that point). In case anyone was wondering, I very much doubt this would be useful for anyone who wants to use the dildo on themselves - the angle is just way wrong.
Absolute necessity
All of our toys are vac-u-lock, and we've found this is the absolute best handle. So comfortable, I'm able to maintain my position and pace for an almost indefinite amount of time without any loss of grip strength or discomfort.... Which allows me to deliver when they wife says to "keep doing it exactly like that". We're such a fan we have 3, so that we can have 3 different toys "at the ready" during playtime.
If you want to spice up your dildos, the Vac-U-Lock Knuckle Up handle is just what you need.
The sturdy grip is modeled after brass knuckles and provides an excellent grip when the going gets tough. The surface is non-slip so you get the feeling of full control.
The Knuckle Up handle can be used with all types of Vac-U-Lock dildos and plugs, so you can experiment with many different sex toys.
Cooles Teil
und funktioniert super mit meinen Dildos die einen Vaculock Anschluss haben. Tolles Handling auch wenn man alleine spielt
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