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这款BDSM 面具不包括嘴巴和眼睛,确保您可以放心使用。如果您愿意,可以用眼罩遮住眼睛,用塞子堵住嘴巴。



49,99 €

-10,00 €

39,99 €




    这款 BDSM 面具不包括嘴巴和眼睛,确保您可以放心使用。如果您愿意,可以用眼罩遮住眼睛,用口塞堵住嘴巴。


    我们的手工 BDSM 面具由氨纶制成,经过精心加工,佩戴舒适。这种高弹性、透气的面料非常轻薄,佩戴在皮肤上非常舒适,您可以长时间安心地佩戴氨纶 BDSM 面具。


    选择 BDSM 面罩的标准:


    MEO ® 在 BDSM 网上商店www.meo.de中提供多种不同设计的面具。我们生产皮革、乳胶和氨纶制成的 BDSM 面具。我们还提供大量防毒面具供您选择。对于氨纶制成的 BDSM 面具,您可以选择不同的型号,如红色或黑色面具、带眼部开口的面具、带嘴部开口的 BDSM 面具、不透明的 BDSM 面具等等。


    与乳胶、皮革或橡胶面具相比,氨纶 BDSM 面具有哪些优势?


    由于采用了透气纤维,在任何时候都不会有呼吸困难或恐慌的风险,这一点尤其受到 BDSM 初学者的青睐。


    我可以长时间佩戴 BDSM 面罩吗?


    隐秘闪亮的面料能完美贴合头部轮廓,因此 BDSM 面具总是非常合身。由于我们使用的氨纶材料尺寸非常稳定,因此即使经常佩戴,BDSM 面罩也不会拉伸。


    我可以将 BDSM 面具与其他捆绑产品结合使用吗?


    一旦闭上眼睛,所有其他感官都会变得敏锐,触觉和刺激感会更加强烈。此外,由于看不到你的支配者到底打算对你做什么,因此会增加紧张感。当然,您也可以将 BDSM 面具与我们的其他捆绑产品结合使用,例如塞口器、弹簧搔痒器、手铐或脚铐。BDSM 面罩为支配、服从和快感之间的游戏增添了一个新的维度,使感官失去活力,可以作为我们捆绑用品店其他捆绑产品的一个令人兴奋的补充。


    如何清洗 BDSM 面罩?


    只需将 BDSM 面具放入洗衣机(30 度手洗程序)中清洗即可。




    • 红色 BDSM 面罩--氨纶捆绑头巾
    • 材料:氨纶
    • 透气性
    • 佩戴舒适度高
    • 尺寸稳定,富有弹性
    • 隐蔽光泽
    • 可 30 度机洗
    • 颜色:红色
    • 在 MEO 购买捆绑产品




    A Mask of Mystery and Comfort – 5 stars

    For those moments when anonymity heightens the thrill, the BDSM mask from Meo is an absolute game-changer. I recently tried it out and found it to be both an exhilarating and comfortable experience. The mask's design, with openings for the eyes, struck a perfect balance for me. It allows the wearer to fully take in the surroundings, relishing every moment, without revealing their identity. There's something uniquely captivating about maintaining that sense of mystery while still being able to watch and engage in the moment.

    Handcrafted excellence is evident in every stitch of this Spandex mask. The meticulous craftsmanship ensures that the mask not only looks good but also feels incredibly soft and comfortable against the skin. I was genuinely surprised by the high level of comfort – the breathable, stretchy material made me feel almost like I wasn't wearing anything on my face. This allowed me to indulge in longer sessions without feeling any discomfort or the need to adjust the mask.

    In my collection of BDSM accessories, this mask has quickly become a favorite. For anyone looking to add an element of anonymity to their intimate encounters, while prioritizing comfort and quality, this is the mask to go for. It truly redefines the experience, making it both mysterious and deeply immersive.

    - Naomi, Jerusalem


      Ganz super Qualität

      Sitzt wie angegossen und ich liebe die "perverse" Optik wenn mein Freund beim Sex die Maske trägt



        I have a couple of these and another one with just the mouth hole. They are great for anonymous sex, spend a lot of times in hotels for work and love a guy to turn up, pick this up by the door and pop it on then come in and have sex.

        • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.

        Spandex hood

        It's a perfect fit for both myself and my partner. Having lots of fun using it.

        • 1 of 1 customers found this review helpful.




        这款BDSM 面具不包括嘴巴和眼睛,确保您可以放心使用。如果您愿意,可以用眼罩遮住眼睛,用塞子堵住嘴巴。



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