XXL 充气肛门球可提供独特的定制快感,因为它们会膨胀到令人印象深刻的尺寸。从轻度到极度的肛门扩张能力使其成为初学者和专业人士的理想肛门性玩具。
"我要更多 "的魔力:超级充气肛门球!
肛门拉伸变得简单:XXL 充气肛门球让您更上一层楼!肛门球一直是性玩具中最受欢迎的产品之一。肛门充气球一直是性玩具中最受欢迎的产品之一,其独特的尺寸调节功能使其成为独一无二的性玩具。通过给肛门充气球充气,可以控制和增加肛门扩张(即所谓的 "肛门拉伸")。这就为各种形式的肛门刺激提供了理想的条件,无论是为肛交做准备,还是有控制地扩张肛门,或者仅仅是为了感受超大充气肛门珠在体内带来的快感。
只为最勇敢的人准备:你能抵挡这些 XXL 肛门珠的诱惑吗?
使用方便,用途广泛:在未充气的状态下,用 Aquameo 等水基润滑剂将肛门珠一颗接一颗地轻轻插入。然后用泵球自行决定充气的程度。
肛门拉伸从未如此简单:让充气式 XXL 肛门珠来完成这项工作吧!
Fill me up buttercup
A fantastic toy for slowly increasing sizes. 1st time pumped 20, then 30, now 40. OMG Rock hard with the nice cockring included. Would be great if cockring was a further 25mm away from the last ball in. Sometimes a bit difficult to keep in place. Otherwise a must have. Well done to the team from MEO.
Zu groß für mich
Zu groß für mich
Dimensioni ottimali
Comprate per curiosità, devo dire che sono rimasto sorpreso.
me encanta
Tengo mucha experiencia con el sexo anal, así que quise ver cuánto podía dar y decidí invertir dinero en estas bolas anales hinchables. Tiene un grosor suficiente cuando está desinflado y alcanza un GRAN diametro cuando se hincha. He tenido muy buenos orgasmos gracias a la presión que hace en la prostata cuando el plug está inchado. El día que se rompa probaré con el que tiene vibracion
Consejo: cuando lo tengais metido e inchado al máximo que podais empujar con golpecitos secos para un orgasmo descomunal! ;)
Good feeling!
If you want a full feeling this is what you want.
This is a beast.
The hard part is getting it in. We have found the best way to use it is with your hole open. We prefer to put it in deflated. Plenty of lube. Give it a few pumps to get a position in you. Then start pumping slowly. The feeling of this monster working its way up you is just amazing and intense. I love it.
This thing is awesome. It's well made. Perfect for beginners, you can increase the size everytime to go for more and more, perfect to be able to take bigger and bigger things. It goes from very small to super huge. Goes in very easy because it’s so soft and stays in place when pumped up. Super material that does not smell on it own and when you take it out and clean it with only water you will never smell that is has been inside of you. You can adjust the size at all time. It sometimes takes a while to find the hole when reinserting the pump on your own but that's no real problem.
A little extra:
If you are into a bit more…. A sexy punishment for your partner or your own. I went for real big and my boyfriend had hard 1 1/2 hours in public
Diese Analkugeln sind einfach nur geil!
Stell dir vor, du stehst kurz vor einem gewaltigen, alles verzehrenden Orgasmus. Dein Atem wird flacher, jeder Muskel in deinem Körper spannt sich an und ein Gefühl der bevorstehenden Lust breitet sich aus. Genau in diesem entscheidenden Moment, wenn die Lust ihren Höhepunkt erreicht, werden die Analkugeln langsam oder schnell herausgezogen. Dieser Vorgang stimuliert die vielen empfindlichen Nervenenden im Analbereich und verstärkt die ohnehin schon intensiven Kontraktionen, die einen Orgasmus begleiten.
Genau deswegen kann ich diese genialen Analkugeln wirklich jedermann empfehlen.
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