从柔软到坚硬,从快感到痛苦,从奖励到惩罚:8 种不同的振动程序可在这款 SM 玩具中与5 种不同的刺激电流相结合,实施痛苦的BDSM 惩罚或让您达到极致高潮。从刺痛、搔痒和轻柔按摩,到强劲、穿透力极强的振动和坚硬、插入式脉冲,这款Estim 肛门振动器可满足您对SM 玩具 的一切需求。
Estim 肛门振动器的材料确保了电流脉冲能够传导到振动器的头部,并在那里得到很好的感受。根据游戏类型,您可以决定您的伴侣是在轻柔刺痛的波浪中尽情享受,还是在坚硬、跳动的脉冲下淫荡地扭动。
由于 Estim 肛门振动器是防水的,因此您可以在任何地方使用它,使用后也可以快速、卫生地清洁它。它可以用 USB 电缆充电,然后可以使用多个小时。
这些都是 Estim 情趣玩具的优点,相信每个人都会信服:
由于其灵活性,Estim 肛门震动器甚至可以触及男人的 "神奇 "G 点--前列腺!
如何使用 Estim 肛门震动器?
使用 ESHOCK by MEO ® 等导电润滑剂,将 Estim 震动器插入肛门。使用不同的按钮来选择不同强度的刺激电流或振动。
Estim 肛门震动器有什么特别之处?
Estim 肛门震动器在各个方向上都非常灵活,可用于各种幻想和体位!MEO ®的Estim肛门振动器是一款非常酷的全能型产品,非常适合各种类型的BDSM,可隐蔽收纳,随时可用。您无需购买额外的刺激设备或 TENS 装置来获得电刺激:Estim 肛门振动器有一个独立的电机,通过其导电表面提供电刺激。您可以以不同的方式和强度控制这些表面。如果您不想享受电子性爱,您可以将Estim 肛门振动器作为 "普通 "振动器使用,它有 7 种振动模式。当然,您也可以用这两种方法将自己推向高潮,因为这两种功能都可以单独控制。Estim 肛门振动器非常灵活,可以准确触及最能激发您性欲的部位。Estim 肛门振动器可连续使用数小时,然后需要充电才能使用其所有功能。
Estim 肛门震动器适合初学者吗?
无论您是初学者还是专业人士,无论您是想单独使用还是与伴侣一起使用,MEO ® Estim肛门震动器都能同时为您提供振动和刺激电流,这意味着您将获得无穷乐趣。
使用 Estim 肛门震动器时需要注意什么?
请不要在 Estim 肛门震动器上使用硅基润滑剂,因为它们可能会损坏材料。请仅使用水基润滑剂。Estim 肛门震动器使用 MEO ® 推出的 Estim Lubricant ESHOCK 水基润滑剂效果更佳。ESHOCK 是一种亲肤型 Estim 润滑剂,适用于刺激性电交。ESHOCK 具有导电性,可改善Estim 肛门震动器与皮肤之间的接触。
只需用温和的肥皂和水清洗 Estim 后庭震动器即可。如果您喜欢更彻底的清洁,请使用我们的 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂。
My personal opinion
The vibration is not very loud but also not mindblowingly strong. The seven modes are well designed. I'd rate this with 4 of 5.
But I was keen on this thing for the estim. It was the very first(!) experience I made with estim. I am a male sub but always fail to achieve to cum from prostate stimulation. Frustrated I thought I'd give this one a try. I hoped that the e-waves would actually make my prostate erupt in a massive handsfree cumshot. This didn't work (for my part), which I do not blame this toy for. I've read that estim plays out very differently for each person, so I try to be "objective" and rate the estim 3 1/2 of 5.
What I reeeally appreciate is the flexibility. It is soft enough to push it whereever you like, put still hard enough to PUSH on spots. Also the silicon feels nice and I like that it's for charging.
BUT nevertheless I only give three stars while for my part feel like giving just two stars, because:
(1) The feeling itself was unpleasant. It was just contracting my rectrum-muscles which felt neither painful nor thrilling, just weird, as if my ass were kneading a dough. It did'nt reach my prostate. Riding a dildo feels way more hot to me.
(2) I would not be keen to have the highest e-mode on at all, but could easily go like a minute with it. For sadistic aims it's too soft then.
(3) It has five estim and seven vibration modes, but you can't see which mode is on. You have to feel it/remember it. There is one power on button, one for vibration and one for estim. If you hold each of the buttons for long, they turn on/off. If you press shortly, it changes to the higher mode, and from the highest mode back to the first. Because you should have skin contact BEFORE switching it on, this insert it and hope it to be not on the strong mode. I also imagine a dom playing this toy on someone else and having no clue which estim-mode is on... The vibration you can might check from the sound, but the estim - either feel it yourself, remember well how often you pressed the buttons or you have to guess
This won't become a favorite of mine anytime soon, but well possible estim at all never will.
This toy is awesome
My Master used it on me, vibration is good, but the e stim is awesome, Also an intimidating toy to deep throat when the e stim is used.
oh my, was i ever surprised with my first e-stim experience. the fit was wonderous, the vibration settings were the most intense i've ever got to enjoy. kick in the e-stim and i was making mewing noises in total ecstasy.....
My partner was a bit scared at first
My partner was a bit scared at first when he saw me approaching with this toy. But since he was restrained I knew he could do anything. . It was become a fun “toy” and I am sure we will be using it often.
Macht und Erhabenheit,
Viele Spielezeuge, vor allem dieser Estim Anal Vibrator, der eingeführt wird, sind in Verbindung mit Strom eine besondere Stimulation. Man nimmt den Gegenstand intensiver im Körper wahr. Für einen Dom ist es so möglich, zu quälen und sogar exterme Reize zu verursachen, ohne sich selbst besonders zu verausgaben. Es bedarf keiner dynamischen Handlungen, wie beispielsweise beim Schlagen oder Auspeitschen. Diese süße Qual kann sehr ruhig und ohne viel Aufwand stattfinden. Das verleiht dem oder der Dom eine besondere Macht und Erhabenheit, die beiden Seiten gefallen kann. Uns beiden gefällt diese Estim Anal Vibrator außerordentlihc gut!
Sehr gutes SM Toy
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