金属阴茎环 - Cock Ring ClassicSteel™ - 阴茎环中的经典 - 轻质设计
自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,我们的金属阴茎环几乎一直是旧金山的经典产品,深受世界各地男性的喜爱。不锈钢阴茎环不仅能使阴茎更硬更大,还能延缓射精。这让您在手淫或性爱时享受更持久、更强烈的性高潮。
由于阴茎环由不锈钢制成,因此不如橡胶、皮革或硅胶制成的阴茎环灵活。因此,应在勃起前将阴茎环套在阴茎上,必要时可使用少量 Aquameo 润滑剂。
原则上,阴茎环或龟头环只能佩戴舒适的时间。您可以在我们的网上商店下载如何佩戴阴茎环的说明,其中详细介绍了如何佩戴阴茎环,并就如何选择合适的阴茎环尺寸提供了详细建议。您从我们这里购买的每个阴茎环都包含这些说明,您也可以通过电话或电子邮件向我们索取。一般来说,阴茎环应该施加舒适的压力,但不能太紧。根据我们多年的经验,我们建议正常尺寸的阴茎直径为 45 毫米(当阴茎环戴在阴茎和睾丸周围时)。小贴士:使用少量 Aquameo 润滑剂可以更方便地戴上阴茎环。
First cock rings I've tried and really are great. Large one around shaft and balls, small one around shaft, medium one around balls. Really does feel much much harder, wife enjoys them as well. You won't be disappointed !!
Very nice
Smooth and heavy. Nice and shiny. I got the 50mm and it fits well. Takes some work to get it on.
Einfach sehr geil! - gutes Tragegefühl - und mein neuer Cockring erfüllt seine Aufgabe sehr gut! STRAMM und HART. Mehr muss man wohl nicht dazu sagen!
German quality
Good quality item that fits as expected
Very nice !
been trying to find the right size ring through trial and error. Finally settled on a 45mm being the perfect fit. I guess its like hats and we all have our perfect size. Its good that this one has a choice of sizes and like most people i gave always gone a little too large to start with. This one is a perfect compromise. It stays put if wearing during the day and comes into its own when the hard on strikes. Gives a good level of resistance and creates a nice big veiny erection. I call this my cock turbocharger!. Perfect for wearing by itself or stacked with other rings when it can be used as a locking ring. As with other metal rings a short haircut/ shave is advisable.
Good product
This Cock Ring that I bought is 45mm diameter and is an addition to the 40mm Cock Ring that I bought a while ago. It's a struggle to get on and you need lots of lube to slide it through. Once on, it's really comfortable and can wear it all the time without any discomfort. If your new to Cock Rings, pick your diameter size carefully and from there you can work your way down a diameter or two when your confident to do so.
A very well made product.
Täglich zu tragen auch 24 Stunden
Der Cockring von MEO hält absolut was die Beschreibung verspricht. Gute Verarbeitung und Qualität. Optisch ebenfalls sehr ansprechend. Ich kann ihn nur weiter empfehlen.
Beim Anziehen daran denken: Erst die Eier und dann den Schwanz durchstecken. Sonst kriegst du den nicht durch. Oder vielleicht doch?
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