用于 BDSM 和永久性乳头增大的终极乳头延长器!
准备好进行更高级别的乳头拉伸了吗?这款乳头延长器是专为喜爱强烈乳头拉伸和 BDSM 行为的爱好者开发的。它能提供独特、持久的拉扯和挤压感觉,不仅能让乳头更加敏感,还能永久增大乳头。
这款产品不适合初学者--它面向真正的乳头拉伸爱好者和激烈的 BDSM 实践爱好者。高质量的做工和精巧的设计可以持久增大乳头并使其敏感。如果您对乳头拉伸有浓厚兴趣,这款配件是您的必备之选。
Lange, fette Nippel
Sie halten was sie versprechen. Ich war erst skeptisch aber mein Freund musste feststellen das sie mehr als gut sind ;)
This is an awsome piece...It works so smoothly and by just twirling it around it stretches my nipples to really long lengths. Looks awsome on!
It works really well to stretch my nipple out.
It works really well to stretch my nipple out. The only bad thing is I can't really wear it under clothes inconspicuously.
my Master loves them
my Master purchased these for me to wear, and i adore them! i love the stares i get, cuz its hard to miss them in no matter what shirts you wear! thanks
Quite good
Fantastic jewelry, the only downside that I read about previously, is the bottom of the whirl is cut square so it has a tendency to dig into the skin you need to be careful tightening them or they could scratch. these ends could also be rounded. We want to stretch not scratch. They are quite fun though.
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