Noblesse 系列中的带引线 BDSM 项圈采用的是最高品质的日本牛皮。项圈的精心设计、优质皮革和柔软的羔羊纳帕皮内衬确保了捆绑时的极高舒适度。玫瑰金色的金属部件,如卡扣、链条、铆钉和搭扣,既稳固又安全。颈部束缚装置还配有带皮圈和卡扣链的豪华导向绳。三个 D 形环可将皮带、链条、脚镣和其他配件连接到颈束带上。
MEO® 系列产品的深酒红色极富表现力,不仅象征着优雅、爱情、激情、浪漫和温馨,还彰显了捆绑过程中 Top 和 Sub 之间的情感纽带。玫瑰金色的金属元素与设计完美搭配,为产品增添了美丽的对比。
Noblesse 系列中的颈束带有何特别之处?
日本牛皮制成的高贵捆绑必备品!永恒、令人信服的高品质设计将为您的 BDSM 体验带来优雅的外观。由于采用了柔软的羔羊纳帕皮内衬,项圈为您带来梦幻般的佩戴舒适感。通过搭扣,您可以调整捆绑项圈,使其完全贴合您的脖子。106 厘米长的项圈配有一个高品质皮革制成的手环,手环与玫瑰金色的链条相连。有了这款高贵的捆绑配件,Sub 可以非常准确地感受到在这段关系中谁是主宰,谁在发号施令。颈部束缚装置上有三个 D 形环,可与大多数链条、绳索和束缚装置兼容,便于连接牵引绳。
MEO® 的 Noblesse 系列产品只采用符合最高质量和环保标准的日本牛皮和柔软的羔羊纳帕皮。所有产品均由拥有多年工艺经验的资深马具师和箱包制作师制作。我们精心的加工和植物鞣制工艺赋予牛皮美丽的表面和舒适的手感。从裁剪到缝制,我们都精心制作,力求达到完美的效果。
日本牛皮具有许多优良特性,就像第二层皮肤一样柔软、有韧性、可弯曲、可伸展且富有弹性。与此形成鲜明对比的是,植物鞣革还使其同时具有坚固性和抗撕裂性。这些完美的特性使其成为 MEO® 的高品质束缚用品和 BDSM 配件。
Looking for a BDSM collar that will turn heads?
Looking for a BDSM collar that will turn heads? You probably want the unique coloration of the Noblesse BDSM Leather Collar and its matching leash. The deep, dark wine red is simply gorgeous while the matching leash ensures your entire kinky ensemble will match.
Beauty doesn’t replace functionality, though, and the Noblesse BDSM Leather Collar set works great for bondage as well! With its lightweight, mostly-unpadded design, it doesn’t weigh down the wearer, and the finished interior lining means that it doesn’t feel scratchy or aggravating – even when you’re sweaty.
While I have a few qualms with it (like the 3 D-ring placement on the front of the collar being a bit close together), they’re mostly minor “quality of life” improvements that don’t affect the general functionality of this collar, and that is:
It’s a beautiful, high-quality, durable collar that will work fantastic for almost all general BDSM uses – especially if you’re looking for something to simply use to lead your partner around for hours on end.
Ästhetik & Qualität
Unglaublich tolle Ästhetik durch den Kontrast der Farben. Man sieht förmlich sie Qualität.
Hervorragend und sauber bearbeitet aus sehr weichen Leder das dennoch robust wirkt.
Sehr weiter Bereich für die weiteneinstellung.
Ein wirklich besonderes Stück!
lo consiglio molto
mi sono divertata un sacco ad utilizzarlo con lui!!
è di buona fattura, lo consiglio molto!!
Great collar
Great fit, solid design, he really enjoys wearing it.
Awesome collar
This is an awesome collar, great for both public wear and private play.
In der Tat sehr gut!
Dank des Innenpolsters bietet das Halsband einen ausgezeichneten Komfort, so dass es nicht den geringsten Abdruck am Hals hinterlässt und dir erlaubt, jedes sexy Spiel zu spielen, um die intimsten Wünsche zu befriedigen.
Ottimo prodotto!
Il prodotto è stato consegnato nei tempi previsti. Packaging adeguato, il prodotto è pervenuto senza un graffio.
Valutazione prodotto: ottimo.
Il prodotto corrisponde all'immagine in vetrina e alla descrizione fornita.
Il prodotto non presenta alcun difetto di lavorazione e anzi curato nei minimi dettagli, sia il collare che la catena.
Consigliatissimo a tutti gli amanti del genere.
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