您准备好拓展您的插入体验了吗?那么 Hard Pleasure 阴茎塞将满足您的情色幻想。它为您提供的不仅仅是强烈的性刺激,还能让您的情欲快感超越极限。
如果您需要的是 "硬",那么 Hard Pleasure BDSM 阴茎塞和它将带给您的高潮一定会让您兴奋不已。
这款 BDSM 阴茎塞当然不适合初学者。它的长度为 15 厘米,可插入长度为 13.5 厘米,最宽处直径接近 16 毫米,重量为 175 克。末端有一个环,确保您可以快速取下。
Hard Pleasure 阴茎塞的内部是空心的,这样体液就可以很容易地排出。这款阴茎塞由医用钢材制成,经久耐用。更不用说它令人印象深刻的阴茎轴设计,可确保您获得极致的尿道刺激。有了这个坏小子,你的性高潮将超乎你的想象。试试吧,我们打赌它一定会成为您最喜欢的玩具。
我们推荐您使用我们特制的 VERYDEEP 润滑液进行插入,并使用 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂对尿道性玩具进行卫生清洁。这两种产品在 BDSM 商店均有销售。
Too Early for me... Perhaps soon ☺️ it seems so exciting
A wonderfull toy.
Just the right diameter and length to be comfortable. I combined it with a ring that fits snugly behind my glans and the sensations were unbelievable. I can wear it all day, cum and piss thru it, and it gives great pleasure throughout the day as it reminds you it's there. Great service form time of order to receipt also.
5 stars
Product arrived quickly & is well made. The rounded ribs make it easy to insert & comfortable to wear, and the ability to allow fluids to flow-through makes it perfect. The ring on the end makes it easy to hook up to an estim power box, using an alligator clip, and it feels great when using itwith electrical current, or without. Yum.
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