"O "型戒指由一个直径为 8 毫米的钢指环和一个 2 毫米厚、内径为 8 毫米的圆环组成。配件(如链条)可穿过该指环。
灵感来源于《O 的历史》中主角佩戴的戒指的首饰。在第一部改编电影上映后,我们分发了这些戒指的复制品;这枚戒指代表了异性恋亚文化中最著名的识别代码之一。
戒指戴在左边的人自称 Top,戴在右边的人自称 Bottom(总是从佩戴者身上看到)。这一惯例可能源自 Hanky 的密码。不过,在小说及其改编电影中,O 和史蒂芬爵士都把戒指戴在左边。戒指的含义也发生了变化。在书中,由女性佩戴的这枚戒指代表着任何入门男子都可以随意征服她:
有 3 种尺寸可供选择:
S = 内径 15 毫米
M = 内径 18 毫米
L = 内径 21 毫米
Anneau d'O
Très belle bague, très originale, elle me quitte plus
tres belle
j ai reçu la bague tres qualité avec un rendu très bien maintenant elle fait parti de moi
je recommande a tous / toute cliente
très beau rendu
Je porte cette bague depuis quelques semaines et je suis vraiment surprise.
Coté look : rien à dire
La qualité de l'acier est très bonne
Geschichte der O Finger Ring
Ich muss zugeben, dass ich nichts finde, was es zu bemängeln gäbe. Keine scharfen Kanten oder spitzen Stellen, perfekt vearbeitet, schickes Design, sehr edel, keine Abweichungen vom Photo. Das Paket kam sogar am nächsten Tag an, so dass ich schlichtweg irritiert war, als es geliefert wurde. Unverhofft positiv. Top Produkt. Danke MEO.
O ring
I had an " O " ring made for my sub/slut wife who is a professional educator and travels the US. When she is gone overnight she is instructed to leave her wedding rings at home and only wear the O ring. As she constantly comes in contact with new people the ring gets second looks from both men and women; some are bold enough to ask the meaning while others apparently already know. When men approach her she always tells them she has to call and get permission. We discuss the situation and if she is attracted to him or she feels she needs to be disciplined I say yes; if she uses a code word I take her off the hook and tell her no. She also understands for a" yes" she will be beaten when she returns home. There will be no exchange of phone numbers, e-mails,etc. The ring is a definite attention getter and among some of the women becomes the topic of lengthy conversation. I have instructed her to tell them to read the book if they are that curious. One woman requested the name and address of the company that made the ring
Story of O Slave Ring
These rings are fashioned after the ring that O wore in the film version of the well-known "Story of O" as she experiences her journey through BDSM exploring her submissiveness.
Often known as the "Story of O ring", it has also been called the "Story of O slave ring", or simply a "slave ring".
Unusual Eye Catching Design with a Story
Anyone familiar with the distinctive style of a ring with a shackle on it will easily recognize it as a Slave ring
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