MEO 的氨纶面具以其优质的氨纶材料和精细的做工给人留下深刻印象。双层设计确保了完全隔离的感觉。虽然没有开口,但透气材料允许呼吸不受限制。因此,您可以尽情享受完全失控的感觉,沉浸在自己的幻想中。
MEO ®的紧身封闭式氨纶面具可以让您尽情享受各种变态游戏。 我们的氨纶面具是手工制造的,具有佩戴舒适、做工一流的特点。面罩采用弹性透气面料,轻薄舒适,可长时间舒适佩戴。
由于采用了透气纤维,因此绝不会有呼吸急促或心慌的风险,这一点尤其受到 BDSM 初学者的青睐。 微微发亮的面料能完美贴合头部轮廓,确保面罩完全贴合。面料的保形性确保了氨纶面具即使经常佩戴也不会拉伸。面罩可在洗衣机中轻松清洗(30°C 手洗)。
Total ausgeliefert und total geil
Total ausgeliefert und total geil. Ich habe diese Maske sehr genossen. Sitzt eng, man sieht nichts mehr, es gibt keinen störenden Reisverschlss und man kann gut atmen.
es ist so als würde man jemanden fremden fi.....
Sitzt perfekt, man kann atmen, kein schwitzen beim tragen und man seinen spass damit. es ist so als würde man jemanden fremden fi..... :-)
Sensory deprivation
I love sensory deprivation but having panicked while in full rubber masks. I thought this might be my half way measure and it's working out really well so far!
Getting this on and off is really easy, which is fab.
I found that with MEO's neck to wrist restraint it stays snugly in place, and with a mask on inside or outside the hood you get complete darkness to fully enjoy whatever may be going on!
It washes and dries quickly and looks amazing. It fits me and my Top too, it's very generous and stretchy.
This is not intimidating, on or off, which I feel is a real bonus, some hoods can be a real turn off but this feels and looks great and would be good for beginners or hardcore lovers alike.
Bought this as my sub loves being blindfolded, but wanted to experiment more. We found it very easy to put on and definitely heightens the senses while feeling very soft and smooth. It was an instant turn-on for him and he suddenly became very submissive!
bon rapport qualité prix
masque toute simple mais de bonne qualité
Fucking an anonymous stranger
This is amazing. Provides your partner with the ultimate feeling of fucking an anonymous stranger (if that's your thing).
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