MEO 的皮革系列从皮革到最后一个接缝都是精心制作而成。我们的捆绑颈圈 "BLACK BERLIN "的皮革经过了长时间的碾磨,因此质地柔软,佩戴舒适。
更多细节:配有三个坚固的 D 形环。可调节尺寸的上带配有镀镍钢制可锁扣。
可锁项圈:尺寸:45 厘米长 x 5.5 厘米宽
"BLACK BERLIN "系列包括可锁脚铐和手铐。供货范围包括同类锁具和详细的保养说明。
带时间锁的束缚带:您可以使用我们的传统挂锁,也可以使用我们的数字自缚时间锁 MEOBOND。我们的 MEOBOND 时间锁适用于束缚带、口塞和贞操带,可确保您在预先设定的时间(最长 100 小时)后才被释放。点击此处
Chices Schmuckstück
Tolles breites Halsband das wirkt. Es fühlt sich beim Tragen wirklich super an und die Möglichkeit es abzuschließen erhöht das Gefühl besitzt zu werden.
Je l'aime trop,
Je l'aime trop,
il me va impeccablement bien,
je le mets souvent,
que dire de plus à part des éloges
Davvero divertente, se vi piacciono le cose kinky.
Davvero divertente, se vi piacciono le cose kinky.
Può risultare un po' scomodo perché il cinturino è piuttosto largo, ma lo consiglio vivamente.
Tolles Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis
Halsfessel überzeugt in punkto Material, Verarbeitung und Tragekomfort.
Polsterung ist angenehm, lässt sich gut tragen und scheuert nicht.
Der Zusatz-Reiz ist, daß die Halsfessel abschließbar ist.
Ich kann dieses Produkt empfehlen.
Die nächste Bondage-Session kann kommen !
Leather collar from Berlin
This being the first purchace I have made from MEO I wasn't sure what to expect at first. I was surprised that it arrived a little sooner than I had expected and when I opend it up and expected the package it looked even better than the picture, I couldn't wait to try it on. I bought this item several months back and have been testing it out before I wrote a review and I am I quiet impressed by it, it is so soft and comfortable I can sleep in it and usually I can't sleep in a collar but the ability to lock it surly helps, no removing it in the night for me once I lock it and place the key on the other side of the room. For first timers or those who know what they are doing I seriouly recommend checking this item out, you won't regret it.
Das perfekte Bondage-Halsband, sogar abzuschließen
Dieses Bondage-Halsband ist extrem stabil sowie robust und dennoch lässt es sich durch die schöne Polsterung sehr gut über einen langen Zeitraum tragen ohne in irgendeiner Form störend zu wirken.
Auch reinigen lässt es sich recht einfach, wobei man natürlich unbedingt darauf achten sollte, Leder gründsätzlich auch mit entsprechenden Pflege zu bearbeiten, damit es einem lange erhalten bleibt und nicht spröde wird (zum Beispiel Pflege mit Poliboy Leder Intensiv Pflege).
Sehr schöne, aufwendig gepolstertes Halsband
Sehr schöne, aufwendig gepolstertes Halsband mit dem man den Sub sehr gut führen oder auch mal sehr ernst dran ziehen kann. Klasse Material, bestes Leder (wie Nappa) und echt gut verarbeitet. Jederzeit wieder würde ich bei MEO dieses Halsband aus Berlin kaufen. Sehr zu empfehlen .
intérieur très doux et réglage parfait ..... mon amie ne l'a pas quitter de toute la nuit sans aucune gêne, l'essayer c'est l'adopter
A major plus to this collar is how comfy it is!
A major plus to this collar is how comfy it is! This surprised me, actually, I expected it to be rough around the edges but it's really not! It's lined with a kind of soft material that makes it easy on the neck. Another plus is that it's padlockable (is that even a word?)! It looks like it would fit any small padlock so that's always good.
This will last a lifetime
Though the packaging is simple, as soon as you lay eyes on this collar you can tell the Deutsche quality. It's very comfortable and has a very sexy and comfortable feel to it.
Many times with collars you end up having the smallest size still too large. Not with this one. This one is built to last and to be varied.
This collar you could struggle against until the cows come home. You won't break it.
Very happy with this product. This will last a lifetime.
Super comfortable
We bought this along with the Black Berlin wrist restraints and couldn't be happier. While not cheap, this is a quality item - made in Germany.
As always, MEO's service is excellent. It arrived promptly in a plain brown box.
Inside the box, it comes in a simple clear bag, but I'm happy they spent the money on the product that we use not the packaging!
I'm growing into quite a fan of their stuff, actually.
It feels and smells like proper leather. It's soft, well padded and very strong - you won't be breaking out of this, no matter how hard you try!
3 D-rings spaced 90 deg apart, the other 'corner' is where the buckle is. The extra padding top and bottom make it super comfortable. As I say, the whole thing is very sturdy and should provide years of fun.
Like their restraints, one is buying quality, so if you are sick of 'toys' and want something decent, look no further. This is as good as I've seen and kind of a bargain.
阴茎增大缸手动泵 - Dr. Cock...
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VeryDeep - 尿道润滑剂
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舌塞 - 唇塞 - SILENTIUM
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乳头夹 - 黑色三叶草夹
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