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Crisco - 肛门黄油

Crisco™ 是一种来自美国的植物脂肪。由于具有极佳的滑动性,Crisco ™ 在全世界被拳交和 BDSM 社区用作润滑剂。它可用于拳交、过度手淫,当然也可用于边缘润滑。



12,99 €

28,68 €/KG




    Crisco ™ 是一种来自美国的植物脂肪。由于具有很好的滑动性,Crisco ™ 在全世界被拳交和 BDSM 社区用作润滑剂。它可用于拳交、过度手淫,当然也可用于边缘润滑。


    如果您想从后面做爱,不妨试试这种美国黄油!Crisco ™ 是一种用途广泛的植物脂肪!Crisco ™ 在性爱中的用途多种多样。在性爱过程中,您可以将这种仅以植物为原料的油脂用作润滑剂,而无需使用安全套,就像您可以将它用于拳交、手淫或手淫前戏一样。Crisco ™ 具有出色的滑动特性,可确保在所有操作中获得更多乐趣。


    这种用于肛交的 "肛门黄油 "有什么特别之处?


    Crisco ™ 植物油脂来自美国,在欧洲早已得到验证。它在厨房里有多种用途,但男人、女人和情侣们早已发现了这种非常特殊的煎炸油脂所具有的良好滑动特性。因为 Crisco ™ 是一种完美的润滑剂,尤其适用于肛交和拳交。Crisco ™ 也可用于不戴安全套的正常性爱和许多其他用途。如果您有创造力和性幻想,您一定会找到很多方法来使用产量极高的 Crisco ™。


    使用 Crisco ™ 进行有趣的性爱


    Crisco ™ 植物油脂是一种来自美国的高油酸煎炸油脂,由 MEO 公司提供,罐装容量为 453 克。煎炸油脂的成分包括大豆油、氢化棉籽油、柠檬酸以及添加剂 E471 和 E319。因此,Crisco ™ 植物油脂是在纯植物的基础上生产的,素食主义者和纯素食者可以放心使用。过敏体质的人应该知道,该产品可能含有微量牛奶、鸡蛋、大豆或麸质。产品装在一个可密封的罐子里。打开罐子后,植物脂肪的保质期至少为一到两年。在厨房里,该产品可用于煎炸或防止软糖或面团粘手。从这里就可以看出 Crisco ™ 具有非常好的滑动性。Crisco ™ 已经在 fisting 领域占据了一席之地,但它与乳胶不兼容。因此,这种植物脂肪不能用于安全套、乳胶衣物或含有乳胶成分的性玩具。除此之外,它在性爱中还有很多可能的用途。




    • 经典 Crisco ™ 用于拳交。
    • 该产品含有脂肪,因此不适合与安全套一起使用。
    • Crisco ™ 不符合安全性行为准则。
    • 100% 纯天然
    • 用于 fisting
    • 实用容器
    • 效果持久
    • 出色的滑动性能
    • 重量:453 克
    • 适用于拳交和插入超大型性玩具(注意:不适用于乳胶性玩具)。
    • 成分:大豆油、全氢化棕榈油、部分氢化棕榈油和大豆油、单甘酯和二甘酯、TBHQ 和柠檬酸(抗氧化剂)。
    • 用于肛交会的 Crisco ™ Fisting Classic:Crisco ™ 屁股肛交润滑液在罐装时又厚又硬,但在体温下会融化,让皮肤感觉柔软光滑。此外,Crisco ™ 还是一种食品,甚至可以舔食。此外,Crisco ™ 的产量非常高,可在肛交或握拳时提供持久润滑。




    Eh beh, serve!

    Top sul mercato

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Crisco Ass Fisting Lube Review

    Crisco is the brand name of a type of vegetable oil that is classed as “shortening”, which means that it is solid at room temperature….that’s the science out of the way. The packaging is well urm… food packaging and includes ingredients and even a Shortcake recipe! MEO has added a sticker to the top of the carton stating that Crisco is not condom compatible. Once the plastic lid has been removed the carton is sealed with a foil lid that can be pulled back and removed. The carton can be sealed again by placing the plastic lid back on the top. As Crisco is classed as a food and edible there is a best before date on the bottom of the carton. I did find it quite amusing that the label stated “not intended for use as a spread” no mention that we couldn’t use it as a fisting lube. You get 453 grams of the Crisco Ass Fisting Lube for €9.90 which is a lot of lube for the money, however is overpriced for a vegetable oil.

    Mr Kinks review of the Crisco Ass Fisting Lube.
    I have to say I had my reservations about using a vegetable oil as Lube but I am pleased to report that it surpassed my every expectation. The first impression is that it is like a white margarine, with no real smell or taste, yes I did taste it. The Crisco Ass Fisting Lube is thick to touch however it melts with body temperature and leave the skin feeling soft and smooth.

