First of all the consistency of this clear "cream" is excellent, velvety. I had never felt it before my first order. But this is not a warming lubrication cream, it is hot , very hot and not in a good way. Perhaps it was just this batch but from the moment my husband lubed me up to fuck me and shoved his lubed cock in, the intensity went from hot to excruciatingly painful hot/stinging. As he continued to thrust I hoped this might subside and pleasure would take over but just as I was about to yell out to tell him to stop he pulled out and said we had to stop, his cock was on fire too. We stopped, cleaned up the best we could and waited for almost an hour for the stinging heat to subside. This is clearly a CBT lube and not a warming lubrication cream for ordinary fucking. Beware.
Das Gel ist super für alles mögliche wenn heftig zugeht und der Tiegel ist ausreichend groß genug, so dass ich die ganze Hand reinstecken kann. Wirklich perfekt!
Col mio compagno ho sempre avuto grandi problemi nei rapporti anali, mi faceva troppo male ed era difficoltoso. Da quando ho iniziato ad utilizzare questo prodotto sono finiti i miei problemi. Lo trovo efficace e duraturo. Zero dolore anche quando si esagera, dura nel tempo. Contentissima!
Lo abbiamo usato come lubrificante sia per uso intimo sia per toys; perfetta la consistenza, molto simile a un gel; buon potere lubrificante e non secca subito; è facile da pulire; abbiamo trovato molto piacevole la sensazione di freschezza che dà questo prodotto anche dopo, per niente fastidioso.