为您的顺从伴侣提供时尚而一致的指导!高贵的 BDSM 短皮带由优质柔软的真皮制成,为您提供必要的控制,为您的 Sub 提供安全的指导。皮带使用的皮革坚固耐用,特别容易抓握。不锈钢制成的扣环可确保高度稳定性。
您需要 BDSM 奴隶皮带做什么?
任何奴隶或阴部的全套装备不仅包括恋物服装,还包括作为您处于顺从一方的明显标志的配套束缚带。带 O 形环或 D 形环的漂亮项圈、手铐和脚铐,当然还有牵引绳。这些都可以很方便地连接到项圈、Cock Ring 或乳环上,我们的牵引绳上已经集成了 Cock Ring。这样您就可以用 "短绳 "将 Sub 牵出来。
最好的约束方式是口头命令--但要将奴隶 "呃 "向想要的方向,我们的引导绳是最佳选择!我们的牵引绳在牵引时令人印象深刻,在捆绑取乐对象时也非常实用。不过,皮绳也可以用作鞭子!
Prodotto fantastico, materiale ottimo, perfetto come da foto!
Really good quality leather leash
Leather is a nice alternative to a chain leash in my opinion as you can hear the slight sexy creaking sound leather makes as it twists and turns which is pretty hot for me :) Really good quality leather leash on the whole.
Short Leather Bondage Leash
I like having a few different leashes to choose from and i love this one its short and easy to use as a choking leash. Overall loved the quality of this product, and will continue to use it.
Praktisch, stabil, echtes Leder, alles gut
Lasse die kurze Sklavenleine auch gern mal an meinem Sub baumeln, damit ich jederzeit zugreifen kann. Macht einen stabilen Eindruck.
Kann die Leine guten Gewissens empfehlen!
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