    As this is a fat it doesn’t dry out or soak into the skin like a water based lube would do and a little goes a long way and it last for ages. I would say we are experienced anal players but miles away from being able to insert a fist so this review was just based on a few fingers. I had done some research online which had suggest we make up some pellets or balls of Crisco and put them in the freezer so we could insert the lube into bum. We left the Crisco balls in the freezer for 4-5 hours and although they didn’t set hard it did enable me to push the lube deeper inside Mrs Kink. She didn’t like the cold at first but they soon warmed up once inserted.

    I have to say I adore this lube, I loved inserting it into Mrs Kink and getting her messy, the lube got everywhere. Our anal lube of choice is normally ID Backslide, however the Crisco Ass Fisting Lube now sits alongside this, for its ease of use and insertion and the fact that it didn’t dry out and made the experience very enjoyable for the both of us.

    Based on my experiences with the Crisco I give it a rating of 9/10

    Mrs Kink’s review of the Crisco Ass Fisting lube.

    I love lube and I have a few favourites I tend to stick to. I do like to try new ones now and again though just to be sure I’m not missing out. I have to be honest I didn’t think I would be trying a vegetable oil, but it works. Crisco vegetable oil just looks like a tub of moisturiser.

    Rubbing it between my fingers felt rather greasy and oily which I expected but that made a great lube as it tends to last a while before it just rubbed into the skin. There was a slight greasy feeling left behind but not sticky and tacky like some lubes can be. I would just be careful if you’re using your favourite bed sheets if you don’t want them covered in greasy marks.

    I would definitely use the Crisco Ass Fisting Lube again but it’s not quite up there with my favourite lubes. I would give it an overall rating of 8/10.

    Overall we rate the Crisco Ass Fisting Lube 8.5/10, little goes a long way… prepare to get messy


    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.


    For many years, Crisco is the number one lubricant for fisting, insertion and use for the larger sex toys. As a fat-based product you can expect a very high sliding factor! Crisco also very quickly adapts to the body temperature.

    • 4 of 4 customers found this review helpful.

    my bum loves crisco

    Prob the best anal lube out there .got jumped by the whole football team and didn't feel a thing gona try adding sand next time

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.


    C'est ma 3 ème commande, donc comme d'habitude il n'y a rien a dire. Très économique et pratique. J'adore de plus en plus, surtout le fist, ca doit faire pratiquement un an et quelques que j'ai decouvert ce pot miracle, car le gel a base d' eau je ne supporte pas ainsi que la silicone, et autre produit;..

    • 5 of 5 customers found this review helpful.

    Possibly the best anal lube ever?

    I'd heard about Crisco for years, and was intrigued why it has always been so popular. So got myself a can. OMG this stuff is incredible! It is soft and creamy and so sensual it's unbelievable. It provides such great lubrication, you won't want to stop! I've used with toys and been deeper than ever and the whole experience has been hugely enhanced. Would highly recommend to anyone for anal play!

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    Perfekt zum Fisten

    Für Spiele der besonderen Art super geeignet.
    Meine ersten Erfahrungen mit Crisco waren sehr überzeugend. Die Qualität ist eiwandfrei und um einiges besser als andere vergleichbare Artikeln. Besser als manches Gleitgel, länger anhaltend und flutschig. Ideal für gayle Spiele.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Geile Schmiereigenschaften

    Crisco ist aus der amerikanischen Küche genau so wenig wegzudenken wie auch aus den Kellern geübter Fister ;-)

    Crisco bietet hervorragende langanhaltende Gleiteigenschaften, ist preisgünstig, geruchsneutral und zudem noch ein reines Naturprodukt, so dass Allergien o. ä. so gut wie ausgeschlossen sind. So sind der Fantasie zum Einsatz beim Sex keine Grenzen gesetzt.

    Von mir daher eine ganz klare Kaufempfehlung!

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Pas mal

    Pas pour la cuisine. A priori mieux vaut éviter de preparer un repas avec cette crème. Concernant les jeux intimes c'est formidable.

    • 4 of 4 customers found this review helpful.

    a recommander

    un rapprt qualite/ prix correct Très bon produit agréable et facile à utiliser à conseiller pour le fist un peu gras

    • 5 of 5 customers found this review helpful.

    5 stars

    Very pleased with my purchase

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


    Crisco - 肛门黄油

    Crisco - 肛门黄油

    Crisco™ 是一种来自美国的植物脂肪。由于具有极佳的滑动性,Crisco ™ 在全世界被拳交和 BDSM 社区用作润滑剂。它可用于拳交、过度手淫,当然也可用于边缘润滑。



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