MEO 的这款可上锁的捆绑项圈深受支配欲极强的主人和情妇的喜爱,是一款将支配和服从强调到极致的 BDSM 配件!该项圈高度约为 60 毫米,与普通捆绑项圈相比显得与众不同。
它配有 3 个实用的 D 形环,甚至可以根据需要使用数字时间锁进行锁定!额外的宽度使捆绑项圈看起来更加引人注目,并可根据需要进一步收缩颈部。这将在捆绑过程中带来更强烈的顺从感,这对许多 BDSM 迷来说是一种非常刺激的体验。尤其是当项圈被挂锁锁住时!捆绑项圈有很好的衬垫,颈围可以调节,因此非常合身,需要时还能不屈不挠地收紧。紧身的设计加上极高的佩戴舒适度,意味着我们的项圈在白天也可以穿在普通的日常服装(如高领毛衣)里面。
挂锁从为此目的而设置的开口插入,在挂锁被取下之前锁住带扣。 近 20 年来,MEO 的这款捆绑项圈一直是最受男女、初学者和专业人士欢迎的捆绑产品之一,这是有充分理由的。
它的质量和工艺都是首屈一指的,而且用途广泛,是全球 BDSM 爱好者的必备之物。 MEO 以其精湛的皮革制品制造技术而闻名于世!我们的工艺使皮革表面温润,手感舒适。MEO 采用的皮革经过精心鞣制,纹理细腻,耐磨性强。皮革的特性得以保留,天然的凹凸不平和伤痕不会被人为掩盖。
柔软的衬垫内层使这款皮革捆绑项圈不仅舒适度极高,而且经久耐用。多处缝合细节和三个 D 形环使其成为捆绑过程中的多功能配件。可根据需要在 D 形环上安装扣钩、链条或捆绑绳。
可以使用我们的传统挂锁(附带)或 MEOBOND 数字时间锁来锁住捆绑项圈的搭扣。MEOBOND 数字时间锁适用于手铐、脚铐、BDSM 项圈、口塞甚至贞操带,可确保您在预设时间(最长 100 小时)后才被释放。不过,交货范围中只包括一个挂锁。
MEOBOND 时间锁需单独订购,但它非常适合自我捆绑场景,因此值得购买。 由于采用了可调节式设计以及刻有 MEO 标志的带扣和铆钉,这款捆绑项圈不仅功能强大,而且极具视觉吸引力。该项圈的每个细节都经过精心设计,以确保最大程度的舒适性。
附带的皮革保养说明可以确保您的皮革捆绑项圈始终保持最佳状态。 这款精美的捆绑项圈是被动伴侣即时可用和服从的终极象征。还等什么呢?今天就来 MEO 探索最美丽的捆绑项圈之一,体验愉悦、支配和服从的迷人世界!
Very well made
This is a good well made collar.Its also comfortable and useful. I would recomend this to anyone willing to go further. :)
Fantastic Collar!
I have a very big neck and it's way big enough. Can be tightened just enough to remind you it's on at all times.
Leder ist sehr, sehr gut verarbeitet.
Das Leder ist sehr, sehr gut verarbeitet.
Das Bondage-Halsband ist angenehm zu tragen und hat keine unangenehmen Kanten.
Super Preis/Leistungs-Verhältnis (wenn man anschaut, was so was in einem Erotikshop vor Ort kosten würde).
Ich bin wirklich äußerst positiv überrascht und gebe daher 5 Sterne. (Das selbe gilt übrigens für zugehörigen Handfesseln aus der Serie San Francisco!)
Yay! I've found it at last!
I've bought soooo many collars in the past and they are never quite right.
Collars often have too much of a gap between the fastenings so you can't get the right level of tightness... they are either too loose or else they will strangle you! Well, this one has lovely close tightening gaps so you can make it fit, then make it just a liiiittle bit tighter. ;)
It has enough fastening options to fit most necks I Also, the leather is lovely and soft and the seams have been nicely turned in on themselves so there are no harsh edges so it doesn't chafe or cut in at all.
The little ring on the front (or back, if you prefer!) is very handy for all manner of attachments from cuffs to leashes... and it has a swivel action too, which is most cool and means your leash doesn't get itself tied up in knots when you are leading poor doggy around. :o)
Lockable Bondage Collar
We've bought collars in the past that looked great, but caused irritation with prolonged wear. This collar certainly looks the part, but can be worn for extended periods, which adds to the effect.
The leather (apparently!) feels really nice on the skin and it's a true quality item, which is fortunate because I suspect it'll be worn often!
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