MEO 推出的 Sling Stand Kit 是一套完整的终极套装,适合所有喜欢在吊索中进行激烈或高难度性爱的爱好者!该套装包含您立即开始所需的一切,为您带来诸多优势和绝佳体验。有了 Sling Stand Kit,您可以实现所有幻想,达到新的情色高度。
我们的吊衣可以让您将身体置于最佳位置,让您的伴侣无限制地进入您的所有孔道。由于采用了符合人体工程学的形状和可调节的带子,您可以设置高度和倾斜角度,以确保舒适和最大程度的刺激。例如,在进行 fisting 时,这一点尤为重要,因为吊衣可以为被动伴侣提供一个舒适、方便的姿势,从而实现深度插入。
无论您喜欢硬性还是软性性爱,吊衣都能在性爱中提供许多优势。我们的吊衣可以更好地控制和支撑身体,从而带来更强的耐力和更强烈的体验。自由悬挂的姿势可以放松肛门部位的肌肉,使手或拳头更容易插入肛门。同时,我们的 sling 可以让您更好地观察伴侣,舒适地接触整个生殖器区域,让您可以全神贯注地享受强烈的感觉。
有了 MEO 的 Sling Stand Kit,墙上或天花板上恼人的挂钩就成了过去式。该套装包含您所需的一切:配有防滑橡胶脚垫的坚固框架、带软垫的舒适吊衣垫、可调节带和吊环以及实用的便携包。它的安装快捷方便,不用离开吊衣就可以毫不费力地调整带子。
吊衣架套件的高质量做工和耐磨材料确保了使用过程中的稳定性和安全性。吊衣垫和吊带由耐磨尼龙制成,易于清洁。使用完毕后,您只需取下吊衣垫、带子和脚带,然后放入 40 度的洗衣机中清洗即可。
Sturdy and good quality
I am really satisfied with the newly acquired sling, though I had no time to use more than twice I already know that the inversion was well worth.
The frame is robust, quite easily mountable, with a bit of practice I need about 15 minutes to mount as well as to dismount the whole stuff.
The sling itself is made of a nylon/textile material which is easy to maintain clean, quite comfortable and adjustable to the desired height.
Some drawbacks:
The set comes with a big sport-bag where you can store everything, but to tell the truth is quite tricky to find the way to fit everything in. And it's bloody heavy, around 30 kilos, so you can call the set portable but don't expect to carry it easily from one place to an other, definitely is not to take with you on the bus ;)
The straps and carabiners where you attach the sling itself are strong and reliable, but they can make you feel uncomfortable after a while as they are against your skin and can scratch you. I easily found a solution putting some thick black socks around the straps and now it's just perfect, you are comfy and can concentrate on the action.
Definitely I recommend it and I'm thinking how to improve the performance with some springs, mirror etc.
Pure Begeistertung
Das Fisting Sling Stand Set hat mein Solo-Erlebnis auf ein völlig neues Level gehoben! Als Single schätze ich die Einfachheit und die Vielseitigkeit, die dieses geiles Produkt bietet. Der Aufbau des Rahmens ist easy und die einfache Anpassungsfähigkeit der Gurte ermöglicht mir, die Höhe nach Belieben zu verändern. Was mich jedoch am meisten begeistert hat, ist die Fähigkeit, das Set mit meiner Fickmaschine zu verwenden. Durch das Anbringen eines Dildos oder eines Faust-Dildos (je nach Lauen) an der Maschine, konnte ich ein hammergeiles Fist-Erlebnis genießen, wie ich es mir nur erträumt hatte. Wie gesagt, ich habe keinen festen Partner. Die Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Vielseitigkeit sind einfach unübertroffen. Es ist ein Muss für jeden, der auch Single ist wie ich und mal was richtig Geiles erleben will.
Komfort, Qualität und Spaß
Wenn es um ein geiles, perfektes Fisting-Erlebnis geht, hat das Fisting Sling Set von MEO unsere Bedürfnisse mehr als erfüllt! Das Set ist einfach super. Mein Freund und ich sind begeistert. Der einfache und schnelle Aufbau ist ein wahrer Segen. Die verstellbaren Gurte bieten uns die Flexibilität, die wir brauchen, ohne die Action unterbrechen zu müssen. Außerdem ist das Set durch seine vielseitige Verwendbarkeit als Fisting Sling und Bondage-Rahmen ein echtes Multitalent. Wir können es wirklich sehr empfehlen!
Unleash the FFun
Enter a world of unparalleled comfort and convenience with MEO's Complete Fisting Sling Stand Kit! This all-in-one, German-made solution is perfect for fisting enthusiasts who crave an easy-to-use and portable setup. The brilliance of the kit lies in its comprehensive yet simple design. The sturdy frame, adjustable straps and ergonomic stirrups all work in synergy to deliver a premium fisting experience. The easy setup and adjustability of the kit is a game changer - never interrupt the action to adjust the sling height! But wait, there's more! The sling doubles as a bondage frame for even more play options. In short, if fisting is your forte, the MEO Fisting Sling Stand Kit is your must-have accessory. It's all about ease, excitement and versatility!
A Versatile and convenient Sling Stand Kit
MEO, a well-respected German company, has come up with a comprehensive solution for those looking for a convenient and user-friendly sling stand kit: the Complete Fisting Sling Stand Kit. This kit ensures that your needs are met without the hassle of permanent installations on your wall or ceiling.
The package includes everything you need to get started: a sturdy frame, straps, stirrups, and a sling mat with a pillow for added comfort. The thoughtful inclusion of non-slip rubber feet ensures stability and provides confidence and peace of mind during use. One of the most appealing aspects is the sturdy carrying bag that allows for effortless transport and storage of the kit.
What makes this kit stand out is the ease of setup. The entire process can be completed in as little as 10 minutes. All straps are easy to adjust, so you don't have to leave the sling to change its height - a detail that clearly demonstrates MEO's understanding of user needs. This feature adds to the overall comfort and ease of use.
To add to its versatility, this sling stand kit also includes additional eyelets on the bottom of the frame, allowing it to double as a bondage frame. This multi-purpose feature could appeal to a wider audience, making the product an interesting choice for those looking to get more out of a single purchase.
In conclusion, the MEO Complete Fisting Sling Stand Kit is a practical, versatile and easy-to-use product that meets the needs of a wide range of users.
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