BDSM 颈套不仅具有实用功能,而且还总是能彰显出非凡的气场。可以说,它是一件 "宣言品",已经说明了一切。但 MEO 更进一步,通过颜色编码优化了这一 BDSM 场景的明显标志,它所揭示的远不止你是一个 Sub。
系列中的双色捆绑皮项圈 DISCTINCT系列中的红、黄、蓝、白四种颜色的双色捆绑皮项圈与世界著名的Hanky 代码相似。这样就不会留下任何疑问,顺从的佩戴者甚至可以在毫无防备的情况下被捆绑并堵住嘴,告诉周围的人他在做什么。
完美的工艺和对捆绑的热情在这款 BDSM 颈铐系列中得到了完美的结合。 DISCTINCT系列中的这款 BDSM 颈套。
我们使用特别柔软的鞋面皮革作为捆绑颈圈的填充物,确保佩戴舒适。得益于精湛的做工,脖套可以长时间佩戴,甚至隔夜佩戴也不会感到不适。 由于皮革完全经过染色处理,因此领口的颜色深邃艳丽,即使随着时间的推移也不会褪色,反而会越来越漂亮。三个钢环(一个在前面,两个在侧面)可以将束缚带与您的捆绑过程完美地结合在一起,例如连接链条或皮带。颈部束缚装置可通过金属扣进行调节,适合任何颈围。
前往高品质 BDSM 皮革产品系列 "DISTINCTION "页面。DISTINCT"系列还包括捆绑项圈、BDSM 脚铐、捆绑手铐、手镯和上臂带。
Stupendo da tenere tutto ul giorno ben stretto
Elegante e sensuale
Elegante e sensuale, può essere comodo o allacciato bello stretto... Bello davvero!
Excellent quality
I like this collar, the way that it fits me personally gives it an almost posture collar feel and that was a fantastic feeling. Being unable to look down whilst wearing it just reinforced my submissive tendencies.
The three 'D' Rings give you lots of play options and it was so much fun to have my wrists immobilised to my collar. It is a fantastic firm collar and its high contrast colours give it a really striking look that I love. Whilst it is a very firm collar it is comfortable to wear even for extended periods of time. Once again Meo have produced another fantastic collar.
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Längeres Tragen sehr angenehm
Das Halsband ist aus sehr gutem Leder und riecht auch etwas nach Leder. Ringe, Ösen und Nieten sind perfekt verarbeitet. Längeres Tragen ist durch die Polsterung auch sehr angenehm. Guten Equipment für den Sklaven.
Would recommend this to anyone looking for a good quality collar
This collar is my first. It is very well made and fits perfectly. Just stiff enough to remind you it is there but comfortable enough for long term wear. Would recommend this to anyone looking for a good quality collar. You get your money's worth on this one for sure.
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