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Cock & Ball Bondage


用于阴茎束缚和 CBT 的 Cock Snake

您准备好体验紧张刺激的 BDSM 吗?那么我们为您准备了:我们的奇妙产品--Cock Snake--是强烈快感和压抑性欲的缩影。



29,99 €




    您准备好体验紧张刺激的 BDSM 吗?那么我们为您准备了:我们的奇妙产品--Cock Snake--是强烈快感和压抑性欲的缩影。


    只要您将 Cock Snake 套在阴茎上,它就会立即让您处于绝对失控的状态。它紧紧抓住松弛的阴茎,让人感觉阴茎正握在一位经验丰富的女主人或不屈的主人手中。


    但这还不是全部。随着性兴奋的增加,Cock Snake 会把阴茎抓得更紧,防止阴茎勃起。它的作用就像亚马逊河流域的缢蛇,紧紧地缠绕着你:你越是用力反抗,它就抓得越紧。


    可以肯定的是:Cock Snake 不会容忍任何反抗!


    MEO Cock Snake 的外观并不那么威猛,但效果却令人印象深刻:它是专为鸡鸡束缚而设计的,能够有效防止鸡鸡勃起。这款精致的产品由坚固的镀铬黄铜制成,呈 "八 "字形,时尚美观,令人印象深刻。


    两个紧紧相连的圆环构成一个八字形,大圆环的直径约为 35 毫米,小圆环的直径约为 26 毫米。对任何阴茎来说都是完美的尺寸!


    您准备好放弃对阴茎的控制了吗?重新定义您的极限,让自己沉浸在超越常规的 BDSM 体验中。与 Cock Snake 一起的冒险正在等待着您!




    • 阴茎束缚配件,BDSM 情趣玩具
    • Cock Snake 不仅外观奇特,而且功能强大。它可以防止佩戴者在 Cock Snake 处于开启状态时勃起。
    • 适用于 CBT
    • 材料:金属
    • 尺寸:直径 26 毫米和 35 毫米


    进入 MEO 的世界吧!MEO 是一家让您最黑暗的幻想和最狂野的梦想成真的专卖店。在 MEO,您会发现一系列精致的 BDSM 情趣玩具和 CBT 配件,它们都是专为那些追求非凡、渴望强烈体验的男士而开发的。


    我们的每件产品都经过精挑细选,体现了我们对质量、安全和深入探索感官快感的承诺。从将您带入 BDSM 世界的初学者套装,到为经验丰富的行家准备的高度专业化 CBT 配件,MEO 为支配者或顺从者提供了他们所渴望的一切。




    在MEO,您可以期待到功能、设计和能够巧妙结合快乐与痛苦的BDSM玩具。您可以发现各种配件的无限可能:尖刺可以强化每一次触碰,捆绑绳索可以控制每一个动作,CBT 配件可以让每一次呼吸都变得有意义。


    我们知道,在 BDSM 的世界里,信任和安全是最重要的。因此,我们保证所有产品均由优质材料制成,使用安全。MEO是您通往超乎想象的快感和臣服深度的可靠伴侣。






    Ich liebe es!

    Normal bequem zu tragen, aber immer dezent spürbar - besonders da wo die spitze sich an die unterseite der eichel legt. vollständige erektion unmöglich aber erregung schon. man fühlt sich herrlich kontrolliert. über längere zeit problemlos tragbar

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.

    5 Sterne!

    Was für ein teuflisch gemeines und doch so herrliches Spielzeug. Einmal angelegt ist ein entkommen unmöglich. Man schwebt im auf und ab zwischen Qual und Lust.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.


    I was skeptical at first, but it's the best cage I've bought. Masturbation is really not possible and the penis looks really surrendered in it. It's just a bit difficult to get into it... you just have to be quick!

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Délicieusement frustrant

    Une fois enfilé, cet accessoire donne à ton érection une forme inhabituelle et particulièrement humiliante. L'orgasme reste tout à fait possible, mais il est ridiculement contraint et frustrant. Je recommande vivement

    • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

    Ejaculation impossible par un toy impitoyable

    Tu le positionnes à froid. Très vite tu veux bander. Tu bandes.... et là la douleur monte... avec le plaisir. Et plus tu prends plaisir, plus tu bandes, plus c'est douloureux... Le serpent se mord la queue - haha ! Il faut se sortir du cercle infernal, mais tu ne peux pas ôter le toy...

    • 5 of 5 customers found this review helpful.

    nur eine Größe

    Leider nur eine Größe
    was mich dazu bewegt es nicht zu Kaufen
    immer gibt es alles nur für Bullenschwänze
    und Bullenhoden,
    sehr schlecht.

    • 6 of 9 customers found this review helpful.


    I love to experiment with pain/pleaure and cockrings and this thing caught my eye! I tried it on and the immediate sensation when I got hard was amazing and despite it being bent I am hard as rock. Slap some estim tens patches on my cock head and one on the glans and I am in heaven! Highly recommended!

    • 6 of 6 customers found this review helpful.

    a great restraining toy …

    a great restraining toy … I love it as it holds on me because I have an erection … but this cannot be fully accomplished because of the restraint !… this lasts hours of sweet torments !

    • 5 of 5 customers found this review helpful.

    Cock Bondage Cock Snake von MEO

    Ein unheimlich aufregendes Produkt. Bereichert unser Sexualleben enorm. Die Schlange sitzt und tut das was sie soll. Schon beim Anlegen gibt es die erste Schwellung. Es muss dann schnell gehen. Im erigierten Zustand ist das nicht mehr möglich.

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    Der Hammer

    Die Cock Snake ist echt super, allerdings sobald mal eine Erektion bekommt, tut es etwas weh, kommt aber auch auf die Größe des Penis an...

    • 2 of 2 customers found this review helpful.

    absolutely GREAT little toy

    absolutely GREAT little toy! wear it constantly!!! under daily use, hardly know it's there. at the gym shower, it really leads to a few interesting conversations! HIGHLY recommended!!!

    • 4 of 4 customers found this review helpful.

    5 stars

    I will lock my husband's hands behind his back and to his collar so his hands are held high behind his back. Next, I will remove my husband's chastity cage and put this device on him before he has a chance to get hard. Then I make him ride a wooden plank for over an hour. The twisted penis keeps his tiny penis out of harms way as his tender crotch and tiny balls are raked over the pointed edge of the pony. He starts crying at about the half hour mark. I can not take credit for this idea. My mother, who often administers punishments to my husband, is the one who came up with this punishment. We will sit and have coffee and talk as my husbands submissiveness is reenforced. It is very relaxing for the both of us, and my husband reaps the benefit of a better attitude.

    • 6 of 6 customers found this review helpful.

    Highly recommended!

    I love to experiment with pain/pleaure and cockrings and this thing caught my eye! I tried it on and the immediate sensation when I got hard was amazing and despite it being bent I am hard as rock. Slap some estim tens patches on my cock head and one on the glans and I am in heaven!

    • 3 of 3 customers found this review helpful.


    用于阴茎束缚和 CBT 的 Cock Snake

    用于阴茎束缚和 CBT 的 Cock Snake

    您准备好体验紧张刺激的 BDSM 吗?那么我们为您准备了:我们的奇妙产品--Cock Snake--是强烈快感和压抑性欲的缩影。



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