MEO® 的 "骑师棒 "是一种用途广泛的感官工具,可在性爱过程中调教你的被动伴侣。
两层柔韧的牛皮构成双响筒,可在约 17 厘米的长度上自由摆动。
如果您快速移动灵活的小棍子,让这个漂亮的 SM 乐器上下摆动,当棍子顶端 "噔噔噔 "地敲击大腿内侧或乳头等敏感部位时,就会产生特有的疼痛效果。
Amazing toy
I wasn't expecting anything at such a reasonable price, but I must admit I'm convinced now. The crop makes a magnificent sound, has a very enjoyable impact and the handle is just the right size and solid.
Advice? Shove the tip of the handle in your sub's ribcage, applying pressure. You'll thank me later.
Perfekt für SM-Sessions
Der Jockeystock ist einfach perfekt, schlicht und hinterlässt wirklich geniale spuren, Preis Leistung ist auch super
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