MagnoStretch™ 是一种两件式、精密设计的磁性球形拉伸器,由优质不锈钢制成,可提供非凡的舒适感并有效拉伸阴囊。这款球形拉伸器内置钕磁铁,可提供安全可靠的固定,即使是最激烈的训练也能承受。有 55 种不同的尺寸和重量可供选择!
使用磁性球拉伸器(如 MagnoStretch™)进行性生活会非常激烈和刺激。磁力球拉伸器会将睾丸向下拉,从而导致阴囊产生强烈的拉伸感,并刺激睾丸的神经。额外的重量将睾丸向下拉,使睾丸更加敏感,对每一次触碰和运动都有更强烈的感觉。在性爱过程中,磁性球形拉伸器可确保睾丸不断被向下拉扯,从而加强感觉,带来特殊的快感。这可能会非常刺激,因为张力和重量会增强感觉,让每一个动作都更加刺激。
MagnoStretch™ 磁性球形拉伸器由坚固的低过敏性不锈钢制成,以耐用和安全著称。两件式设计使磁性球拉伸器易于穿脱,而集成的钕磁铁则可确保牢固安全的固定。这种创新设计确保磁性球形拉伸器即使在激烈的性交过程中也能牢牢固定。
不锈钢 MagnoStretch™ 磁性球形拉伸器有 55 种不同的尺寸和重量,可满足不同的需求和解剖条件:
MagnoStretch™ 不锈钢磁球拉伸器是寻求安全有效的阴囊拉伸方法的男性的理想选择。由两部分组成的设计和强力钕磁铁确保了操作的简便性和固定的牢固性,而不同的尺寸和重量则允许定制。无论是在激烈的 BDSM 游戏中还是在日常生活中,磁性不锈钢 MagnoStretch™ 球形拉伸器都能保证持续、舒适地拉伸阴囊。
MagnoStretch™ 磁性球形拉伸器可以用温水、中性肥皂和 InstaClean 喷雾剂轻松清洗。清洁后请充分晾干,以确保不锈钢材料的耐用性。
不锈钢球形担架应存放在干燥的地方,以保护内置磁铁不受潮湿的影响。 MagnoStretch™ 磁性球形担架是寻找高质量、耐用、舒适的不锈钢球形担架的人的完美配件。它的可定制性和坚固材料使其成为所有 BDSM 系列中不可或缺的配件。试用一下,体验与众不同!
Great, I love them!
Wasn’t quite sure what to expect but I love the fact that one size fits most and they look good. They arrived in Australia from Germany in less than a week so I’m happy with the super speedy delivery. They feel great in and super happy to move around in. Thank you
Happy Husband means happy life (both).
I have been wearing my ring 24/7 for about 2 weeks. I love the way it feels and it makes me think about my balls all day. It also keeps me semi hard. My husband and I have been married for over 20 years and I thought we had a normal 2 or 3 times a week sexy time. We are now both wearing rings, (he is working up to 24/7. ) we have been having way more sex and really enjoying the feel of the heavy ring hitting our taint. (We are both vers). Also, I stay hard longer, it takes longer for me to cum and I get a more intense orgasm I call that a big win. If you want to jazz up your sexy time, I would HIGHLY recommend trying these rings. I will be ordering 2 more soon so we can get up to wearing 3 rings during sexy time. Can’t wait, but still taking it slow. I should have done this years ago.
So buy one and try it, you have nothing to loose and boy do you have a lot to gain. Happy Husband means happy life (both).
Don’t even have this thing one week and I never want to take it off. Have worn this thing everyday for last 6 days even sleep with it on
I am, for good or bad, addicted to ball stretching 24/7. This magnetic piece is the perfect piece for full time wear. Heavy enough to guarantee permanent growth over time, but comfortable enough for wear everyday. I will eventually move to a second one for stacking and increasing the tug. Looks great under shorts and other minimal attire, allowing for genital exposure while sitting with legs well spread.
Super Qualität
Alles wie beschrieben, macht Lust auf mehr Ringe!!!
Extrem geil
Habe gerade das magnetische Hodengewicht bekommen und gleich angelegt.
Bin gespannt, was mein Freund sagt, wenn das Ding heute Abend gegen seinen Arsch klatscht.
Hammer - Perfekte Größen
Nach der Eingewöhnung super angenehmes Tragegefühl. Habe den Ring zunächst nur stundenweise zu Hause getragen.
Schaft und Sack sollten gründlich rasiert werden (sowieso immer, über den Rest kann man streiten :-)), damit keine Haare zwicken.
24,99 € 19,99 €
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59,99 € 49,99 €
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21,99 €
硅胶阴茎环 - Beau Gosse
16,99 €
BDSM 防毒面具 - Kinky
79,99 € 69,99 €
VeryClean 2.0 -...
16,99 € 12,99 €
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32,99 €
Analforte - 24/7 肛门塞
19,99 € 15,99 €
Anal stretch 2.0...
29,99 €
肛门冲洗器 - Sexy Analator
26,99 € 18,99 €