WOW, I am wearing it right now. Sliped in nicely and the glans ring sits right under my head holding it in tightly. Love the feeling everytime I move or squeze. Amazing. Finally something that is really good. Lets see i you can get them thicker
Questo è un plug per pene della linea MEO: l'arte del gioco uretrale, con SPRINKLER si affina grazie all'aggiunta di sei fori di uscita sull'estremità alta dello spinotto, che vi permetteranno di "irrigare" letteralmente il vostro partner, come se foste un'annaffiatoio, per la vostra più completa soddisfazione. Questo spinotto per il pene è realizzato in acciaio inossidabile, ed è creativamente progettato per suscitare un piacere estremo grazie anche al suo facile utilizzo.
I contorni lisci consentono a questo spinotto di essere superbamente e diabolicamente stimolante. Potrete utilizzare il SPRINKLER anche con giochi di variazioni termiche, raffreddandolo completamente, tenendolo nel frigorifero, oppure scaldarlo immergendolo in acqua calda, il livello del vostro desiderio sessuale di dominazione assumerà sfumature più dense e fosche. Il foro passante da parte a parte, permette un uso prolungato.
Der Stick ist einfach nur Bombe. Total glatte Verarbeitung, keine Kanten, nix. Für mich und meinen Mann ist es wirklich eine tolle Erfahrung. Der Durchmesser ist bestens geeignet für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.
Das war mein erster Penisplug und ich habe immer noch viel Freude an ihm. Er eignet sich besonders gut zum Trainieren und für erste Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet. Sitzt sicher und macht viel Spaß!
It felt so good when he turned the plug around a few time!
I received my penis plug yesterday, and was so excited. My partner has more experience with sounds and urethral play, so I asked him to insert my plug. He applied the included lube to the plug and 3/4 of the way in found some resistance, but after 5 tries he slowly worked me up to pushing it a little further and the silicone plug popped into place - it felt so good when he turned the plug around a few time!
I bought this because I've wanted to get into urethral play and this seemed like a good starting plug. It's definitely not to big for a beginners urethra and with verydeep lube from MEO it was inserted in no time. Naturally urethral play is going to hurt if you're new to it and sure enough it did. It wasn't that bad though and hasn't turned me away because I've had worse pain from some of my Mistresses. I'd say it was a heightened orgasmic experience for me but that's just probably because this sort of stuff turns me on. If you're not into it and shoving something up your pee hole sounds like a bad idea then it's probably not for you. If it makes you curious in a good way though then I'd say give it a try;)
Aus Edelstahl, sehr gut verarbeitet und fühlt sich sehr gut an. Macht beim tragen (auch länger über Nacht) überhaupt keine Probleme. Kann den Penis Plug von MEO weiter empfehlen.
I inserted the plug and found it very difficult to remove. I turned the plug and the screw threads bit into my urethra. The threads were sharp. It was painful and made me bleed. I had to go to a urologist to check it out. Although I healed, I have scaring that occasional reopens because of this plug. I would avoid this plug.
Wir sind wirklich große Fans von Harnröhrendehnungen und haben verschiedenste Soundsets in unserem Fundus. Nun auch dieses und wir sind angetan! Die Verarbeitung ist top, das mitgelieferte Mäppchen gibt guten Überblick über die einzelnen Größen und somit auch alles gleich praktisch aufgeräumt. Als Hinweis: Natürlich muss man sich mit Hygiene und richtigem Handling auseinandergesetzt haben und mit Zeit und Muße an die Sache herangehen, aber dann ist wirklich einfach nur g.... und flutschig. We love it.
Schneller Versand, tolle Qualität, guter Preis - und das hat Prinzenzepter hat für mich sowohl in der Länge als auch im Durchmesser die perfekten Maße.