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双倍快感在等着您!带臀塞的 Alpha Male Cock Ring(又称 Asslock)是一款多功能情趣用品,专为从正面和背面全天候取悦您而设计。这款 Asslock 采用特殊设计,结合了两种奇妙的功能,是任何男人全天候的理想伴侣。
Alpha Male Cock Ring with butt plug 采用不含邻苯二甲酸盐的优质硅胶制成,表面光滑宜人,与身体完美贴合。低过敏性材料对皮肤特别友好,而且易于清洁,可保证长时间的卫生使用。
男人的终极性玩具 - 带对接塞的 Alpha Male 阴茎环:
一体化阴茎环可在阴茎勃起组织中形成血液瘀滞。阴茎环施加的压力使阴茎勃起更加坚硬,持续时间更长。阴茎环直径为 3.2 厘米,非常灵活,适合大多数尺寸的阴茎。
与此同时,butt plug 还能对前列腺(又称 "男性 G 点")进行强烈刺激。通过这种直接刺激,可以体验到特别强烈和独特的性高潮。我们提供两种不同尺寸的 Asslock:一种直径为 3.8 厘米、长度为 6.8 厘米(棒长 5.3 厘米),另一种直径为 4 厘米、长度为 7 厘米(棒长 7.1 厘米)。不同的尺寸和杆长确保 Asslock 始终完美贴合并适应男性的解剖结构。
Alpha Male 鸡鸡环配对接插头,让您无后顾之忧!
要使用带臀塞的 Alpha Male 阴茎环,您应该使用水基润滑剂,如 Aquameo。在戴上性玩具之前,先将润滑剂涂抹在阴茎环和屁眼塞上。将阴茎环套在阴茎和睾丸上。然后就可以小心翼翼地插入 butt plug 了。确保您放松,不要马上达到高潮。
清洗带屁塞的 Alpha Male 鸡鸡环非常简单。使用后用温水和中性肥皂冲洗 Asslock。不时使用我们的 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂进行额外的卫生清洁。之后彻底擦干 Asslock,并将其存放在阴凉干燥处。
Pues si, es para llevar los juegos anales a otro nivel. No digo que no sea para principiantes, pero hay que tener paciencia para usarlo, no es un tamaño muy grande, pero tampoco es pequeño.
Nos encanta!!
Get ready to be rock hard and rear-ready!
Ready for a double whammy down under? The Alpha Male Cock Ring with Butt Plug, also known as the German Asslock, doesn't mess around! This bad boy is here to pump up your front and stuff your rear, all day, every day. With a killer combination of two stellar features, this Asslock's got your back... and your front, 24/7. Made from silicone, this beast is smoother than a pickup line in a bar. It hugs your dick, balls and ass like it was born there. And trust me, it's hypoallergenic, so no nasty reactions down there. Easy to clean, so you can keep playing dirty without any real mess. So why is this the ultimate man toy? The built-in cock ring is like a VIP pass for your junk - making your manhood stand prouder and last longer.
Ich konnte mir unter einem "Ass Lock" überhaupt nichts vorstellen, einmal ausprobiert und ich möchte es nicht mehr missen.
Doch Achtung, dieses Teil macht süchtig!!
Das Ding gefällt mir wirklich ausgesprochen gut, sitzt perfekt und läßt meinen "besten Freund" schön hart in der Hose stehen!!! Ich trage es von nun an auch gerne bei der Arbeit, unterwegs, ...
A Sex Toy That Dominates You
After I discovered the correct way to use this toy, and that is with lots of internal as well as external lube around your privates and on the ring itself, it influenced a large area of stimulation rather than one targeted point. Used properly, it dominates you. Yikes!
Léger, invisible peut être porté la journée
Molto comodo un po' piccolo ma ok
Confortable, agréable
Très bon produit, au toucher agréable, à l'insertion facile et le porter aimable.
cockring mit analplug
sehr zufrieden - schnelle lieferung - gerne wieder
Top quality
Product lookes top notch fits great and works like a champ!
A Wop Baba Boom Bop...a Wop Bamm Boom!
Wearing this inside me as I'm riding in my car has certainly given me plenty to smile about.
Using the remote is perfect especially as I'm sitting in DQ sipping on my Milkshake.
Hot thrills in the Summertime!
For anyone into fisting, this would be a hard item to keep from falling out. The neck is a bit short from the cock ring. Otherwise when fully charged....it's strong.
前列腺插头 Analforte
16,99 €
69,99 € 39,99 €
GRANDEZZA - 超大型...
24,99 € 19,99 €
一次性贞操带锁 - 5 件装 Packer
9,99 €
Sport Fucker Wedge - 阴茎环
16,99 € 14,99 €
Wet Stuff 即用润滑剂胶囊
24,99 €
Tenga - 六角旋转自慰器
21,99 €
E-Stim Systems 电缆组件 2B
69,99 €
金色淋浴插科打诨 - 金色淋浴
99,99 €
Sport Fucker Rugby Ring
29,99 € 24,99 €
69,99 €
39,99 €
59,99 € 39,99 €
19,99 €
89,99 €
29,99 €
119,99 € 99,99 €
69,99 € 59,99 €
49,99 €
59,99 €
69,99 €
24,99 €
59,99 € 49,99 €
99,99 € 89,99 €
24,99 €
49,99 €
99,99 €
159,99 € 129,99 €
99,99 € 89,99 €
149,99 €
69,99 €
49,99 €