Das Material ist von hoher Qualität und fühlt sich angenehm an. Außerdem ist das Produkt leicht zu reinigen, was die Pflege erleichtert. Alles in allem kann ich diesen Anal-Stimulator allen Männern empfehlen, die eine intensive Stimulation der Prostata und einen zusätzlichen Kick im Schlafzimmer suchen.
Gut verarbeitetes Aluminium, glatte Oberflächen, makellos gemacht. Der Fuss ist groß genug um Verschwinden zu verhindern. Allerdings wäre eine Abrundung der Kante einfach zu drehen ud würde den Fuss deutlich angenehmer beim Tragen machen. Der Hals ist relativ kurz, was beim kurzzeitigen Tragen einen angenehmen Druck aufbaut, beim langen Tragen aber in Verbindung mit der Kante am Fuss unbequem wird. Wer's so ein bisschen Richtung Betrafung mag, der mag das vielleicht ja. Insgesamt, schönes Teil, mit längerem Hals und runder Kante am Fuss würde ich ihn auch wieder kaufen.
Die Maße dieser Plugs sind für den normalen Mann oder auch die Frau hervorragend geeignet, fortgeschrittene Fan der Analdehnung benötigen andere Maße zur befriedigenden Dehnung. Die Ausführung ist massearm. Das HIghlight ist die Option, durch die "Kapillaren" des Stegs Flüssigkeiten einfüllen zu können.
I wish there was more than 5 stars.. LIFE CHANGING
My husband has wanted me to squirt for him, but thousands, and I do mean thousands, of dollars later, he stumbled upon this little weighted piece of heaven. I have tried so many things, so many ways, building for hours, all in the hopes of reaching that unheard of female ejaculation that he has craved for so long. Now, I will admit, he has made me 'gush' with his fingers, but nothing like what he wanted..and I had lost all hope in toys and started to think that it just wasn't possible for me to do. I recieved my wand in the mail at about 1pm. I drank some water, prepped my area (even tho I knew I probably wouldn't squirt, just like with all the other toys and tools), emptied my bladder, and dismissed myself to our room.. I got started with finding what felt like the right spot, idk where my g-spot is btw, but this wonderful tool pops in and is like, "Oah, hi! In case you didn't know, this spot right here makes you cum uncontrollably!" And then it never leaves that spot! It took me literally 3 minutes before I was shouting my husband's name to get him to rush into the room because I was SQUIRTING, (no gush, no little bit of cum) but squirting long off the edge of the bed. And not once, or twice a minute.. but (and I am being 100% literal) every 3 SECONDS a torrent of cum was shooting out of me.. like I said, I opened the wand at 1pm, started using it at maybe 1:20ish, showed my husband what was happening, took a break to rehydrate just before 2pm, he told me to go ahead and write a review during my little break, it's now 2:16, and we are going to be in the room the rest of the afternoon.. my review? I'm a skeptic, toys never work like they say they will.. I went in almost knowing that even with all the hype, this wand wouldn't help me, just like all the other.. THIS ONE tool however, I would give anything to have found it years ago.. I'm glad it doesn't ruin with wear bc using it as much as we will today alone, would break any other garbage toy. Thank you MEO.. you have turned me into a believer again and have allowed me to finally fulfill my husband's carnal needs.