ElectraStim 推出的 ElectraLoops™ 可调节阴茎环深受男性喜爱,可保证极度坚硬的勃起和令人惊叹的刺激。得益于高品质的材料和可调节的配合,这些阴茎环提供了舒适、时尚和电刺激的独特组合。
这些阴茎环不仅实用,而且美观,由厚橡胶(6.5 毫米)制成,可均匀分布电刺激,从而增加刺激强度。同时,这种材料还能确保阴茎紧紧握住,从而使阴茎勃起更坚硬、更持久--是长时间独处或与伴侣共度激情时刻的理想之选。
对于不仅重视功能而且重视设计的真正行家来说,我们还集成了由 CNC 铣削铝制成的高品质调节夹。它有三种阳极氧化金属色可供选择,给 ElectraLoops™ 带来奢华的触感,让人眼前一亮。
无论是将两个环沿着阴茎放置,还是将一个环绕阴茎、另一个环绕阴囊放置,ElectraLoops™ "Prestige "都能为您和您的伴侣提供无尽的电刺激体验。由于它的单极功能,您甚至可以将单个线圈与另一个电刺激配件组合起来,体验各种不同的感觉。您的想象力是无限的!
ElectraLoops™ 与所有 ElectraStim 电刺激设备兼容。虽然 ElectraLoops™ 是为直接连接 ElectraStim 电刺激设备而开发的,但也可以使用我们提供的适配器连接到其他制造商生产的电刺激设备上。
ElectraStim 推出的 ElectraLoops™ 使用说明
ElectraLoops™ 是专门设计的可调节阴茎环,可通过电刺激强化性体验。
ElectraLoops™ 是单极的,这意味着您必须使用两个环,或者将一个环与另一个单极电刺激配件结合使用,以完成电路。激活电刺激需要使用 ElectraStim 刺激装置(需单独购买)。
ElectraStim 代表着性电刺激(e-stim)领域的创新和质量,自成立以来,通过不断突破这一令人兴奋的成人娱乐领域的极限而声名鹊起。ElectraStim 非常注重设计、技术和用户体验,其产品将快感和性能独特地结合在一起,对初学者和经验丰富的用户都很有吸引力。产品范围从入门级套件到复杂的设备,都经过精心设计,以提供安全、愉悦和有效的体验。ElectraStim 非常重视质量和创新,其专利 "Flick "技术就体现了这一点--该公司致力于使电刺激更具个性化和互动性。这种精益求精的精神和超越消费者期望的意愿使 ElectraStim 成为该领域的领先品牌。MEO.de 是 ElectraStim 完美的分销合作伙伴,因为它擅长分销高质量的专业成人产品。MEO.de 深刻了解客户的需求和愿望,并坚定不移地致力于让客户满意,因此赢得了良好的声誉。MEO 的 BDSM 商店不仅提供种类繁多的各类产品,还非常重视教育和信息,以确保客户能够做出明智的购买决定。此外,MEO.de 的目标受众与 ElectraStim 非常契合,因为两家公司都强调提供高品质的创新产品,以提高客户的性健康和性体验。MEO.de 的广泛影响力,无论是在线还是通过其已建立的合作伙伴网络,都能确保 ElectraStim 的产品触及广泛而感兴趣的受众。ElectraStim 的突破性技术与 MEO.de 的专业知识和客户满意度承诺相结合,代表了一种强大的合作伙伴关系,这种关系致力于为客户提供卓越和丰富的体验。两者的完美结合将彻底改变电刺激领域,同时提供卓越的服务和支持。
Perfectly awesome
Jerking off is even more fun when you add an electrical current to the mix. These thick unipolar loops distribute the electro sensation evenly for a really pleasurable experience that will have you blowing your load in no time.
ElectraStim Prestige ElectraLoops
The build quality of the Prestige Electraloops is far superior to any other adjustable e-stim cock rings Ive ever had. For that matter, theyre higher quality than any regular (non-e-stim) cock rings Ive ever had. At 6.5mm thick, the rubber loop is strong, durable, and stays on tightly. The 2mm pin connectors hold the leads in securely. And, the current that passes through these is consistent and evenly spread.
In the past, I tried some cheap cock rings from other stores. When I put them on and turned on the power box (they made a cheap one that ended up just hurting), the electric current was way too focused on one or two spots. It created an intolerable amount of pain to my frenulum, and it felt like it was burning through my penis.
MEO charges a higher price, because they have a superior quality product. When I put these on, I was scared that they were going to do the same thing as those ones from discount stores. Not at all. The current was as gentle or as violent as I wanted it to be. There was no burning sensation. It was complete relaxation with a mind-blowing hands-free orgasm at the end.
If I could give these six stars, I would. Most amazing cock rings ever!
They work great combine them with a butt plug and enjoy.
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