这款振动器可以从肛门到前列腺进行按摩!无论是独处还是夫妻生活,男性和女性都能通过这款新发明体验到难以置信的强烈性高潮。这款大型 P 点振动器的形状符合人体工程学原理,带有灵活的球头和天鹅绒般柔滑的材料,可以特别轻柔地插入,从而确保触及您的 P 点。不仅因为它的尺寸,还因为它强劲的振动,它能满足您所有的肛门需求。
CUMELOT The Curve "是一款形状特殊的情趣用品,主要用于刺激男性前列腺,当然女性也可以使用。之所以命名为 "Curve",是因为这款振动器的形状呈弧形,经过特别设计,可以有效刺激前列腺或 G 点,带来强烈的快感。
CUMELOT The Curve "是一款前列腺和 G 点按摩器,适合初学者和高级用户使用。坚固的手柄可以让您轻松自如地进行操作,而带有弧形顶端的杆身可以对前列腺和 G 点进行精确刺激。刺激器由柔软而有弹性的硅胶制成,可以轻松插入并带来愉悦的刺激。手柄顶部的大凸起使 Curve 成为女性刺激阴蒂或男性强力会阴振动的完美选择,从而带来最大的快感。不同的振动模式可带来更多快感。
如何使用 "CUMELOT The Curve"?
这款刺激器特别容易使用,非常适合初学者,但由于其令人印象深刻的尺寸,也非常适合专业人士使用。将 "CUMELOT The Curve "小心地插入肛门或阴道。在这两种情况下,弯曲的顶端都应朝上。我们建议使用水基润滑剂,如 Aquameo,以获得更顺滑的效果。
使用 "CUMELOT The Curve "时需要注意什么?
前列腺按摩棒不能与硅基润滑剂一起使用,因为硅基润滑剂会破坏其优质材料。您可以用肥皂和水轻松清洁前列腺按摩棒。如需特殊护理,建议使用我们的 VERYCLEAN 喷雾剂。
Aquí va mi opinión
Entra fácilmente con un poquito de lubricante, una vez dentro se ajusta muy bien y no se sale. La vibración es muy potente y los orgasmos que consigues más potentes todavía.
Uovertruffen oplevelse!
Med Cumelot fandt jeg en helt ny dybde af nydelse. Dens unikke design og kraftfulde vibrationer gør den til en uundværlig skat i min samling. Et absolut hit for enhver, der vil udforske P-punktets magi!
Incroyable! Cumelot de MEO est un pur plaisir. Ergonomie parfaite, stimulations intenses. Le must pour le P-Point!
Der Cumelot von MEO ist ein echter Quantensprung in Sachen Prostatastimulaton. Schon allein die ergonomische Form ist sehr überzeugend. Die Prostata lässt sich ganz einfach finden und stimulieren. Das Einführen? Durch das Silikon mit weicher Oberfläche völlig problemlos und äußerst angenehm. Die Kugelspitze und die Kugelverdickung sorgen für eine intensive Analmassage, wobei vor allem die Prostata und der Anus hervorragend stimuliert werden. Ein echtes Highlight sind die verschiedenen Vibrationsmodi - von zart bis absolut kraftvoll. Alles in allem: Der Cumelot eignet sich nicht nur hervorragend für das Solo-Vergnügen, sondern auch für aufregende Spielchen mit meinem Partner. Besonders interessant finde ich die Möglichkeit, ihn für erzwungene Orgasmen zu nutzen. Ein absolutes Muss für alle, die das Besondere suchen. Danke MEO für dieses erstklassige Produkt!
The Ultimate Journey to Pleasure
Guys, gals, and everyone else on the pleasure spectrum, it's time to talk about the big game-changer in the world of intimate toys – The "CUMELOT The Curve". This pleasure toy is specifically designed for men, but trust me, anyone can enjoy the spectacular sensations it provides!
Perfectly curved and generously sized, this P-spot vibrator is an absolute powerhouse of anal stimulation. I had my fair share of adult toys before, but nothing even comes close to this innovative design! The flexible ball head smoothly navigates to your deepest pleasure points, while its silk-like texture promises a sensationally gentle insertion.
What makes "CUMELOT The Curve" stand out in the realm of pleasure tools? It's all about the ergonomics. This device is designed to reach your P-spot with pinpoint precision, offering unparalleled stimulation from the anus to the prostate. Its vibration settings are diverse, ranging from gentle rumbles to intense pulsations that will have you clutching the sheets.
And for those of you with a penchant for BDSM and enforced ejaculation, "CUMELOT The Curve" is a perfect addition to your collection. It brings a whole new layer to your playtime, pushing the submissive to new heights of orgasmic ecstasy.
Now let's talk about the quality. "CUMELOT The Curve" is crafted from silicone with a soft-touch texture, ensuring the maximum comfort during use. It's robust, easy to handle, and most importantly, it's flexible – bending exactly where you need it to.
If you are new to the world of anal pleasure, don't be intimidated by the size. "CUMELOT The Curve" is beginner-friendly and incredibly easy to use. Just remember to keep the curved tip upwards during insertion, and always use a water-based lubricant.
"CUMELOT The Curve" is a breakthrough in intimate toys. It's a masterstroke in design, blending perfect form with outstanding functionality. It offers intense vibrations, precise targeting, and unparalleled comfort. This is a must-have for anyone seeking new horizons of pleasure. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of orgasmic bliss with "CUMELOT The Curve"!
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